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Topic: 325: Butter Business Bureau  (Read 23535 times)


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325: Butter Business Bureau #15
breathe and/or drink molecular hydrogen.
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, June 28, 2020, 02:23:25 pm
Wow, that's a fantastically bad idea for several reasons
The primary reason is that hydrogen is highly flammable (and explosive) when mixed with air
edit: artist's rendition of your body after breathing molecular hydrogen
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« Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 04:37:47 pm by Friend Anemone »

A Meat

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325: Butter Business Bureau #16
breathe and/or drink molecular hydrogen.
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, June 28, 2020, 02:23:25 pm
Wow, that's a fantastically bad idea for several reasons
The primary reason is that hydrogen is highly flammable (and explosive) when mixed with air
edit: artist's rendition of your body after breathing molecular hydrogen

Friend Anemone, June 28, 2020, 04:26:52 pm
to be perfectly fair, consuming ionized hydrogen is also not a great idea, whether you're consuming it in water as pure hydronium, or as a proton beam, which you use to treat irradiate cancerous tissue
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325: Butter Business Bureau #17
I couldn't get a clear answer from the website which was promoting hydrogen (generally in solution with water, after running it through an electrolysis machine) as to what exactly hydrogen does.

H2, like other gaseous-signalling molecules (e.g. NO*, CO, H2 S), modulates signal transduction, protein phosphorylation, and gene expression, which provides its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, and anti-apoptotic protective effects.

They seem to go back and forth on whether hydrogen is an antioxidant or not. I'm no Doctor Science over here but I don't know if an extremely flammable gas is really the best way to prevent oxidation reactions.

Also the same website sells water bottles with little electrolysis machines in the bottom...which apparently you can plug a tube into and breathe from?? But I couldn't find anything in the product description about it so idk if you're breathing pure oxygen, pure hydrogen, or both, or what.

Oh and in case your water is too heavy (as in, literally, it has too much mass), they also sell deuterium-depleted water, with a lower concentration of deuterium than in normal water. If you just want to lighten up your water a little bit, you can get an 18L pack of bottled deuterium water at 125ppm for £75, but if you REALLY want to drink less deuterium they go all the way up to 18L of 25ppm deuterium water for only £275.

As a comparison, the bottled water I can buy at Kroger costs approximately £3 for 18L, so if you want low-deuterium water you're paying at least twenty five times as much for water that has 17% less deuterium.
chai tea latte Corn Syrup
« Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 07:12:48 pm by THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB »

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325: Butter Business Bureau #18
I think coconut shells is an actual go-to for activated charcoal but I don't know what toxins you'd be going after by taking it. It's used commonly for different poisonings but I think the last I read it wasn't that good for clearing ethanol.

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325: Butter Business Bureau #19
It might treat some of the oil-induced diarrhea  tho


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325: Butter Business Bureau #20
the dude talks about "reversing cellular aging", one of the telltale signs of cancer, as a goal, I don't think he understands any biology at all.
A Meat, June 28, 2020, 11:52:26 am
This guy knows so little biology that, when he had a high-fat hot beverage after a period of exertion in cold weather and  found it rejuvenating, he decided that this could only be because butter in coffee was magic. If this dude had shoveled his driveway regularly as a kid, he'd be shilling for hot cocoa as the AMAZING BIOLOGICAL OPTIMIZER instead and selling 30 mini-marshmallows in a clamshell box for $70.
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Dr. Buttplug

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325: Butter Business Bureau #21
I feel like Lemon threw down the buttplug gauntlet at the end of the episode.
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325: Butter Business Bureau #22
I feel like Lemon threw down the buttplug gauntlet at the end of the episode.
Dr. Buttplug, June 29, 2020, 06:16:58 am

Is a buttplug gauntlet just a glove with buttplugs at the end of each finger?

Dr. Buttplug

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325: Butter Business Bureau #23
I feel like Lemon threw down the buttplug gauntlet at the end of the episode.
Dr. Buttplug, June 29, 2020, 06:16:58 am

Is a buttplug gauntlet just a glove with buttplugs at the end of each finger?
Oats, June 29, 2020, 11:37:25 am
NSFW content. Click to show.
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325: Butter Business Bureau #24
bulletproof is for mask-on libertarians, Infowars is for mask-offs.
Seth "Slimy" Rollins, June 28, 2020, 11:36:54 am

I initially read this as referring to masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and it still worked.
chai tea latte

Tipsy Almond

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325: Butter Business Bureau #25
I did a bit of poking around on the topic of butter coffee. A normal recipe has about 1 tablespoon of butter per 8 oz cup, and the people who drink it are usually undergoing strenuous physical activity, which compensates for the higher fat consumption.

Dumping 4 tablespoons of oil into an 8 oz cuppa joe, eating vitamin pills and activated charcoal, and injecting stem cells into your bloodstream is, needless to say, not healthy. :B


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325: Butter Business Bureau #26
I really need Boots edit points for my real life wherever I mess up math or make a Heathcliff reference no one under 40 knows.