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Topic: Find An Episode  (Read 176892 times)


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Find An Episode
I have no idea where to put this, sorry if there is already a thread for this, but—
which was the episode that was about foreskin restoration and jelking?

and what episode introduced the lady that was convinced she was being gangstalked and had like, fan apparatuses for her bed and stuff? I think it was the first gangstalking episode?

I feel like I should be able to find these on my own, but there are apparently too many episodes about dudes doing horrible things to their dicks and people being paranoid to sift through


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Find An Episode #1
I have no idea where to put this, sorry if there is already a thread for this, but—
which was the episode that was about foreskin restoration and jelking?

and what episode introduced the lady that was convinced she was being gangstalked and had like, fan apparatuses for her bed and stuff? I think it was the first gangstalking episode?

I feel like I should be able to find these on my own, but there are apparently too many episodes about dudes doing horrible things to their dicks and people being paranoid to sift through
curlicuecal, July 27, 2018, 01:24:40 pm

The first one is episode 141, the second one is episode 50.
Liatai curlicuecal


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Find An Episode #2
Which one is "Can anyone stupid" from

Emperor Jack Chick

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Find An Episode #3
too many episodes about dudes doing horrible things to their dicks
curlicuecal, July 27, 2018, 01:24:40 pm

not enough episodes about dudes doing horrible things to their dicks, IMO
A Meat Shell Game Dr. Buttplug curlicuecal


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Find An Episode #4
Which one is "Can anyone stupid" from
Wrought, July 27, 2018, 03:16:57 pm

It's Always Cold In Chilli's


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Find An Episode #5
Related to jelqing, two particularly good moments are in episodes #210 (where the jelqing started to work!) and #234 (where Boots keeps telling Lemon to "look up jelqing").


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Find An Episode #6
Additionally, #141 contains the moment where the Jelq-King talks about why he loves the beach
SHAMBA~1.SBB agentanalogue

Captain Nobeard

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Find An Episode #7
What was the episode where there was some sort of chant, and there was a screeching sound effect that gradually built up(like the sound of a portal opening)?

I think it was somewhere in the 200s...

Sherman Tank

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Find An Episode #8
What was the episode where there was some sort of chant, and there was a screeching sound effect that gradually built up(like the sound of a portal opening)?

I think it was somewhere in the 200s...
Captain Nobeard, July 27, 2018, 10:23:47 pm

That was #202.


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Find An Episode #9
Which episode was the one where Lemon screams "STAMPS DOT COM" but breaks up laughing before he finishes?
Wrought Salubrious Rex


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Find An Episode #10
The intro of 172, "Untidy Whities." :3


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Find An Episode #11
Which episode is it where Jack Chick reads someone saying "I call it a Satan milkshake" in his anime voice? I'm pretty sure it was a conspiracy theorist of some kind talking about evolution, but I can't remember exactly which kind of conspiracy theorist it was. x3;


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Find An Episode #12
Which episode is it where Jack Chick reads someone saying "I call it a Satan milkshake" in his anime voice? I'm pretty sure it was a conspiracy theorist of some kind talking about evolution, but I can't remember exactly which kind of conspiracy theorist it was. x3;
Liatai, August 06, 2018, 03:12:10 am

Shots Bonanza, 23 minutes and 18 seconds in, yo.


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Find An Episode #13
For the longest time, I thought that the episode where Lemon says, "That growth is... ponential," was the Patreon one, when they read the reward tiers for the Bible verse animations, but this is not the case.  I don't have a clue where else it could be.  Please help.


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Find An Episode #14
Sham Bam Bamina,

I relisten a terrifying amount and probably have little sanity as a result, I might be the Ulilililia of F-Plus. When I hear this line again I'll let you know.