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Topic: So, Ballpit, what did we learn today?  (Read 140246 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #30
I learned that the intro to a news story is spelled lede and not lead, because a part of the linotype machine they used to print newspapers was already called the lead, so they misspelled "lead" to not confuse people. Then I found out that lede only started to be used at the very end of the linotype's lifespan so that's probably not true.

I didn't learn anything.
Frank West, June 13, 2021, 08:39:08 pm

Linotype machines fucking rule. Printed text for a long time was set by hand, with each letter being on a single piece of lead. But if you want to print newspapers or the like, time is of the essence. So you type up your line on the linotype, drops the mold as you type, and then casts the whole line in lead right there. When you're done, you toss it right back in the pot of bubbling lead to be reused. This is why old newspapers have really rigid kerning and columns.

Printmaking rules.
Penultimatum Frank West chai tea latte A Meat Salubrious Rex

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #31
adj. Having shapely buttocks
Sauce, June 20, 2021, 04:21:37 pm
There's a famous Roman statue called Venus Callipyge of a woman admiring her own shapely ass
Dr. Buttplug Sauce RoeCocoa Great Joe Salubrious Rex


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #32
Speaking of, all of you reading this just learned that the art archaeology term for 'has a boner' is "ithyphallic".
Sauce RoeCocoa Salubrious Rex

ham burger

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #33
Today I learned “Who Let the Dogs Out” by the Baha Men is actually a cover. It was originally written by Anslem Douglas, a soca musician from Trinidad, in 1998 - two years before the Baha Men’s version.
Dragon Friend, June 05, 2021, 11:43:49 am

I learned this recently, too, and then I'd like to add on that when I learned that, I also learned that the Baha Men had been a band since 1977.
Salubrious Rex

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #34
I learned that Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is surprisingly common for a rare disease (a figure I found is 1 in 2500 people, but I'm not sure where it's from), and that it's a peripheral nervous system neuropathy that's expressed almost entirely through symptoms in the legs (too much arch, foot drop, hammer toe and muscle atrophy in the legs).

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #35
Two of the people in the demon trading shop in Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers are named after Devo songs (Mr. DNA and Timing X)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #36
Apparently you can make a violin similar in quality to a Stradivarius violin by treating the wood with fungus.

The fungal attack changes the cell structure of the wood, reducing its density and simultaneously increasing its homogeneity. “Compared to a conventional instrument, a violin made of wood treated with the fungus has a warmer, more rounded sound,” explains Francis Schwarze.

Another theory is that the wood sourced for the violins also were special from the Little Ice Age slowing the growth of the trees, creating very dense and even wood.

Salubrious Rex

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #37
The London Clowns’ Gallery-Museum, which is where the Clown Eggs were, is now permanently closed.
chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx RoeCocoa


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #38
Weird ice cream maker Dippin' Dots developed the freezer technology that allowed the COVID vaccines to be widely distributed.
jim and the mammograms Frank West RoeCocoa

jim and the mammograms

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #39
You would need around 200 drinks to give a horse alcohol poisoning.
chai tea latte

chai tea latte

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #40
You would need around 200 drinks to give a horse alcohol poisoning.
jim and the mammograms, June 24, 2021, 06:20:49 pm
today i learned i can NOT outdrink the average horse.
jim and the mammograms Salubrious Rex A Meat Frank West

jim and the mammograms

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #41
You would need around 200 drinks to give a horse alcohol poisoning.
jim and the mammograms, June 24, 2021, 06:20:49 pm
today i learned i can NOT outdrink the average horse.
chai tea latte, June 24, 2021, 10:55:09 pm

The low end of the estimate was 170 drinks, so perhaps you can outdrink a lightweight horse if you believe in yourself and you have a spare liver waiting in the car.

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #42
You would need around 200 drinks to give a horse alcohol poisoning.
jim and the mammograms, June 24, 2021, 06:20:49 pm
today i learned i can NOT outdrink the average horse.
chai tea latte, June 24, 2021, 10:55:09 pm

The low end of the estimate was 170 drinks, so perhaps you can outdrink a lightweight horse if you believe in yourself and you have a spare liver waiting in the car.
jim and the mammograms, June 24, 2021, 11:00:07 pm
i can do that
jim and the mammograms Great Joe Salubrious Rex

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #43
mammals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons
Great Joe Penultimatum RoeCocoa

Tipsy Almond

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #44
The default Windows XP background "Bliss" is an actual place in California wine country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bliss_(image)
A Meat xX_sp00ks_Xx chai tea latte Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa Dr. Buttplug