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Topic: Episode 201: Funding The Infowar  (Read 63192 times)


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #15
after my girlfriend ended up joining me for FPlus Live Four without adequately understanding what she was in for (I warned her like five times this isn't on me) she doesn't like to hear about it much any more
QueenSyreen, January 10, 2016, 12:24:03 pm

Oh man, I bet there's a good story in there.


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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #16
I am so glad that Boots brought up the whole spraying chemtrails with vinegar. I think this is the video he was talking about. It's 10 mins long but between the arguing and general weirdness its worth it.

Also, " Why in the World are They Spraying" is on youtube for free. In STUNNING HD

CatsMcgee, January 09, 2016, 11:48:28 pm

As an aside every video I've seen of people complaining about chemtrails is always in some Midwest/central America suburban backyard yelling at the sky.

Why don't these people move into the mountains if they're so worried about airplanes?


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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #17
after my girlfriend ended up joining me for FPlus Live Four without adequately understanding what she was in for (I warned her like five times this isn't on me) she doesn't like to hear about it much any more
QueenSyreen, January 10, 2016, 12:24:03 pm

Oh man, I bet there's a good story in there.
Lemon, January 10, 2016, 01:38:51 pm
She heard the words 'bad fanfiction' and latched onto the idea of like... silly anime fanfiction? 2005 style sailor moon and inuyasha mary sues with tricolored hair who are bretrothed to Sephiroth sort of thing. Which is legitimately funny but more niche than the FPlus tends to go. Not funny if you have to explain a poorly placed wapanese term every ten seconds.

I couldn't get her to fully understand that that isn't exactly your corner market until the show started with balls to the wall politician rpf from Jersey and by then it was too late. "It's not necessarily like that," I said. "It's worse. They get gross. They get really weird. Banned from 4chan weird. You don't understand. It's not all astral weddings. There may be semen." I told her that it would be ok if she, you know, stayed home. Didn't go. Did not do this. Nope. She thought nothing would faze her.

It ended up not really being her bad internet area of expertise. tl dr she expected my universe is your universe's therapist, not snoot by the foot.
Nifty Nif RoeCocoa


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #18
Hearing Boots' discomfort every time someone mispronounces Molon Labe is fantastic.  Kudos to the editor.


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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #19
I remember opening up a browser on my grandmother's computer five or so years back and seeing InfoWars and Drudge Report. After listening to this episode, I worry for her severely.

A Meat

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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #20
So are you going to sell the F+ episodes to doomsday preppers as "reasons why the apocalypse happened"?

Sherman Tank

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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #21
Hearing Boots' discomfort every time someone mispronounces Molon Labe is fantastic.  Kudos to the editor.
EYE OF ZA, January 10, 2016, 02:01:22 pm

Some of the gun owners I know refer to it as the Moron Label.
chai tea latte Isfahan RoeCocoa


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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #22
Jet fuel can't melt Adam's boner.
Adam Bozarth Sherman Tank Digital Walnut McMillan and Waifu


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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #23
Is it too late to request a name change to "Sovereign Boner"?


  • The Friedrich Nietzsche of Snuggling
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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #24
Is it too late to request a name change to "Sovereign Boner"?
ManMythLegend, January 11, 2016, 03:13:19 am

It's on your account settings page ya dummy.

McMillan and Waifu

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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #25
chemtrail cloudbusters
Quote from

I still dream of Organon
I wake up crying
You're making rain
and spending hundreds on Super Male Vitality

Knitting Machine

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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #26
Is it too late to request a name change to "Sovereign Boner"?
ManMythLegend, January 11, 2016, 03:13:19 am

It's on your account settings page ya dummy.
Spacebat, January 11, 2016, 12:32:05 pm

I'm free! Free from my terrible old name!


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #27
I listened to this at work today, then I came home and remixed it a little bit and uploaded a new file. I think I must not have heard it after running the last pass of compressor and that really amplified Jack Chick's breathing. If you liked that, I hope you saved a backup copy, cause the updated version is being served now.


  • The Friedrich Nietzsche of Snuggling
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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #28
I listened to this at work today, then I came home and remixed it a little bit and uploaded a new file. I think I must not have heard it after running the last pass of compressor and that really amplified Jack Chick's breathing. If you liked that, I hope you saved a backup copy, cause the updated version is being served now.
Lemon, January 11, 2016, 05:17:14 pm

I have a backup version, you can buy it on my etsy on vinyl or hit clip.


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Episode 201: Funding The Infowar #29
As a skeptic, this is gonna make my blood boil, isn't it?
Ambious, January 10, 2016, 12:10:50 pm

Nope, I was laughing too hard and it was waaay too dumb to take seriously.