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Topic: Episode 104: Your Universe Is My Universe's Therapist  (Read 24560 times)


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Any wise man must know that there is much to the universe that he does not know. But the wiser man makes up a bunch of crap about other universes and then sells that crap to suckers for two hundred bucks a pop. On a completely related note, Burt Goldman wants to welcome you to Quantum Jumping. What is Quantum Jumping? That's privileged information, I'm gonna need your bank account information first. But while we're waiting for this transaction to process, how about I read some testimonials? This week, Isfahan will not hesitate to shoot his doppelganger.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Which CD do I have to buy to figure out how to get to the universe where I'm Batman?


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Not quite Kindleporn, but it's hosted by SEXY MARK BROWN!


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That's not how string theory works, stupid people! Stop saying that's how it works! Okay, now that I've gotten over that, great episode. I'm always up for some hippie new-age bullshit, especially when they try to present it as SCIENCE! Portaxx is best ridiculist though, for referencing Girl in Gold Boots.

Oh, look. It appears that the publishing company for this is hiring. Score! I've been looking for a job where I get paid to faff around and do nothing the whole day.

Imagine collaborating and hanging out with some of the smartest, craziest, most passionate people in the world. Learning the freshest, most innovative ideas in the world of education and personal growth. Having the freedom to propose and execute even your most out-there ideas. Getting all the support and coaching you need to be your best. All in a fun and positive way.

We understand that brilliant people hate rules and shackles, and desire the freedom to do their work—in their way. Our office environment and work style is designed to cater to A players. Every day in the office is an adventure. Plus you’re working with 120+ people from 32+ different countries, all in ONE epic space.

Look at all the beanbags!

This looks great! I can't wait to send out an application!

Ok we admit it, our culture is weird. One example, Mindvalley has it’s own secret society called S.P.L.A.S.H (Society for Platonic Love, Appreciation, Smiles and Happiness) that organizes weekly parties, cultural events and even weird theme days in the office. Work is never boring or stale. Take a glimpse of a recent S.P.L.A.S.H event, Female Appreciation Day, held every Mar 4 during


Never mind.

chai tea latte

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Great episode. Which Silver Age episode did folks listen to? I went back and listened to the Childfree Hardcore one because goddamn if those people aren't broken.

gee golly gosh

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I'm on my second f plus marathon -- I started at episode 1 2 weeks ago and listened to successive episodes back to back while doing housework etc. It slowed to one or two episodes after work each night during the week, but I finished Excuse Me, May I See Your Water Selection? this morning before work and am trying to decide whether I want to listen to Pokegirls or the new one again now.

chai tea latte

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The Pokegirls episode is pretty great.

gee golly gosh

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There is just something about surly, angry, broken Portaxx ...


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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I've been looking for a job where I get paid to faff around and do nothing the whole day.
montrith, June 28, 2013, 02:25:48 am

Hang on, it's not quite that simple. They have an important message.
We’re Culture Hacking Communities and Revolutionizing the Global Education System
Culture hacking? Oh boy! That's a non-bullshitty thing that people do.What fun people will you work with, Montrith?
Ngeow Wu Han
Artist in Chief
Wu Han is a user-experience genius and super hero designer, creating websites you want to lick. When he’s not delivering digital eye-candy, he’s hanging out with his 3 adorable kids, Brandon, Andrea, and Reuben. Ladies, you may go Aww, now.
To be clear, Quantum Jumping, with it's autoplay video, is a website you want to lick. You want to lick Burt Goldman's face. What other lickable sites have you been the UX lead for, Ngeow? And, in what I'm sure is a completely unrelated question, is there a corporate retreat that Montrith could pay to go on? And is it awesome?


Well, good luck. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.


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You don't have to keep scaring me, Society for Platonic Love, Appreciation, Smiles and Happiness and their extremely vaguely defined "Female Appreciation Day" already did the job.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Upon re-listening to the episode, I've realized the program doesn't include "Jumping into a Vat of Buttercream Icing" or "Jumping into a Mosh Pit of Lesbians While Covered in Chocolate". So I'm out.


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their extremely vaguely defined "Female Appreciation Day" already did the job.
montrith, June 28, 2013, 09:11:18 am
Aw come on now, you haven't even seen a video of the event in question!

CAUTION:  A number of you are about to get super-duper wet.


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Oh boy! I can't wait to get an extremely creepy massage from a coworker.

Why is the first shot of the video Wonder Woman's crotch?
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 01:25:28 pm by montrith »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Mindvalley has open positions in my field? SEE YOU LATER, SUCKERS! I'M MOVING TO KUALA LUMPUR TO JOIN A MLM COMPANY!!


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Finally got around to this one, and, goddamn, this was a good episode. It amazes me that so many people would actually fall for this... then again, maybe they know something we don't. Maybe we just need to go to the alternate dimension where we're all open-minded and accept how brilliant this organization is.