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Topic: So, Ballpit, what did we learn today?  (Read 94163 times)


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #180
I have learned that bonesmashing is a thing where you do light smashes of your facial bones in an attempt to restructure it and also there is a forum called looksmaxxing.com and I do not wish to investigate this further, thank you.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa Lemon

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #181
Mungo Jerry, the British band known for "In the Summertime", was named after a character from one of T. S. Elliot Jellicle Cat poems. Worth noting that this is all before Andrew Lloyd Webber further popularized them with his musical Cats
Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: July 10, 2022, 01:55:46 am by A Meat »


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #182
Mungo Jerry, the British band known for "In the Summertime", was named after a character from one of T. S. Elliot Jellicle Cat poems. Worth noting that this is all before Andrew Lloyd Webber further popularized them with his musical Cats
A Meat, July 10, 2022, 01:53:06 am

Ah, so that explains the facial hair.


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #183
I learned that
Naked figures with breasts and hollow backs might be related to elves (fairies).

In medieval folklore, elven women are connected to lakes, streams and bogs. They are beautiful but dangerous creatures. They can enchant people, and sexual intercourse with an elf leads to losing one's soul.

The elven woman Slattenlangpat (directly translates to 'saggy-long-tit') is described with her breasts hanging below her waist. Her long breasts symbolise fertility, and with them, she feeds her fish children by laying down on a rock or bridge by the river and tossing her tits out into the water.

Every night she is hunted and caught by the Nightrider, a figure with solid connotations to Odinn. Followed by dogs, he flies away with her splayed across his horse. The next night, she comes back to life, and the hunt starts over.

Thus a tiny elven woman in gold might have been a suitable sacrifice to Odinn, as this was what he put down on his nocturnal hunts.
A Meat Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa

Salubrious Rex

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #184
I learned that there's a person in English history called fucking Willikin. What a fake and cursed island.

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #185
Technically a tombstone is a stele, it's a piece of stone that stands in the open and has writing on it, but we rarely think of them as such.
Salubrious Rex

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #186
Stanley Williams, the guy who co-founded the Crips went on The Gong Show as a bodybuilder
GirlKisser420 Dr. Buttplug

Salubrious Rex

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #187
'Esquire' is a title used for a person who lacks any other formal titles.
A Meat thelizzerd xX_sp00ks_Xx RoeCocoa chai tea latte

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #188
Peng Liyuan (Xi Jinping's wife if you don't know), in addition to being a traditional Chinese folk singer, also holds (held?) the rank of Major General, and used to be the dean and teach music at the Chinese armed forces' university


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #189
Jin Shangyi, a masterwork chinese painter, did her portrait when she was a nobody and incorporated an old landscape painting into it that makes the whole thing reminiscent of a Vermeer piece except with, you know, the future first lady on it. A favorite painting of mine with a crazy story to boot.

In 1984, Peng Liyuan was still studying at the China Conservatory of Music. Her teacher Jin Tielin and painter Jin Shangyi were neighbors. Jin Shangyi needed a few models. Mr. Jin introduced three students from China Conservatory of Music. Among them was Peng Liyuan. This painting was painted in the home of the painter Sanlitun. It took five and a half days to paint from life, more than three hours a day, and then processed it. During this period, the painter saw the Northern Song Dynasty painter Fan Kuan's work "Snow Scenery and Cold Forest". He liked the Northern Song Dynasty. The landscape is rigorous and classical, so he tried to express the sense of volume in the ordinary, and created the painting.

A Meat chai tea latte Antivehicular

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #190
The most chaotropic (i.e. reduces the hydrophobic quality of a solution) food additive is vanillin. While the most kosmotropic (the opposite of chaotropic), is sodium citrate (E331)

this allows us to create a chaos-order alignment axis for additives, with vanilla being chaotic and sodium citrate being ordered
Great Joe chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #191
Today I learned, flimflam is an actual word meaning nonsensical talk. My relative I've heard called "flimflam" my whole life that isn't his actual name.  People are just making fun of him behind his back and I thought that was his name.

Dr. Buttplug

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #192
Today I learned, flimflam is an actual word meaning nonsensical talk. My relative I've heard called "flimflam" my whole life that isn't his actual name.  People are just making fun of him behind his back and I thought that was his name.
thelizzerd, January 06, 2023, 02:22:31 pm

Sounds like uncle Flimflam got owned by a kid. Nice.

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #193
There's a Czech research station in Antarctica called Mendel Polar Station. Not quite related but, Czechia's international telephone code is +420, so if you receive a phone call from an unknown number that starts with +420, it probably isn't, but it might be from Antarctica
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex thelizzerd Lemon

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #194
The word calque is a loanword from French, but loanword is a calque from German
Boots Raingear Salubrious Rex xX_sp00ks_Xx RoeCocoa chai tea latte