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Topic: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*  (Read 323096 times)


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #765
godsmack was on the soundtrack to The Scorpion King, a major component to the rise of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Are you better than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?
chai tea latte jim and the mammograms xX_sp00ks_Xx

chai tea latte

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #766
I had seven months off the wagon earlier in the pandemic and I've probably now been six months on. it sucks that i'm drinking again, probably, but personally i don't super mind. it is nice to have a little whiskey on the weekend.

i'm drunk and i have this to say. i love whiskey dearly.
Salubrious Rex Macho Masc Sangy Savage


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #767
I'm drinking wine. Why is it bad to want to die? Like i just wnat to use less of human resourced for the dumb shit I do? LIke so much I want to do is dumb and I just dont want to waste what we have? I dont want to have kids and thats a waste. Im transgender and that's a waste. I have seizures and the meds for that are a waste. I'm just a waste. I'm drikning and that's a waste. I just wish I could contribute more to humanity and not be a waste. I threw out a pen earlier today cause it was out of ink and even that is a waste of plastic. I just wwanna not thinkabout the world or waste or anything. And i love ball pit. It's one of the few places where I feel like I can just be myself without anyone caring. i try not to go on the drunk forum too much ut I'm feeling it tonight. Sorry. I'm sorry. I make documents that make fun of people, but really I should just make fun of myself. FOr being a loser who wastes the world's resources. FUcks. That's why I make documents to make me feel better about myself.Cause at least if I can laugh at it i can feel happy for a bit.


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #768
I wish i could be normal and not hate myself. I wish I could just like myself and not be so awkward and so self conscious.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Macho Masc Sangy Savage RoeCocoa


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #769
I'm drinking wine. Why is it bad to want to die?thelizzerd, November 05, 2021, 11:03:25 pm

Listen.  Somebody was concerned for you enough to report this post, and that's why I heard about it.  Somebody cared.  That also got you a post from me.  I hope that doesn't make it worse.

Yeah, life's rough sometimes, my doge.  There's assholes to the left, and there's assholes to the right, and then you've got your own existential crises to wade through and then what?  What's even the point of it all?

Well, the point is to make the world a bit better.  You make documents, these fine folk here make a show out of it, people have a laugh, and for one glorious hour, everything's better.  That's because of you.  And yeah, you can recycle a bit of plastic, or maybe volunteer a little, and maybe that doesn't help with everything but it does make it a little better.

And maybe I'm trying to make things a tiny bit better myself.  You and I, we'll do the November Challenge:  It's where you manage to get through every day of November.  You'll be my November Challenge buddy.
Shell Game jim and the mammograms Emperor Jack Chick Achilles' Heelies RoeCocoa chai tea latte Lemon Boots Raingear


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #770
And maybe I'm trying to make things a tiny bit better myself.  You and I, we'll do the November Challenge:  It's where you manage to get through every day of November.  You'll be my November Challenge buddy.
Acierocolotl, November 06, 2021, 01:04:53 pm

I'm okay sorry. Sorry for any concern I caused. I shouldn't go online while drunk.
Shell Game

Shell Game

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #771
And maybe I'm trying to make things a tiny bit better myself.  You and I, we'll do the November Challenge:  It's where you manage to get through every day of November.  You'll be my November Challenge buddy.
Acierocolotl, November 06, 2021, 01:04:53 pm

I'm okay sorry. Sorry for any concern I caused. I shouldn't go online while drunk.
thelizzerd, November 06, 2021, 01:34:14 pm
Don't apologize. The magnitude of your words is important. They indicate your state. Know that it's the product of a your mind trying to process a life of stress and fear. I understand, intimately, the urge to pull back and try to bury the thoughts but you don't need to be ashamed that some pain slipped out.

Just remember it for what it is: stress. it's a real and natural thing that is not a sign of you being weak. it's a sign your brain is working. this knowledge can help you combat the more dangerous urges, so hold onto it, not with shame, but with confidence you understand what it really is. Again, it's stress. Take it easy on yourself for a bit okay? And if you need help getting to a point where you can rationalize yourself out of those urges, remember someone here worried about you, someone here wanted to help you, and someone here wanted you to have the tools you need to survive. And perhaps most importantly, a lot of people here want for you to succeed in survival. Not out of pity. Not out of obligation. Not out of annoyance. Just because you're just people, like us.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Semantic Weeb Salubrious Rex thelizzerd A Meat Emperor Jack Chick chai tea latte RoeCocoa Acierocolotl


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #772
I'm camping with my LARP group and we haven't had a chance to actually do a LARP since the before times and I'm going to miss getting drunk on mead with these nerds. Just trying not to cry cos they're the only thing I'm going to miss about this dumb country.
Salubrious Rex Macho Masc Sangy Savage

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #773
TL;DWTR / CW - Me getting mad about Christmas gifts to family. Pass on it if you wanna

Being smashed drunk is a great way to handle Christmas shopping for family, it turns out. No second guessing, no agonizing for hours on what they might think or do, fuck it. I'm gonna be the dork Aunt that gives my niece and nephew books, but they'll be cool things like Pokemon, dragons, and stuff that's fun to say aloud to a 2 year old. I'm especially giving my niece the Frog and Toad collection, as it meant so much to be as a kid. I hope it means a lot to her too.

And for the rest of 'em? I'll do my best and not give them like a shitty store brand shower gift set or whatever, but holy shit guys I'm underemployed and you put any art I give you as a gift ends up in the basement, so I'll do my best I guess. I HATE giving profunctory(sp) gifts, it's so lame and just shit.  And these gifts are for people making high double digits, if not triple digit, so it feels so futile and pointless. I just need them to specifically say "Amount doesn't matter, please stop doing gift math" to my dumb ass. And every year I have to give a gift to an abusive piece of shit, in the grand illusion our family plays that he's not an alcoholic asshole that tears everyone down.

Don't get me wrong, I love to give people gifts, especially useful ones, in a desperate, but sad way of saying "You're important to me, even if I don't show it very well". However, family gifts and the dumb emotional math behind it stress me the hell out every year and it sucks. Please let my small labors of love, words, and time together be enough. It's all I've ever wanted from anyone else.

Ending on a more light-hearted note, I'm totally giving my nephew manga next year and totally starting that shit :sickos:. COMIC BOOKS ARE STILL READING, AND I'LL STILL BE THE COOLEST AUNT, SUCK IT STEPHANIE
Salubrious Rex Sauce Great Joe jim and the mammograms

Victor Laszlo

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #774
TL;DWTR / CW - Me getting mad about Christmas gifts to family. Pass on it if you wanna

Being smashed drunk is a great way to handle Christmas shopping for family, it turns out. No second guessing, no agonizing for hours on what they might think or do, fuck it. I'm gonna be the dork Aunt that gives my niece and nephew books, but they'll be cool things like Pokemon, dragons, and stuff that's fun to say aloud to a 2 year old. I'm especially giving my niece the Frog and Toad collection, as it meant so much to be as a kid. I hope it means a lot to her too.

And for the rest of 'em? I'll do my best and not give them like a shitty store brand shower gift set or whatever, but holy shit guys I'm underemployed and you put any art I give you as a gift ends up in the basement, so I'll do my best I guess. I HATE giving profunctory(sp) gifts, it's so lame and just shit.  And these gifts are for people making high double digits, if not triple digit, so it feels so futile and pointless. I just need them to specifically say "Amount doesn't matter, please stop doing gift math" to my dumb ass. And every year I have to give a gift to an abusive piece of shit, in the grand illusion our family plays that he's not an alcoholic asshole that tears everyone down.

Don't get me wrong, I love to give people gifts, especially useful ones, in a desperate, but sad way of saying "You're important to me, even if I don't show it very well". However, family gifts and the dumb emotional math behind it stress me the hell out every year and it sucks. Please let my small labors of love, words, and time together be enough. It's all I've ever wanted from anyone else.

Ending on a more light-hearted note, I'm totally giving my nephew manga next year and totally starting that shit :sickos:. COMIC BOOKS ARE STILL READING, AND I'LL STILL BE THE COOLEST AUNT, SUCK IT STEPHANIE
Blood Book, November 15, 2021, 12:29:03 am

"The Book With No Pictures" is a modern kid book classic for fun stuff to say to a 2 year old.  Frog and Toad are timeless.  Also not a book but Google "cat piano" and get that.

Declare that "Christmas is for kids" and that only kids will be getting gifts from you from now on.  It won't be easy the first year or two but eventually you win over other people and it gets a lot less stressful for everyone.
chai tea latte

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #775
The change may be so slow to be imperceptible at times, but I am getting better.   I wish it was faster, and that I could control the rudder of my life more directly, but I need to accept fully that transitions in life aren't neat and short. There are a lot of things I thought I would be able to be and accomplish at this stage in my life, but I need to let them go. I'm hoping that sacrificing things in the short term,  by pushing through on this uncertain and difficult path, that I might be able to live a life that doesn't leave me in tears.

So many markers of 'adulthood' aren't accessible to me, so it's hard not to feel like a failure. Redefining and truly believing you are successful and doing your best by your metrics is hard, and sucks tbh. I dunno, I just hope that other people on this forum who have different paths in life see they aren't alone.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex jim and the mammograms Mr. Hunky Academia

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #776
I've spent more on gin than I did on the tickets!!

Happy more than halfway through the week, everyone this side of mountain time

E: Hana just did we appreciate power and it was fucking legit happy november yall
Macho Masc Sangy Savage chai tea latte Salubrious Rex
« Last Edit: November 17, 2021, 02:34:27 pm by c u next wednesday »


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #777
You know, I don't see anyone really talking about this aspect, maybe because it's so obvious, but I think the most depressing thing about NFTs isn't the scamminess, or the environmental destruction, or the weird cult-like devotion they inspire in some of the worst internet people. It's that they represent regression. The internet and the digital space in general had all this amazing potential to just make the idea of owning certain things a quaint and obsolete notion, but we're watching what feels like the final step in the colonisation of that space by malign market forces.
jim and the mammograms GirlKisser420 Frank West A Meat Achilles' Heelies thelizzerd RoeCocoa bubbleuj

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #778
Indoggo, the strawberry gin created by Snoop Dogg, is in 99.9% of cases foul and weirdly bitter. You can get it at Trader Joe's, so you know they're trying to dump stock.

BUT, when added to black market pink lemonade? It's goddamn divine.
Salubrious Rex


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #779
I hate the feeling between sober and drunk. I know I'm not sober. I've drank too much to be sober. At the same time, I don't feel drunk. It gives more the vibes of why did I drink without benefit of having the drunk feeling? I like the drunk feeling, but I don't want to drink more because I got work tomorrow. One of those catch 22s of the universe. Why is that a phrase? Which came first the band catch 22 or the phrase I gotta google it. FUCK. I just realized it's from a novel? Dude I was up in here thinking the phrase "it's a catch 22 came from the ska band". Wtf is this zoomer ggen z shit im on. I'm a fucking zoomer. zoom zoom.
jim and the mammograms chai tea latte