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Topic: Some more changes nobody asked for  (Read 12534 times)


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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Some more changes nobody asked for
I dunno if any of you noticed this, but I was always bothered by how, if you went to the page with all the episodes, you'd get a grid of images, but if your browser didn't have the images loaded in yet, you'd just get this white emptiness while it loaded.

So, I just changed that. When you come to the page, there's a loading skeleton that gives you a bit of episode information, and then the image will lazyload over that.

This will affect any page with the grid structure - the other notable one being the "other projects" page.

Also, while I was at it, the grid structure could get kind of clumsy at 3, so now - there's no breakpoint that will display an odd number of images in a row.

That's all! Github Issue is here if you care, but otherwise bye!
thelizzerd Great Joe Salubrious Rex
« Last Edit: December 11, 2021, 02:12:01 pm by Lemon »


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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Some more changes nobody asked for #1
This happens on the /meet page as well.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Some more changes nobody asked for #2
Lemon tinkering on the FPlus website is just the web designer version of dads tinkering out in garages
thelizzerd jim and the mammograms


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Some more changes nobody asked for #3
Lemon tinkering on the FPlus website is just the web designer version of dads tinkering out in garages
Macho Masc Sangy Savage, December 11, 2021, 06:24:20 pm

He is a dad, we don't know he could keep his computer in the garage. This could be a literal thing and not just a metaphor.
Puppy Time


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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Some more changes nobody asked for #4
A couple more things you'll probably never notice....

  • I've made some kind of substantial updates to the RSS feed. There is (documented, but not at all consistently implemented) support for cast lists, chapters and transcripts, and so I have that referenced in the RSS feed if it exists.
  • Note that it's up to the podcatcher whether or not it chooses to ignore that data. So the thing where Spotify just randomly creates chapters and piss-poor transcripts based on its garbage AI? It will continue to do that. But other software will respect the files I've provided. Seems weird to ignore explictly defined data, but I guess ignoring what the content creator would prefer is very much on-brand for Spotify.
  • I've expanded the search criteria, so when you're using the site's search function, it will now search for your string in chapters names and bonus content. This is in addition to title, summary, featured site, music used, and tags, which is the fill list of what's explored when you do a search on the site.

If you're interested, the RSS documentation is here
thelizzerd PaulLovesToLaugh Sauce SHAMBA~1.SBB