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Topic: Look, I have some podcasts, okay?  (Read 11421 times)

positive stress

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Look, I have some podcasts, okay?
Extra Credit was the first podcast I ever did, and it put the brain disease in me that makes me think podcasting is a good use of my time so now I have a few more so here they are. I'm sorry. I've been podcasting for like three and a half years and I haven't plugged my podcasts here until now

My brother (Breakfast who is also on Extra Credit) and I did a podcast for a couple years, Juergen' It. It's about the bad ABC Family show, The Secret Life of the American Teenager. We talked about all five seasons, then finished off the podcast with two absolutely batshit and incredibly fun "season 6" fanfics I found on wattpad. We had some guests you might know including Stog and Shell Game and Chai!

Currently we are in the middle of a similarly flavored podcast, Kyle X Why? about ABC Family show Kyle XY, which you probably know only for the promo images of the mysterious boy with no belly button. It turns out, it's actually a pretty good show! We've really been enjoying it!

I also have a third podcast, Zero to Zero, that I do with my friends Val and Gigalithic. It was originally a podcast about the very weird and shitty Sci-Fi Channel reality show, Who Wants to Be a Superhero? but we have resurrected it for a series on the Snyder Cut! Oh boy!

Lastly, I'm not officially on it anymore, but occasionally I will appear on Henry Kissinger Is Pokemon Going to Die, a podcast that I guess is best described as a current events/political shitposting podcast. Most recently I was on last month to do a bracket where we determined the massive-air-quotes "best" Trump administration funny moment, which was a very fun brain melting experience.

Listen to my podcasts, if you want! I think they're good! Thanks, and sorry again!
Mr. Hunky Academia chai tea latte adrenochrome dome thelizzerd


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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #1
Currently we are in the middle of a similarly flavored podcast, Kyle X Why? about ABC Family show Kyle XY, which you probably know only for the promo images of the mysterious boy with no belly button.
positive stress, March 25, 2021, 01:36:42 am

Not true: I know this one because April Matson is my acting teacher.

positive stress

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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #2
Tell her there are two people on earth watching Kyle XY in 2021 and they both really enjoy her character Lori Trager
chai tea latte Cheapskate Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop A Meat


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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #3
I've never even heard of Kyle XY

chai tea latte

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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #4
Question: how come you didn't watch all 4 hours of the snyder cut in one sitting? I feel like you don't hate the experience enough and I'm worried that's part of why.
Salubrious Rex

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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #5
I watched part 2 today and I think I hated it plenty, don't worry
chai tea latte

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #6
I've never even heard of Kyle XY
thelizzerd, March 25, 2021, 04:29:08 pm
You are missing out on a formative piece of aughtz media

positive stress

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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #7

Have you considered, taking a look at this handsome boy we love to see?
Immoral Filth

adrenochrome dome

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Look, I have some podcasts, okay? #8
I recently stumbled upon Zero to Zero and it's resurrected fond memories of staring, dumbfounded, at the TV. I was in high school when Who Wants to be a Superhero aired and I had a couple of friends who were also into it, which was great. It was the fakest show on TV and it holds a special place as the only the only reality show I've enjoyed watching.

I'm really loving the podcast, as it's a way to relive my favorite moments without rewatching the entirety of that bafflingly cringey specimen of a show.

(Also, I'm not into Drag Race, but I can see a lot of shared elements, like the pageantry and the titular host who usually interacts via precoded videos.)