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Topic: 312: Failure Is The Only Option  (Read 19283 times)


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312: Failure Is The Only Option #15
Once the weird "NEET-supremacy" shit started this just kept playing in my head over and over and over again:

blunge Dr. Buttplug

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #16
This is one of those episodes where you can smell the breath of the subjects.
Lemon adrenochrome dome


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312: Failure Is The Only Option #17
For a couple of years after I graduated from college, I pretty much fell into the category of "NEET". A number of factors - depression, graduating at the height of the Great Recession, lack of direction, general tendency to sort of get into a rut, etc. - left me basically just sitting at home most of the day. And I guess there were some vaguely positive aspects? I mean, I did read a lot of books and I didn't have a lot of responsibilities, so that was okay, I guess? But at the same time, I did recognize that it wasn't sustainable and that I didn't actually want to just keep doing nothing all day long.

I think that the "community" aspect to r/NEET is probably the biggest problem, because having people around going "ah, the NEETs are the true heirs of the great philosophers of old!" probably reinforces their positive feelings about their situation. In this, it's much like every other bad Internet community of idiots who gathered around some bullshit identity.
adrenochrome dome


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312: Failure Is The Only Option #18
I can relate to the first paragraph, I mean I wouldn't be on ballp.it if I wasn't a loser at some point in my life, as per the final plug. Yeah, folks, this is the public forum where guests can read stuff! We ARE recruiting, and I'm doing my part!!!

I am glad we've finally gotten a sequel to the Was It Worth It? episode, this is totally that, even if it is a spiritual successor due to nobody wanting to read MGTOW bullcrap anymore, for obvious reasons. I find these people to be far easier to laugh at than the misogynists because at the end of the day, they're the same types of suckers that don't want to look fat and then eat 20 donuts under a bridge near PAX. It's chronic lack of responsibility coupled with a vicious entitlement and claim over achieving absolutely nothing.

It's the precise kind of pathetic that can never be sympathetic and that is why I applaud you r/NEET, mission failed successfully.
Lemon Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #19
You know, if you were twelve when the unschooling episode dropped, you'd be just old enough to be considered a NEET now, maybe we're following the progression of the same children in a Boyhood-style many-year epic
chai tea latte RoeCocoa Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop SHAMBA~1.SBB Yavuz Mr. Hunky Academia adrenochrome dome


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312: Failure Is The Only Option #20
While I do feel bad for these dudes because they're clearly dealing with untreated depression, I've talked to too many people who fall into this exact category to really sympathize with them any more. I think it's probably a combination of the depression, the community aspect that feeds into a sense of superiority, and this idea that they've had socialized into them that life is just a void you fill with video games and anime that makes it pernicious.

Like I've gotten into arguments with them that they should find a hobby that gets them outside, go to a library, go to a show, literally do anything but stay inside, and the response would be "but if I go to a show there's going to be some fucking idiot there that likes the wrong thing and I'll be angry all the time" or some other hyper-elitist opinion that can only exist in the rarefied environment of the online world, or just straight up "I have no interests other than playing video games and watching anime, fuck off."

And while that's sad to hear someone say, that's also the exact kind of person who'll turn around and scream and rage at SJWs ruining gaming or liberals trying to censor their anime or say that gay people deserve to be hated because they demand so much special treatment. To this kind of person, anything that forcibly drags them out of the void they've build for themselves is loathsome because it forces them to exist in the real world.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Tenerence Yavuz Mr. Hunky Academia The Smoking Dad Dr. Buttplug Classic Beef Ugly In The Morning xX_sp00ks_Xx


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312: Failure Is The Only Option #21
I'm glad the boots shares the sentiment that I have regarding life where I can hit rock bottom and somehow that's still not rock bottom because there are some really terrible people out there.

Yavuz Penultimatum

Ugly In The Morning

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #22
This seems like a community that, if I was naive and hadn’t actually seen it yet, would think is a good thing. People in this situation can benefit from having a support group. Of course, because this is the Internet, this the complete opposite of a support group.
Darkly, September 30, 2019, 06:15:55 pm

I don’t think it’s possible to have an online support group for this kind of thing that doesn’t quickly become an enablement group. Maybe if you had heavy, heavy moderation, but then you’d just end up with most of the posters making a new forum where they can keep propping each other up.
. Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB Classic Beef

Dr. Buttplug

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #23
I can understand wanting to be a ball of fat that plays nothing but video games all day. That's just modern hedonism. I just don't get the indignation and hatefulness. Where's the Dionysus type who's live and let live as long as i get my wine?

What I'm saying is Hedonism Bot should be a role model for us all.
Yavuz chai tea latte Boots Raingear Shell Game
« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 05:07:47 pm by Dr. Buttplug »

adrenochrome dome

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #24
This episode actually made me feel good. I've struggled to be independent due to a number of health issues and I've devoted a lot of energy toward convincing myself that I'm a lazy failure. Hearing about NEETs helps me recognize that I'm actually trying to do things, even if my progress is glacial.

I don’t think it’s possible to have an online support group for this kind of thing that doesn’t quickly become an enablement group...
Ugly In The Morning, October 01, 2019, 07:42:35 am

This is basically how incels started.
xX_sp00ks_Xx RoeCocoa Yavuz Spenny


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312: Failure Is The Only Option #25
There's a thread on SomethingAwful where a goon translates a Japanese webcomic about the daily life of a NEET.

I realize that like half the words in the previous sentence might have sent up red flags, but it's actually quite good and can be worth a look if nothing else.

Vinny Possum Ugly In The Morning

Vinny Possum

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #26
There's a thread on SomethingAwful where a goon translates a Japanese webcomic about the daily life of a NEET.

I realize that like half the words in the previous sentence might have sent up red flags, but it's actually quite good and can be worth a look if nothing else.

dickthedick, October 21, 2019, 06:46:37 am


Ugly In The Morning

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #27
The music intro on this got me hooked on Brad Sucks, by the way. No idea how I missed this back in the day, it rules

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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312: Failure Is The Only Option #28
I listened to this one again today and was reminded of a dude I encountered on twitch briefly. He had got some inheritance money in the early 2000s and bought some stock in some video rental company called "Netflix". Then in 2017 he realised he had about $150,000, or, as he saw it, enough money to abandon college and play hearthstone for three years straight.
chai tea latte Wrought Yavuz


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312: Failure Is The Only Option #29
Is it bad that I read that and went "oh my god the dream"?
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop