Okay friends, it's official. F Plus Live is happening again.
The weekend of
January 18th we'll be once again gathering to read weird shit on the internet. This time, we'll be in
Portland, Oregon, specifically
The Lucky Labrador. Your friends Jack Chick and Jimmyfranks have scouted the venue and have found both the people and the beer to be lovely.
WHAT?An entirely new concept this time around. With some prep work from Adam Bozarth, the theme of the evening will be "How To Put On A Live Show". One by one, your ridiculists will come up to the stage and will be randomly assigned content with the help of The Big Board.

With topic selected, the ridiculist has a set amount of time to read the content The Big Board has assigned to them. The other competitors of that round will be seated behind the ridiculist to make jokes with that content.
Winners will be selected by
you, with the final winner receiving the coveted prize: a hat that says WIKIHOW on it in giant acrylic letters.
There's still more to be figured out, but January is a ways away, so for the time being, plan out some plane tickets and
GET STOKEDBecause I know I am.