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June 01, 2024, 11:20:55 pm

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Topic: Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes  (Read 33671 times)


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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes
with Portaxx Jimmyfranks Boots Raingear Cheapskate and Lemon
content for this episode was compiled by Cheapskate
edited by Jimmyfranks.
Mpreg is a term that means "male pregnancy". And if you know that, you've been on the internet for too long. But you're in good company, because we're gonna spend the longest hour of our lives finding out what mpreg means, what people who are into mpreg fantasize about, and what exactly they think is so sexy about the whole thing. This episode, I shouldn't need to tell you, is very very gross. You should know that going in. This week, The F Plus enters the Pregnancy Olympics.

Madonna - Papa Don't Preach
Built To Spill - Cleo


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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #1
I can't get the new episode to update in my iTunes feed.  I keep getting error messages when I click on it

positive stress

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #2

Emperor Jack Chick

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #3
Mine isn't showing up in iTunes, but it is showing up instacast. go figure

Alpha Starsquatch

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #4
Doesnt seem to be just an itunes issue for me; if I try to stream or download it directly from the site I still get a file error.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #5
Whoops, link fixed.

Tiny Prancer

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #6
boy oh boy, this is gonna be a good listen while I cram art homework this week.

Mister Smalls

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #7
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #8
I was listening while lying down with my eyes shut. When I heard the words Mpreg Olympics, my eyes shot open and I sat bolt upright, no bull. I'm halfway through and this is already one of my favorite episodes. .Awesome work, Cheapskate!

positive stress

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #9
That episode was disgusting but also hilarious, a new favorite for sure, totally worth the nightmares I'm probably about to have

Fatty Bo Batty

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #10


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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #11
Goddamn these ladies are afraid of pregnancy


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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #12
I haven't listened yet, and let it be known that's only because I'm psyching myself up. I can already tell this episode is going to ride the line between Perfect, Vindicating Reactions From Sane People and Weird Shit Gets Too Real for me, because for a long time I thought this shit made some kind of twisted psychological sense. I only thought that because I'd only ever heard of it, not read it, but hear me out.

See, I can't make a baby in my belly. I don't date/plan to marry anyone who can make baby in their belly. This on its own, as a purely personal thing, is fine. It's convenient, even. Cock rubbin' and deliveries to the tradesman's entrance carry their risks, but the spontaneous generation of life generally isn't one of them. But if I do want to settle and have a family, the channels I'd have to pursue are kinda devalued. Getting knocked up don't need PR efforts. Generally speaking, the model of family we're taught to value and expect is two parents, Mommy and Daddy, who make their own damn kids. Adoption, IVF, surrogacy, these are all good and sound options but they don't carry the emotional weight within society that Mommy + Daddy = Baby does. So while I don't envy the process, sometimes when I was younger I'd occasionally see men and women together, clearly expecting, and... I'd get a little sad. Not even because I wanted it, but because I knew it was important, I knew I couldn't have it, and I knew anything I could have wouldn't be considered as good. It was pure irrational insecurity, but it felt very real.

So in an abstract sense, having never read one of these stories, "I want to write about two men in love, but I also want them to have a fulfilling family life, and as a bounded human being working within the parameters society's set up in my brain I can't imagine doing that without making one of them pregnant," kinda seemed like a weird but valid cognitive leap to make. It seemed stupid and ignorant, but in my understanding it came from a place of existential dissonance that I understood. Imagine my horror, imagine my disgust, discovering years after basically forgetting about it that it's this horrifying, gross fetish.

Screw these weirdos.


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #13
Poe's Law and everything but I remember a Tumblr post or two talking about how they were confused in Health class and their teacher had to explain that men don't actually have butt wombs.

Knitting Machine

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Episode 164: Father Goose's Nursery Crimes #14
I've only ever seen Mpreg before in terrible fanfics where the author wants two men to have a baby without any women involved. Somehow it never dawned on me there would be a whole "I want men to be pregnant so THEY CAN SUFFER" angle. And here I thought it would be an episode of more Omegaverse!