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Topic: 366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again  (Read 40342 times)


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again
chai tea latte Boots Raingear Secret Gaygent 69 Salubrious Rex Immoral Filth kthorjensen SHAMBA~1.SBB Phantom Creep Dr. Buttplug Penultimatum

Captain Fargle

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #1
There's no way the "penis fish" guy isn't just talking about geoducks and getting confused.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 05:16:10 pm by Captain Fargle »

Secret Gaygent 69

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #2
chai tea latte


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #3
my fav mandela effect posting is the fruit/froot loops guy, who thought he was constantly shifting b/w universes with alternate spellings of froot loops, and taped plates to the wall to see if they would turn into different shapes:

also, congrats kthor on 8,000+ Cum Shirts!
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex adrenochrome dome Secret Gaygent 69 cube abuser A Meat Boots Raingear Frank West Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB DUDEVSTHEWORLD

Salubrious Rex

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #4
God damn Mandela Effect strikes again, yesterday I find out that Meatcylinder passed away but I thought he died on the set of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Also people keep calling him Meatloaf? Man, fuck this universe. Why would you do this to me Nelson Mandella?
adrenochrome dome chai tea latte Puppy Time Boots Raingear Penultimatum


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #5
There's no way the "penis fish" guy isn't just talking about geoducks and getting confused.

Captain Fargle, January 22, 2022, 04:54:16 pm

Penis fish are a real thing, but my brain also went to geoducks.

I'm having a lot of fun with listening to these stories and then working backward to figure out what actually happened. Yellow sun guy got confused by cartoons. Ovals guy internalized the list of shapes a kindergarten teacher gave him. Eggs are dairy guy mixed up the 'dairy' and 'protein' sections of the food pyramid because they're adjacent.
Frank West

adrenochrome dome

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #6
my fav mandela effect posting is the fruit/froot loops guy, who thought he was constantly shifting b/w universes with alternate spellings of froot loops, and taped plates to the wall to see if they would turn into different shapes:

also, congrats kthor on 8,000+ Cum Shirts!
1234GO!, January 22, 2022, 10:35:37 pm

This is a sad version of the Christmas lights in Stranger Things.


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #7
I hate that the Berenstain bears is the go to Mandela effect. I was obsessed with the Berenstain bears as a kid. Ive read the authors' autobiography, down a sunny dirt road, at least every other year or so since I was 9. It's my favorite book. In the early years of Stan's life chapter, it's discussed how Stan Berenstain's name was mistaken and mispronounced frequently as a kid. One of his teachers growing up refused to believe it was Berenstain saying what kind of name is that and calling him Berenstein the entire year instead. After both Stan and Jan Berenstain's death people are still getting it wrong. It's not a Mandela effect it's people throughout their lives fucking up the name, sometimes on purpose.

Things haven't magically changed since you were a kid-you just now have the ability to prove yourself wrong. Maybe your mom did pronounce it wrong when reading the books to you which caused you to misremember.
Immoral Filth adrenochrome dome Salubrious Rex Ugly In The Morning

Puppy Time

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #8
I can understand people unquestioningly believing their own wrong memories, but it's kinda funny how many people talk about being told something as a kid and then learning that it wasn't true, and their go to is "DIFFERENT DIMENSION!" instead of "Wow, I guess that person was full of shit, huh?"
xdaringdamselx jim and the mammograms thelizzerd Ugly In The Morning


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #9
The amount of stuff that was "an assumption I made as a kid was wrong" is not surprising but boy is it funny to see someone going "but cartoon suns are yellow!"

They could also be confusing false color images of the sun like this:

With actual visible-light images of the sun like this:

Immoral Filth


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #10
Gotta say, this episode was the best thing since sliced time.
Lemon Salubrious Rex chai tea latte Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug 1234GO! Achilles' Heelies adrenochrome dome A Meat thelizzerd Puppy Time Sauce Great Joe


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #11
This episode was way cummier than I expected!

For some reason, I just completely fucking lost it in Baba Booey Flintstones. Just full-body wheezing explosive laughter. I want to see clips from that person's Flintstones loaf so, so badly.
adrenochrome dome Lemon Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug Achilles' Heelies jim and the mammograms A Meat SHAMBA~1.SBB


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #12
I finally understand what that Joseph Gordon-Levitt movie Looafer was about


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #13
woke up in the elegant dog sitting loaf
thelizzerd Frank West xdaringdamselx Adam Bozarth chai tea latte Lemon Antivehicular Salubrious Rex Immoral Filth Dr. Buttplug Achilles' Heelies Secret Gaygent 69 VicLudorum Boots Raingear Puppy Time Sauce RoeCocoa A Meat


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #14
That is one elegant dog.

This episode makes me sad I've lost touch with my old theoretical physics grad student friends, as I would have introduced the revolutionary multiverse loaf theory to them.
thelizzerd Penultimatum Dr. Buttplug