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September 20, 2024, 07:56:47 pm

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 599832 times)

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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CTRL+V and post it #930
good bad literature


  • Professional Cool Guy
  • Paid
  • 222
  • -48
CTRL+V and post it #931
 due to the fact that the word "Dick" is both a short form of Richard and a slang term for penis.

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
  • 2,659
  • 17
CTRL+V and post it #932


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141


  • Paid
    • 29
    • 6
CTRL+V and post it #934

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132
CTRL+V and post it #935

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
  • 2,659
  • 17
CTRL+V and post it #936


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141
CTRL+V and post it #937
Some special educators are also
wary of neuroscience because they
associate it (understandably but not
correctly) with the “brain based”
education of the 1960s and 1970s. At
that time, the promoters of the
“Doman-Delacato treatment of
neurologically handicapped children”
(Doman, Spitz, Zucman, Delacato, &
Doman, 1960) said that reading
difficulties were caused by brain
damage that could be reversed with
activities such as crawling, breathing
through masks, and doing somersaults.
chai tea latte


  • Professional Cool Guy
  • Paid
  • 222
  • -48
CTRL+V and post it #938
let us adore you (reprise)

Salubrious Rex

  • Paid
  • 1,248
  • 42
CTRL+V and post it #939
Should you become very attached to Rex, there is a chance to go on the hunt for a younger brain for him, with three different options being available.One of those brains comes from Violetta's guard dog, Fiends. It is very difficult to get (an entire fort needs to be destroyed in order to do so), but it does make Rex far quicker in battles if you can.


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  • I just want to talk about trees
    • 136
    • 9

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,954
  • 667
CTRL+V and post it #941
Bee yourself! beemoji


  • i'm like jim jones but a girl
  • Paid
  • ouuuuuuuuuuughe
  • 690
  • -15
CTRL+V and post it #942
vivillon is meadow, maravol is aggro


  • Professional Cool Guy
  • Paid
  • 222
  • -48
CTRL+V and post it #943
emperor's new groove


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
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