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February 13, 2025, 01:23:08 pm

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Topic: The Wrongest Words is Retiring March 20th  (Read 17114 times)


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The Wrongest Words is Retiring March 20th
Hi there,

This post is to announce that I will officially be shutting The Wrongest Words on Monday, March 20th.

Essentially, it comes down to a crisis of maintenance. I've launched and worked on a lot of other sites since Wrongest Words launched, meanwhile this project has remained stagnant, basically ignored for two years, with the last commit to the code made in June of 2016. When the domain came up for renewal, I kept it going for another year because I looked at the traffic and saw people were still playing it. I kept the domain going because I wanted those people to be able to keep playing, and figured perhaps at some point we'd work on the game some more.

It's been a year since I renewed that domain, and the project is still in the same place. It still gets about 5-20 sessions a day, and I still never think about it. It's at the point where I can no longer justify the cost of renewing both domains (wrongest.website and wrongest.net) for a total of $32.88. The cost is just a reminder that I'm letting it sit there, and I'd rather shutter the thing if it's gonna be ignored for that long.

So if you want to get your last rounds in before that happens, please feel free. I want to give a very public Thank You To Dole for standing up the project. We never would have made the game if it wasn't for him, and I still don't understand how part of it works.

If you want to adopt the game, get in touch with me.

Thanks for playing.
chai tea latte

lazzer grardaion?

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The Wrongest Words is Retiring March 20th #1
Is there any chance we could get a dump of all the cards and sub-decks before it all goes down?


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The Wrongest Words is Retiring March 20th #2
lazzer grardaion? Runic Corn Syrup Kinjaav


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The Wrongest Words is Retiring March 20th #3



  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The Wrongest Words is Retiring March 20th #4
I relaunched The Wrongest Words at the same time as launching Invalid. Supports 3-100 players. Would support more than that if I had more cards.


Victor Laszlo

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The Wrongest Words is Retiring March 20th #5
The next 24 Terrible Hours will be a 100 player single elimination tournament.
Immoral Filth