I don't blame you at all for picking Super Male Vitality, Boots, but the FAQ for Liver Shield had this wonderful passage that basically sums up the whole snake-oil aspect of the site plus some great raw foods shit:
"4) Will I experience a healing crisis?
A healing crisis describes a phenomenon that sometimes occurs during cleansing and detoxification of the body and liver. You may feel worse during and after your liver cleanse than you did before you started it. The accumulation of toxic material must be processed to be removed from the body. This process can include physical indications caused by these toxins as they are further metabolized or oxidized. The most common indications include: fatigue, headache, minor rash, lack of mental clarity, joint or muscle ache, irritability, difficulty sleeping (or sleeping too much), or mood swings. Some people experience multiple indications while others have one or none. These indications will go away in 2 to 3 days as the body naturally expels these toxins. However, many people report feeling energetic and experience an increased sense of well being after the initial liver cleanse. If you feel worse, I strongly suggest that you need to continue with the cleansing process and perform a couple more cleanses. In addition, adopting an organic, raw foods diet and drinking only purified water with organic raw apple cider vinegar along with plenty of rest may help you to feel better. Massage and far-infrared saunas may also help to eliminate toxins from the body."

(And, for the record, everyone, it's Nik-ay-ur Dreck-in)