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Topic: So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What  (Read 41716 times)


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What
Like, It's been a while.  Is Irregular over or on a long hiatus?

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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #1
There are a lot of issues when it comes to scheduling an episode of Irregular. We need three people who are willing to talk about their particular subculture, ideally three people who share different perspectives. That's already a hurdle because naturally everyone has a different personal schedule. This is part of what prevented a brony episode from happening, unfortunately. Also it goes without saying that the interviewees need to be frank, calm, and willing to have an actual discussion, as opposed to a daytime TV shouting match.

Now, I won't speak for Lemon or Boots, but I personally would like to see more Irregular episodes. We're mean in F+ but through Irregular, we can show that really, quirkiness isn't that bad of a thing. It's nice to get the other side of the story since we always go for the worst examples in any subculture in F+. So if there are some people out there who'd like to be guests on Irregular, just shoot an e-mail and let us know! Hey, if enough folks go for it then we might be able to get a recording going.


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #2
Just how weird are you looking for? I mean, I could probably get three slam poets together, but I don't know if that's INTERNET enough. I suspect a lot of people could pull something similar, but they worry it's not weird enough for you guys.

A Meat

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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #3
I guess it matters how "into it" you want the people you get to be, because getting three people who happen to be bronies is much easier than getting three people who create fan content for MLP.


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #4
Just how weird are you looking for? I mean, I could probably get three slam poets together, but I don't know if that's INTERNET enough. I suspect a lot of people could pull something similar, but they worry it's not weird enough for you guys.Muffinator, November 09, 2014, 06:48:19 am

Well, would slam poets have an hour's worth of discussion about the weird wild world of slam poetry in them? Remember, it's for people to talk about their community, not to self-promote (beyond maybe a single plug at the beginning and end), so it wouldn't be an hour of them reciting material.

I guess it matters how "into it" you want the people you get to be, because getting three people who happen to be bronies is much easier than getting three people who create fan content for MLP.A Meat, November 09, 2014, 07:16:48 am

I was adamant about getting content creators for MLP rather than just content consumers. For one thing, content creators often see sides to a fandom that pure consumers don't. The signal-to-noise ratio would be much clearer from someone who has an actual presence and a continuity of reputation within the fandom.


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #5
Just how weird are you looking for? I mean, I could probably get three slam poets together, but I don't know if that's INTERNET enough. I suspect a lot of people could pull something similar, but they worry it's not weird enough for you guys.Muffinator, November 09, 2014, 06:48:19 am

Well, would slam poets have an hour's worth of discussion about the weird wild world of slam poetry in them? Remember, it's for people to talk about their community, not to self-promote (beyond maybe a single plug at the beginning and end), so it wouldn't be an hour of them reciting material.

I guess it matters how "into it" you want the people you get to be, because getting three people who happen to be bronies is much easier than getting three people who create fan content for MLP.A Meat, November 09, 2014, 07:16:48 am

I was adamant about getting content creators for MLP rather than just content consumers. For one thing, content creators often see sides to a fandom that pure consumers don't. The signal-to-noise ratio would be much clearer from someone who has an actual presence and a continuity of reputation within the fandom.
Isfahan, November 09, 2014, 09:38:16 am

Could you maybe get some child-free hardcore people?  They seem like a fun community


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #6
Just how weird are you looking for? I mean, I could probably get three slam poets together, but I don't know if that's INTERNET enough. I suspect a lot of people could pull something similar, but they worry it's not weird enough for you guys.Muffinator, November 09, 2014, 06:48:19 am

Well, would slam poets have an hour's worth of discussion about the weird wild world of slam poetry in them? Remember, it's for people to talk about their community, not to self-promote (beyond maybe a single plug at the beginning and end), so it wouldn't be an hour of them reciting material.

I guess it matters how "into it" you want the people you get to be, because getting three people who happen to be bronies is much easier than getting three people who create fan content for MLP.A Meat, November 09, 2014, 07:16:48 am

I was adamant about getting content creators for MLP rather than just content consumers. For one thing, content creators often see sides to a fandom that pure consumers don't. The signal-to-noise ratio would be much clearer from someone who has an actual presence and a continuity of reputation within the fandom.
Isfahan, November 09, 2014, 09:38:16 am

Could you maybe get some child-free hardcore people?  They seem like a fun community
Smoking Crow, November 09, 2014, 03:55:21 pm

but their whole thing is that they're not creators!


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #7
Childfree hardcore people harbor "negative enthusiasm" for something—they enjoy disliking children. Communities like furries, on the other hand, harbor positive enthusiasm—they enjoy looking at pictures of cartoon tiger boners and dressing up as wolves with sky-blue fur.

The point I'm trying to make is that their passion is based around expressing their contempt for something rather than their enjoyment. I can only envision a childfree hardcore Irregular as being humorless and leaden at best, and upsetting at worst.
Baldr Really_Quite_Nice


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #8
Then how about audiophiles


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #9
Well yeah, slam poets was just off the top of my head, trying to think of normal-but-maybe-interesting groups I know. I could almost certainly get you together a group of tropers, including Martello of EP148 fame.

A Meat

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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #10
I'd personally be interested in having some people super into anime, but I don't really know any people who would be interesting to hear from personally.

Tiny Prancer

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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #11
as someone who was really into anime, while I'd be happy to talk, I don't think any of the stories I have about that time are particularly interesting (maybe a few but it would really depend). I know quite a few people who had similar phases in their lives but I don't know if I know many people who have really interesting stories about their time or are willing to talk about it.

I do have a friend that I've mentioned a few times who likes vore, but I'm not sure if they'd be willing to talk about it, and honestly I'm not sure if they'd be happy to know I've mentioned them here, even with no name or identifying traits given. Plus I think they're very shy about having their voice heard in general. It's possible they could get in contact with people who'd be happier to talk about it, though, but I don't want to make them feel like they're leading their friends into a trap to make fun of them, and I know that's what it'll look like even in context.


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #12
Challenges to casting notwithstanding, a fetish episode would be great, preferably something really off-the-wall and impractical like flattening. So many questions. When did you first realize you were into it? Do you think there's a reason for it, or is it totally inexplicable? What does it feel like, in general? Do you wish you could change it? Is it a part of who you are, or is it just a weird thing that gives you boners? What is your sex life like? Do you tell your partners? How have they reacted? Any horror stories? Etc. That, I think, would be both funny and genuinely illuminating. I'm sure you guys could do it, too. There's got to be someone here who could make it happen.

For something easier to cast, uhhh... there were a few people who raised objections to the unschooling episode, IIRC. Maybe there's a lead there?

Wish there were some way I could help. I could easily rustle up a few reasonably well-adjusted and articulate anime fans for A Meat's idea, but I doubt whether that's really Irregular-worthy.


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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #13
I might be able to rustle up some pagans, but the ones I know tend to be fairly thoughtful and religiously oriented.

A Meat

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So Are We Gonna Get Another Episode or What #14
Challenges to casting notwithstanding, a fetish episode would be great, preferably something really off-the-wall and impractical like flattening. So many questions. When did you first realize you were into it? Do you think there's a reason for it, or is it totally inexplicable? What does it feel like, in general? Do you wish you could change it? Is it a part of who you are, or is it just a weird thing that gives you boners? What is your sex life like? Do you tell your partners? How have they reacted? Any horror stories? Etc. That, I think, would be both funny and genuinely illuminating. I'm sure you guys could do it, too. There's got to be someone here who could make it happen.

For something easier to cast, uhhh... there were a few people who raised objections to the unschooling episode, IIRC. Maybe there's a lead there?

Wish there were some way I could help. I could easily rustle up a few reasonably well-adjusted and articulate anime fans for A Meat's idea, but I doubt whether that's really Irregular-worthy.
JT, November 11, 2014, 03:40:05 pm

I was mostly thinking that if you could muster up people who moderate/own anime related forums/sites, you'd hopefully get somewhat reasonable people who have a whole lot of stories about how crazy the anime obsession gets. I guess getting the Something Awful ADTRW mod would work, and I think there are some other goons who run some anime related sites/podcasts, or do stuff like translations or fansubs who might be able to shed some light on that. There's also the people who do the Anime World Order podcast, which might be interested in talking about stuff, but I haven't even listened to the podcast so I don't know who the people there are.