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Topic: Episode 8: Reckless Behavior  (Read 12759 times)


  • Persnickety fussbudget
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Episode 8: Reckless Behavior
This is the first time we’ve had to take a break mid-recording because we were laughing too hard.

chai tea latte sambair Liatai Sherman Tank


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Episode 8: Reckless Behavior #1
I choose to believe that Humpty Hump can easily drink 27 bottles of Hennessey in a single sitting.


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Episode 8: Reckless Behavior #2
I choose to believe that Humpty Hump can easily drink 27 bottles of Hennessey in a single sitting.
sambair, October 25, 2017, 12:01:41 pm

Hell, he probably drinks 27 bottles of Hennessey with each meal.
Sherman Tank KingKalamari


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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  • Another typical GARY post!
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Episode 8: Reckless Behavior #3
I'm delighted that you got to do Humpty Dance.
Cheapskate chai tea latte