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Topic: Ephemera - short stories that could've only happened online.  (Read 61973 times)

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
Hi, folks! I've been working on a podcast for the last month or so and I'm finally ready to release it. The podcast is called Ephemera, and you should be able to find it on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Clicking on the podcast art below should open your podcasting app's subscribe button if you're on mobile. I recently launched a bare-bones website for the show: http://storiesfromtheinter.net.

Host Stephanie Bee uses primary sources to tell stories that could have only happened online.Quote from

Each ep is about 20 minutes, and I hope people here will think it's interesting. I wanted to find a way to both have a single narrator (clarity of focus, storytelling) while not just having a single voice (boringville USA) - the solution I landed on was to have other people read some primary documents, interspersed throughout the show. I think it worked out alright but I'm interested in what other people think about it.

The first episode, the one I've just released, is about bunny rabbits and a series of lawsuits. Episode 2 will be about a fake computer program that will torture you forever, and episode 3 will be about One Direction fans. I hope people like the show - I'm really enjoying making it. You can also listen to the show directly via Soundcloud.

Special thanks to a number of people from ballpit who were willing to read stuff in the inaugural episode(s).
(PS: I'm using a fake name.)

E01: Tell Me About the Rabbits, George
E02: Here On Level One of Robot Hell
E03: You Besically Killed 100+ Innocent People
E04: De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum
E05: just like lost but everyone is hurley
E06: Chesterton's #cockygate
E07: The Corrupted Blood Incident
SPL 01: Big Mama is Watching You
E08: If Marty McFly Can Do It So Can We
E09: EVE Online is Like Vegas for Nerds
SPL 2: To Be a Journalist In Russia Is Suicide
E10: if everybody drove motorcycles the government would collapse
E11: Emojigeddon
E12: Swatting: Terrorism for Children
E13: The Life (and Deaths) of the WELL
E14: i felt i should just go to japan and die there
SPL 03: The GDPR and the Right to be Forgotten
E15: A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? The world's biggest graveyard.
E17: The Other Nefertiti
E18: ** Paid Modeling Gig. **
E19: unfortunately, as you already know, people
Shell Game Eider Duck Lemon Wrought Yavuz I Liked That Joke Boots Raingear Runic Vinny Possum Sauce nuffkins, of all people, Salubrious Rex
« Last Edit: August 04, 2020, 06:19:36 pm by chai tea latte »

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 5,014
  • 669
Thank you for thanking me twice. And I already checked! it isn't [you ]!!

also i really like this format. it's neat


  • poster formerly known as dragon friend
  • Paid
  • my dragon element is pun
    • 343
    • 67
Episode 2 will be about a fake computer program that will torture you forever
chai tea latte, April 06, 2018, 03:18:28 pm

You’re doing an episode on Roko’s basilisk? If so, I’m looking forward to that one.

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
Episode 2 will be about a fake computer program that will torture you forever
chai tea latte, April 06, 2018, 03:18:28 pm

You’re doing an episode on Roko’s basilisk? If so, I’m looking forward to that one.
Friend Anemone, April 06, 2018, 07:14:33 pm
Your wish is my command. Don't forget to subscribe if you like the show!

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
New episode out! Listen to it in your podcast app, or directly on Soundcloud. I think it's a good story, and I got it here, so I'd like to note for the home crowd that Psammetichus III tipped me off to the topic. Next month's ep will be about something that happened on Metafilter in 2001.

New schedule: Ephemera releases on the third Thursday of every month.


chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
I've just released episode 4, "De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum", which is about a blog from twenty years ago. It's live in the podcast feed, or you can listen to it directly on soundcloud.

Episode 5 will be about an infamous :goonproject:. You'll have to wait and see which one.

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 5,014
  • 669
i loved this episode! what a Blastoise from the Pastoise. for real. i had a friend in high school who told us all she was diagnosed with cancer. we were all shaken but tried to be supportive. it came out months later that she made it up in order to "find out who her real friends were."

she didn't have any friends after that confession
« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 09:50:17 am by Shell Game »

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
Episode 5 is out!

It's called "Just like Lost, but everyone is Hurley". It's about maybe my favourite piece of SA goon drama. Also, it stars STOG! Everybody loves STOG.

Find it in your podcast app or listen to it on Soundcloud.

EDIT: had to reupload to fix the levels. It should be good now.
Shell Game Sauce
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 12:49:03 am by chai tea latte »


  • Common-gender prole
  • Paid
  • Screw it, I'll go with they/them
  • 592
  • 39
Just discovered this and binged all the episodes so far. Really enjoying what I've heard, got a great tone and you've already made great strides on the quality front, can't wait to see where you take this (and if you need more readers give me a shout).

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 5,014
  • 669
excellent episode yet again! every time i  listen i remember how much i love your approach

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
Episode 7 ("The Corrupted Blood Incident") is out now!

Next month: a special report on the Great Firewall of China.
GirlKisser420 The Smoking Dad

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
Hi! Here is a special report on internet censorship in China. I did a lot of research! I hope you enjoy. Find it in your podcast app or by clicking on the cover art below. Next month, Ephemera resumes as normal with an episode on stuxnet.

GirlKisser420 Frank West
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 01:18:56 am by chai tea latte »

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,877
  • -420
New episode is out! Find it in your app or listen on soundcloud. Starring STOG again! It's about a time travel bus powered by cryptocurrency. Next month: 3 stories from Eve Online.

PS new show website: http://storiesfromtheinter.net
GirlKisser420 Frank West Eider Duck Achilles' Heelies Ramona Chingona Sauce
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 03:38:13 pm by chai tea latte »

Eider Duck

  • Eats nothing but mussels
  • Paid
  • And has weird corkscrew genitals
  • 383
  • 20
I can't believe that you didn't include this wonderful photo in the sample pics of Roberto TM

chai tea latte Sauce