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Topic: So, Ballpit, what did we learn today?  (Read 138738 times)

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today?
This thread for weird facts and trivia you learned.

I learned the music duo LMFAO are related to former US president Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter's grandfather was the half brother of Redfoo's great grandfather
Great Joe Seth "Slimy" Rollins jim and the mammograms The Smoking Dad I Liked That Joke Mr. Hunky Academia

Great Joe

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #1
I recently learned about rivnuts, the rivets that instead of attaching two metal plates together, attach a nut to one metal plate.

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #2
In Where's Waldo (or Where's Wally if you're British), Waldo has an official nemesis, called Odlaw, he lives in a swamp and he looks like this

I Liked That Joke Lemon GirlKisser420 Great Joe Shell Game chai tea latte Achilles' Heelies


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #3
Today I learned “Who Let the Dogs Out” by the Baha Men is actually a cover. It was originally written by Anslem Douglas, a soca musician from Trinidad, in 1998 - two years before the Baha Men’s version.
A Meat Lemon Salubrious Rex Great Joe RoeCocoa thelizzerd

Great Joe

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #4
Today I learned that dishwasher doors have a surprisingly large internal bottle for keeping rinse-aid.

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #5
Today I learned “Who Let the Dogs Out” by the Baha Men is actually a cover. It was originally written by Anslem Douglas, a soca musician from Trinidad, in 1998 - two years before the Baha Men’s version.
Dragon Friend, June 05, 2021, 11:43:49 am
Same thing with Bow Wow Wow's "I Want Candy", it's originally by The Strangeloves and is from 1965. The versions are very similar, but the Bow Wow Wow one doesn't have a saxophone

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #6
In Where's Waldo (or Where's Wally if you're British), Waldo has an official nemesis, called Odlaw, he lives in a swamp and he looks like this

A Meat, June 05, 2021, 04:15:12 am

Today I learned that Odlaw is backwards for Waldo and not just some made up name that sounds vaguely menacing. I'd never seen them in the same sentence because I know him as Wally, so the meaning was lost.

Achilles' Heelies

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #7
In Where's Waldo (or Where's Wally if you're British), Waldo has an official nemesis, called Odlaw, he lives in a swamp and he looks like this

A Meat, June 05, 2021, 04:15:12 am
Yeknod, get outta my swamp!
Dr. Buttplug


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #8
I've never understood why Wally had a nemesis called Odlaw when it's what the American version of a British book calls the main character.

ETA: There's a good 99% invisible episode about who let the dogs out. https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/whomst-among-us-let-the-dogs-out/ if anyone is interested.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2021, 04:20:38 pm by Blandest »

Great Joe

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #9
My digital caliper has a brake in it that's just a strip of copper kept in place by tiny thread screws and actuated by a thumbscrew.

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #10
César Cui, beyond being a prolific composer who was part of the Russian classical musical clique The Five (with Mussorgsky, Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov and Borodin) and a being music critic was apparently an Engineer-General in the Imperial Russian Army, which is a full fledged general. You were supposed to address him as Your High Excellency, which is apparently impossibly long in Russian (Ваше Высокопревосходительство, or transliterated as Vashe Vysokoprevoskhoditelstvo)
Great Joe Salubrious Rex

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #11
I learned what the difference between a reamer and a broach is

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #12
when Clive Barker was working to make the first Hellraiser movie, the execs said he couldn't name it The Hellbound Heart after his original novel, so he asked around the studio for ideas for a name and one older woman said 'What A Woman Won't Do For A Good Fuck'
A Meat Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #13
Well known idiot Malcom Gladwell apparently used to be a very high level runner, running 1500 meters in under 4 minutes

The Killer Dynamo

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #14
I learned the definitional difference between "tactics" and "strategy."

(Strategy is an overall goal or plan. Tactics are the small steps in the process of reaching it.)
Great Joe Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa Salubrious Rex