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February 09, 2025, 09:27:56 am

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Topic: 185: Because That's Stupid.  (Read 32190 times)


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185: Because That's Stupid.


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185: Because That's Stupid. #1
I could see how rollercoaster skates would lead to horrible back injuries if you stopped leaning forward at the wrong time.


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185: Because That's Stupid. #2
Whoa, jesus.  I replied to someone in the comments section with a Youtube link and it turned into a gigantic embedded video.  Is there a way for you to edit it out or just delete it?  I assume I can't do it myself since I just posted it as a guest.

A Meat

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185: Because That's Stupid. #3
I do enjoy the idea of the Joke Robot just inserting random Apples to Apples cards into joke templates like Bozarth demonstrated.

I'll be kickstarting Apples to Apples Madlib robots (PATENT PENDING) any day now.

Sun Smasher

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185: Because That's Stupid. #4
Sorry laughing pill guy, but the Joker beat you to it.


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185: Because That's Stupid. #5
I replied to someone in the comments section with a Youtube link and it turned into a gigantic embedded video.  Is there a way for you to edit it out or just delete it?
Cyberventurer, August 19, 2015, 02:40:37 am
S'fine. thefpl.us' CSS is set up to eat the screen's width with YouTube videos.


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185: Because That's Stupid. #6
I could see how rollercoaster skates would lead to horrible back injuries if you stopped leaning forward at the wrong time.
Isfahan, August 18, 2015, 09:38:54 pm

Or just if you used them as intended


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185: Because That's Stupid. #7
Roller-coaster skates would be enormously fun right up to the part where you get killed.


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185: Because That's Stupid. #8
Stupid..... or FUN?!

Stupid. Very stupid.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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185: Because That's Stupid. #9

Fatty Bo Batty

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185: Because That's Stupid. #10
During the "zipper alarm" reading, I couldn't stop imagining a guy pissing while the QI klaxon blasts from his crotch.


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185: Because That's Stupid. #11

I want all of my school supplies to have underground dolphins on them.

Anyway, I really love these idea sharing episodes! Something about the people who are so confident in their ideas that they forget how physics work is just... charming? It makes me smile, at least.
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185: Because That's Stupid. #12
Also, warmest greetings from Fuckistan!


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185: Because That's Stupid. #13
Early test footage of the joke-telling robot prototype:

Sherman Tank


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185: Because That's Stupid. #14
Holy shit, was there really an internet design meeting for the Gamer's Chip Clip?