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Topic: F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE  (Read 66713 times)


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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #165
I want Kumquatxop's entire wardrobe.
Not even to wear - just to hang up as decoration!


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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #166
I like my kumquatxop like I like his clothes: LOUUUD
Shell Game chai tea latte Saoirse-Lilith Corn Syrup Pavlova


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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #167
The fact is that "Recycling" by Puppet2Puppet Productions is a real play submitted to puppetresources.com

Whether Puppet2Puppet Productions is a troll, a really misguided youth pastor, or an actual puppet writing scripts for other puppets remains unclear.
Adam Bozarth, November 17, 2018, 11:50:28 pm


Adam Bozarth

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #168
Also, I realize now I didn't write anything about this magical weekend in the Emerald City.

I have to thank all of you for coming out and having such a great time, and a big thanks to all the Readers who came out and did such a great job. I was especially nervous because I had foolishly volunteered to put together the programming for the show. I thought I had timed out everything perfectly, but the first half of the show went TWICE AS LONG as I had originally allotted for. WHOOPS!

If you were in the audience for the show, I cannot thank you enough for your supportive energy and for making the experience so, so worth all the time it took highlighting scripts and going to Kinkos to duplicate "LaTawnya, the Naughty Horse." Having that energy all the way through is what made all of this really possible. It was also a lot of fun to meet people after the show and during karaoke. Sorry that I am a weird person IRL. I was in an especially weird, zonked-out state because I had been awake for over 24 hours straight by the time we left the venue. WHOOPS!

A big thanks to Jimmymostfranks for the hours of legwork getting the show together and for running tech while performing. I am very glad I got to visit Seattle for the first time by virtue of your invitation. Thank you to Lemon and Boots for bringing their personal touches to the show and wrangling everyone. And thank you to all the Ridiculists who made it out to Seattle this time around. Biggest thank you to Montrith for giving me a doc of stuff that wasn't long enough for an episode and letting me string it together into a show.

I miss you all so much, but most of all, I miss being on vacation. I can't wait to do it again soon!
SHAMBA~1.SBB Sherman Tank Corn Syrup Mr. Hunky Academia Ramona Chingona Pavlova blunge Wrought Turtle Macho Masc Sangy Savage Frank West Lumbermouth Achilles' Heelies Shell Game Saoirse-Lilith chai tea latte Boots Raingear Lemon GirlKisser420 NutshellGulag Wyst Emperor Jack Chick montrith Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. bubbleuj JamEngulfer

Shell Game

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #169
You weren't kidding, this audio is really good. Reliving this night is wonderful.

Ms monkey is my favorite of the night!

And i agree "SNITCHES GET HITCHES" is the best joke of the show.

Also can i just say that so far the scantion is actually quite good?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 04:23:22 pm by Shell Game »

Puppy Time

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #170
I have learned via wikipedia that Sylvia Scott Gibson, the author of Latawnya, The Naughty Horse, Learns to Say "No" to Drugs, represented herself in a lawsuit against Amazon, Urban Dictionary, and Wikipedia.

The complaint is... very much what one would expect from the person who wrote Latawnya, The Naughty Horse, Learns to Say "No" to Drugs.
Saoirse-Lilith . Achilles' Heelies Sherman Tank The Smoking Dad chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game Frank West Really_Quite_Nice

Adam Bozarth

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #171
According to the filing, her husband’s name is James...
The parent horse were named Sylvia and James Horse...
I wonder if this story was in anyway biographical?
chai tea latte Shell Game

Frank West

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #172
God there's a lot going on here. I don't think I get it all. Some things I think I do get:

- She claims that amazon is selling her book illegally in at least 11 countries. She seems to have come to this conclusion by searching amazon for "Latawnya The Naughty Horse canada" then " Latawnya The Naughty Horse japan" and since it came up in both searches, it must be sold in canada and japan, and those are separate copyright violations! I really like this because it means that amazon has also violated copyright by selling her book in atlantis, and on the moon.

- She says that 8 and also 9 of the characters in the book have her family's birth names, and she seems to think that the names themselves are something she has copyright over in addition to the book. I assume she's not aware what her publisher is doing, or maybe even that she has a publisher who goes and makes deals for the book to be sold.

- I'm not a copyright expert but I think she probably does have a case against urban dictionary, although she obviously doesn't understand that those mugs and t-shirts are autogenerated.

- The urban dictionary post indicates she's written erotic poetry and I think it's very important that I see that.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Lemon Puppy Time . Macho Masc Sangy Savage Shell Game Sherman Tank Ramona Chingona chai tea latte Corn Syrup RoeCocoa
« Last Edit: November 20, 2018, 10:26:26 am by Frank West »

Puppy Time

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #173
God there's a lot going on here. I don't think I get it all. Some things I think I do get:

- She claims that amazon is selling her book illegally in at least 11 countries. She seems to have come to this conclusion by searching amazon for "Latawnya The Naughty Horse canada" then " Latawnya The Naughty Horse japan" and since it came up in both searches, it must be sold in canada and japan, and those are separate copyright violates! I really like this because it means that amazon has also violated copyright by selling her book in atlantis, and on the moon.
Frank West, November 20, 2018, 09:35:11 am

Amusingly, she states in the complaint, "The Defendants crossed out the Countries names and my birth name where they were selling my name and book after I sent the Defendants a Cease and Desist letter," meaning she doesn't understand how search results work.

- The urban dictionary post indicates she's written erotic poetry and I think it's very important that I see that.

I think the "erotic" part was someone goofing around; she's done love poetry, but I can't seem to find anything spicier than your generic Christian greeting card.  (Granted, I am not strongly committed to combing this woman's entire output for bad sex poetry.)

I did find her website, which showcases all of her oeuvre, including samples.  She also has a youtube channel where she does readings.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Frank West Sherman Tank chai tea latte


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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #174
Can we toss on "drugs" and "horses" for good measure
. chai tea latte Shell Game Puppy Time Sherman Tank

Victor Laszlo

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #175

Darkly, November 20, 2018, 12:11:44 pm

"PLU offers three undisputed facts.  First, the web pages which Plaintiff challenges were not real. (UF 1) (“They were created by three PLU students as a final team project inProfessor Robinson’s Spring 2007 Publishing Procedures Class (English 312).  Each teamwas to create a Web site for an imaginary publishing house featuring real books.  The books were not part of the reading for the class, but were just used to create the Web site project.”).  Second, “[n]one of these books were actually offered for sale on the Web site.”(UF 2) (“The fake ordering form does not actually do anything.”).  And finally, those responsible for the web pages not only never utilized them commercially but had actually forgotten about them until Plaintiff filed this action."

"Among other things, Amazon.com is not liable for selling “birthnames” or for allegedly entering “the Latawnya book into porn.”

"Plaintiff appears to have misidentified the opposition to Urban Dictionary’s motion as their own motion for summary judgment. To the extent Plaintiff intended to file such a motion, it is hereby DENIED."

This thing is amazing.  It reminds me of my recent note (where I had to document why the 54 year old woman who hadn't had a period in 14 years did not need to be evaluated for a tubal pregnancy), where you have to do your best to remain professional in your documentation because it's a legal document, but the things you have been compelled to write are so ridiculous you can't believe you're writing them.
Shell Game . Puppy Time Ramona Chingona SHAMBA~1.SBB Sherman Tank Mr. Hunky Academia Frank West Boots Raingear Turtle RoeCocoa Wyst Corn Syrup JamEngulfer Really_Quite_Nice


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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #176
Alright, finally got a chance to listen to all this and get caught up with all y'all that went to Seattle. My thoughts:

1. So, with the knowledge that all the characters in Latawnya, the Naughty Horse, Learns to Say "No" To Drugs were named after the writer's children and other family members, I have to say I feel sorry for the real-life Latawnya.

"Here sweety, mommy wrote a book about you where you're a dumbshit horse that does drugs because you're too stupid to not imitate whatever anyone does in front of you! Happy Brithday!"

2. I also really love the fact that Ms Gibson went out of her way to make all the characters horses, in spit of the obvious logistical problems that arise from showing realistic horses smoking joints, and then doesn't do anything with it narratively. Absolutely nothing about the story would change if it were "Latawnya, the Naughty Pelican, Learns to Say "No" To Drugs".

3. What's the deal with Christian puppet shows? I mean I understand the basic concept ("Kids like puppets, use them for Jesus") but I feel like the only context in which I've seen puppet shows over the past decade has either been in the context of evangelism or those ironic puppet shows where all the puppets swear and fuck. What is it about the medium of puppetry that seems to draw hardcore Christians like moths to a flame?

4. In the same vein as Latawnya's horse-ness having no bearing on the narrative of her story I also really like how absolutely none of the puppet shows featured in the roster had any reason to actually be puppet shows. It's like, you have a fair deal of freedom about the types of stories you can tell when you're not constrained by needing to have human actors play all the parts but all the writers of those things could come up with was "Uh, basically some normal kids doing one of those educational skits they show you in health class...". At least make it about robots loving Jesus or something...

5. I am glad to see the Sasquatch people have recovered from the species-wide loss of IQ that came from their interactions with Joan Ocean.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Corn Syrup

Victor Laszlo

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #177
I also really love the fact that Ms Gibson went out of her way to make all the characters horses, in spit of the obvious logistical problems that arise from showing realistic horses smoking joints, and then doesn't do anything with it narratively. Absolutely nothing about the story would change if it were "Latawnya, the Naughty Pelican, Learns to Say "No" To Drugs".

portaxx please draw a picture of latawnya the naughty pelican smoking a joint and not helping the plot asap kthx
SHAMBA~1.SBB chai tea latte A Meat Ramona Chingona Saoirse-Lilith Wrought Corn Syrup Spenny bubbleuj Shell Game


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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #178
Can't believe I gave chai my ticket just so she could go on stage and fucking slander veggietales.
SHAMBA~1.SBB chai tea latte Boots Raingear GirlKisser420 Saoirse-Lilith Mr. Hunky Academia Achilles' Heelies Wyst Spenny bubbleuj JamEngulfer Really_Quite_Nice

Puppy Time

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F Plus Live 7: SEATTLE #179
3. What's the deal with Christian puppet shows? I mean I understand the basic concept ("Kids like puppets, use them for Jesus") but I feel like the only context in which I've seen puppet shows over the past decade has either been in the context of evangelism or those ironic puppet shows where all the puppets swear and fuck. What is it about the medium of puppetry that seems to draw hardcore Christians like moths to a flame?
KingKalamari, November 20, 2018, 08:49:23 pm

The kind of people who make (and consume) Christian stuff* tend to believe that anything that ISN'T specifically Christian is, at best, suspect; at worst, literally demonic and imperiling to one's soul.  Thus, they tend to be suuuuuper behind the times and ignorant to current trends in entertainment.  (I think it also helps that the kind of person who gravitates toward these movements tends to be the kind of person who doesn't like things changing and assumes that everything staying the same from one generation to the next is completely natural.)

Puppet shows were pretty popular in the 70s and 80s, so these guys are chasing that trend and not really positioned to understand that the trend is so dead that it's only accessible via irony.

*as opposed to just stuff that has Christian motifs or philosophy baked in but isn't specifically branded as such