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February 06, 2025, 07:47:08 pm

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Topic: would irregular do a porn industry ep?  (Read 29397 times)


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would irregular do a porn industry ep?
i mean not like kindleporn or porn stories, just. the porn industry, proper.

a friend of a friend is a porn starlett, so the potential to network some folks to talk about it is already there. would that be something irregular-worthy?

i just wanna test the interest before i go about asking her about podcasts and whatnot

Boots Raingear

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would irregular do a porn industry ep? #1
Personally, I don't think it would fit. In terms of what we cover, porn is pretty regular. Wait, does she by any chance dress like Yoshi and get nailed by a guy dressed like Mario on the internet for free? That could work.

This reminds me, I had this idea when we were in the Earwolf Challenge that if we had to interview a "celebrity", we'd start with something like "Normally our podcast is about finding other people's shit and reading it so doing interviews is weird for us and we don't really write our own material so we just got questions from another podcast and here we go question 1: So you finally did monster cock, what made you decide to do that?".

Fortunately for everyone involved, we got kicked off the week before that happened. Although, I'll bet Nick Thune would have been willing to play along.


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would irregular do a porn industry ep? #2
Yeah, what Boots said.

Really, by the standards we have, porn is far too regular. Not only that, but there's already a number of podcasts fully devoted to talking to people in the porn industry about the porn industry. Which... I cannot imagine the market for that, but it's there.

Obviously the topic's salacious enough to get some interested listeners, but what's the conversation? How did you get into porn? Do your parents know? These are questions that have been asked and answered thousands of times, and I'm not terribly interested in the results.

As a general rule, it's pretty fucking easy to get actors to talk about themselves. Literally hundreds of podcasts can attest to that fact. That's not really the kind of podcast we're making (although we'd be more successful if we were).

Also, while Boots' idea was funny, it would be better spent on somebody who wasn't an LA Comedian. I think we need to start a one-off History podcast where we ask a historian questions stolen from The Wicked Pictures Podcast (or whatever).


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would irregular do a porn industry ep? #3
fair nuff! i had a feeling that might be the answer, unless she was like a star of video-game-based porn or something


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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would irregular do a porn industry ep? #4
If she fucked in a Yoshi costume, I'm interested.
If she's starred in a series of videos writhing around in baked beans? Interested.
If making regular pornography seemed too degrading and she decided to supplement her income by starring in films where she kicks Spiderman in the balls? Totally interested.

Fucking on film? Eh.
Boots Raingear scatmaster rama chai tea latte


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would irregular do a porn industry ep? #5
This reminds me, I had this idea when we were in the Earwolf Challenge that if we had to interview a "celebrity", we'd start with something like "Normally our podcast is about finding other people's shit and reading it so doing interviews is weird for us and we don't really write our own material so we just got questions from another podcast and here we go question 1: So you finally did monster cock, what made you decide to do that?". Boots Raingear, February 21, 2013, 12:49:21 pm

As it turns out, having a line on and interviewing a string of actual celebrities is the way to win a comedy podcast contest.

It was like being in a science fair and one of the fifth-graders two rows over had her NASA-engineer father build a working miniature G-force centrifuge for her hamsters.