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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2018825 times)

jim and the mammograms

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As far as I can tell my workplace has the same attitude towards morale that dragon age has to relationships, where serious morale crises caused by fundamental work shifts  can be resolved with enough check-ins and a bunch of decorations
GirlKisser420, June 04, 2021, 01:38:23 am

"We're all very tired and stressed after a year of pandemic and having to take on a bunch more work for no extra pay, and there are a lot of systemic issues that make our jobs way harder than they need to be."
"Cool, well, here's some free Pride month zoom backgrounds and a mandatory webinar about how you really don't need therapy!"
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa


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As far as I can tell my workplace has the same attitude towards morale that dragon age has to relationships, where serious morale crises caused by fundamental work shifts  can be resolved with enough check-ins and a bunch of decorations
GirlKisser420, June 04, 2021, 01:38:23 am
Support 4's done such a great job! Big kudos to everyone for all their hard work!


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I never pinky swear cause that would break all rules of pinky decency.

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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As far as I can tell my workplace has the same attitude towards morale that dragon age has to relationships, where serious morale crises caused by fundamental work shifts  can be resolved with enough check-ins and a bunch of decorations
GirlKisser420, June 04, 2021, 01:38:23 am

Reached tier 7 Relationship
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chai tea latte jim and the mammograms RoeCocoa

Shell Game

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this thread made it to page 420
Penultimatum A Meat Mr. Hunky Academia xX_sp00ks_Xx Achilles' Heelies Seth "Slimy" Rollins Salubrious Rex Antivehicular jim and the mammograms auaurorau Great Joe Frank West Dr. Buttplug Ragnarok Boobies RoeCocoa


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chai tea latte RoeCocoa


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Those trees that everyone says smell like cum don't smell like cum to me. I'm worried there's something wrong with me and wondering which of the two obvious options it might be.


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Those trees that everyone says smell like cum don't smell like cum to me. I'm worried there's something wrong with me and wondering which of the two obvious options it might be.
Sauce, June 07, 2021, 07:29:31 pm
pardon me?
Shell Game jim and the mammograms Salubrious Rex


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Those trees that everyone says smell like cum don't smell like cum to me. I'm worried there's something wrong with me and wondering which of the two obvious options it might be.
Sauce, June 07, 2021, 07:29:31 pm

You're not the only one.


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Those trees that everyone says smell like cum don't smell like cum to me. I'm worried there's something wrong with me and wondering which of the two obvious options it might be.
Sauce, June 07, 2021, 07:29:31 pm
pardon me?
Hux, June 07, 2021, 07:40:05 pm
OK, now I don't even know if that's a thing and I don't want to Google it.

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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american linden trees, according to some, have a cum smell when blooming though in cowardly/'academic' descriptions it's usually just referred to as 'earthy and sweet' and not 'like a loaded cock blast in the face'. it might be a thing like how some people have a certain gene that causes spinach to taste gross or look past reptilian disguises to see their real form
jim and the mammograms Sauce Salubrious Rex chai tea latte

jim and the mammograms

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imagine not knowing this and walking through the forest and just smelling jizz wafting through the air
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Sauce Salubrious Rex
« Last Edit: June 08, 2021, 12:31:00 am by jim and the mammograms »

A Meat

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The Callery Pear tree also smells like cum, but that one doesn't have a Mitchell and Webb sketch about it

Sauce Salubrious Rex jim and the mammograms chai tea latte Lemon Dr. Buttplug


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since when did cum have a smell strong enough to compare to a tree? genuinely, what the fuck?
i guess it would smell if it dried (eugh) but i don't know nor do i want to know what that smell is.

that could be a good pickup line. "hey baby, i've never smelled cum before. can i smell yours?"
use that on someone and if it gets you laid please let me know. thanks.
jim and the mammograms

jim and the mammograms

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I wouldn't call myself the resident ballpit cum expert (although what a title to put on a resume!) but it strikes me as a thing where, like, there's a taste, there has to be a smell on some level?