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Topic: [SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back...  (Read 16523 times)


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #15
You really have only yourself to blame for his. The cold open has Lestrade (yes! THAT Lestrade!) running to answer a text message from a distressed Sherlock conveying an expression of urgency. When Lestrade gets to Baker Street, it turns out that the matter Sherlock felt was urgent wasn't actually urgent at all! Classic mislead, smash cut.
Lemon, January 06, 2014, 09:56:20 pm

Hey, at least that mislead was purposeful! It's nothing compared to the two times they actually tried to start a better episode and then just gave up (you know how Sherlock Holmes sometimes just leaves mysterious, seemingly impossible cases unsolved and doesn't really care at all? No? Well, too bad.)

You watched that garbage, and you thought to yourself "You know? I'm gonna see where it goes from here" So you deserve everything that happened to you afterwards.

It entranced me with its awfulness.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #16
Hey, at least that mislead was purposeful! It's nothing compared to the two times they actually tried to start a better episode and then just gave up (you know how Sherlock Holmes sometimes just leaves mysterious, seemingly impossible cases unsolved and doesn't really care at all? No? Well, too bad.)
Moriarty, January 06, 2014, 10:17:41 pm

Writing an interesting case is haaaaard. Why bother with that when the fans can be satisfied with drama, fanservice to their romantic ideas and scenes in which the charismatic main characters acts like the lovable asshole that they love?
You can spend days working on a complicated case fitting for the incredible skills of the main character oooooorh you can do something that will please the fans just as much and requires only the characterisation that made the show popular and that can be written in a straightforward manner. Both options get you paid and both will please the fanbase.
And for the few who complain there will be one or two cases later in the season, what more could they ask for?


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #17
Oh good I was wondering when Sherlock would become Doctor Who: No Spacemen Edition.

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #18
There was a montage of Sherlock getting punched in the first episode.

I got what I came for.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #19
Oh good I was wondering when Sherlock would become Doctor Who: No Spacemen Edition.
EYE OF ZA, January 08, 2014, 09:09:19 pm
So just Daleks then?

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #20
Oh good I was wondering when Sherlock would become Doctor Who: No Spacemen Edition.
EYE OF ZA, January 08, 2014, 09:09:19 pm
So just Daleks then?
THE TRUE JUICE, January 08, 2014, 11:20:51 pm
cummberbatch is more a sontaran or an ood

daleks are weird looking creatures but they do travel inside rather sleek and not-terrible-looking robotic casings

whereas benedict, god bless him, has to wear that face in public all the time

EDIT: I was extravagantly drunk when I wrote this post but in retrospect I stick by my assessment.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 11:17:48 am by Cuddlesquid »


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #21
Okay, at least this one had a damn plot and kept moving the majority of the time. Though I'm kind of annoyed that Sherlock *spoilers*turned out to be a Horcrux.*end spoilers*

Also, they really need to lay off the "I'm a high functioning sociopath~~!!!" bullshit. Sherlock Holmes is not a 12-year-old with a tumblr.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #22
Sherlock Holmes is not a 12-year-old with a tumblr.
Moriarty, January 12, 2014, 08:40:52 pm
And yet I would finance that pitch.

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #23
Also, they really need to lay off the "I'm a high functioning sociopath~~!!!" bullshit. Sherlock Holmes is not a 12-year-old with a tumblr.
Moriarty, January 12, 2014, 08:40:52 pm
No, but he makes a very definite effort to maintain an image with other people. I think it's his way of keeping people at arm's length, particularly in this version. I mean, he's a douche and he's clearly deleted a bunch of social scripts in favor of ballistics and chemistry and whatnot, but it's probably an extra measure to make sure nobody tries to get too close. Kind of like Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect.


« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 12:06:23 am by Cuddlesquid »


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #24
why im angry crying right now
Im fucking furious at Moffat right now, and tears of frustration are literally rolling off my face. Its not that im being a spoilt brat about my ship not being canon- but i feel like that episode (hell, this series) could have been SO. MUCH. MORE.
I’m angry crying right now because for the last two years, this show has been my getaway. Its been my escape, my main occupant. The amazing fans and fanfics and art and /love/ we all share for the show has made me happier than I could imagine. Its helped me through bad times and the rest, and i really felt like i got to know Sherlock and John. I felt like i knew them through and through, and they were friends to me in a way. This series ripped that from me. Bad characterisation, scripts that can’t take themselves seriously and desperate plot twists with no soul have made this a terrible experience for me. I feel genuinely sick to my core.
Im angry crying because i feel like the show that has helped me so much was shit on, topped with bad jokes, OOCness and ~~no homo~~ blasted in our faces. That piece of shit was shoved into my face and Im supposed to enjoy it, because it was once something i held very dear.
I feel like I’ve lost a friend. I don’t know how to feel, and i just don’t CARE about the characters anymore. Because the writers don’t.
I’ve lost a huge chunk of my life tonight, and while its only a tv show, its gotten me through so much. I don’t have that anymore.
I need to lie down.
#spoilers#negativity#orla rants#im actually so dsmn upset


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #25
Sounds like Sherlock's gotten the "Okay, we've got them hooked. Now we don't have to give a shit anymore." Moffat treatment.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #26
why im angry crying right now
Im fucking furious at Moffat right now, and tears of frustration are literally rolling off my face. Its not that im being a spoilt brat about my ship not being canon- but i feel like that episode (hell, this series) could have been SO. MUCH. MORE.
I’m angry crying right now because for the last two years, this show has been my getaway. Its been my escape, my main occupant. The amazing fans and fanfics and art and /love/ we all share for the show has made me happier than I could imagine. Its helped me through bad times and the rest, and i really felt like i got to know Sherlock and John. I felt like i knew them through and through, and they were friends to me in a way. This series ripped that from me. Bad characterisation, scripts that can’t take themselves seriously and desperate plot twists with no soul have made this a terrible experience for me. I feel genuinely sick to my core.
Im angry crying because i feel like the show that has helped me so much was shit on, topped with bad jokes, OOCness and ~~no homo~~ blasted in our faces. That piece of shit was shoved into my face and Im supposed to enjoy it, because it was once something i held very dear.
I feel like I’ve lost a friend. I don’t know how to feel, and i just don’t CARE about the characters anymore. Because the writers don’t.
I’ve lost a huge chunk of my life tonight, and while its only a tv show, its gotten me through so much. I don’t have that anymore.
I need to lie down.
#spoilers#negativity#orla rants#im actually so dsmn upset
Garbage Dacey, January 13, 2014, 02:14:07 am

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #27
"Don't appall me when I'm high" is, I'm pretty sure, what I said verbatim to Juice after we'd discovered that I can't handle the sight of Nicolas Cage when I'm intoxicated.

We're going to need a goddamn keg to catch all the sweet, sweet nerd tears.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #28
Glorious Tumblr tears
Garbage Dacey, January 13, 2014, 02:14:07 am

Just to make sure... all of that stemmed just from Sherlock being made canon notgay, correct?


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #29
Just to make sure... all of that stemmed just from Sherlock being made canon notgay, correct?
Isfahan, January 13, 2014, 03:04:08 pm
To be fair, some of that wailing is because the third series is written terribly. Although the flagrant heterosexuality is likely the straw on the camel.