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February 09, 2025, 07:35:43 am

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Topic: 366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again  (Read 40343 times)

Great Joe

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #30
You know, this preoccupation with making "loaf" a thing is all on you, and you can just stop, right? Like, you can talk like normal people this whole time.

Adam Bozarth

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #31
everybody uses "loaf" all the time in my loaf
Salubrious Rex Achilles' Heelies Semantic Weeb chai tea latte A Meat Antivehicular Frank West DUDEVSTHEWORLD xdaringdamselx Wolley74 Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa Boots Raingear SHAMBA~1.SBB Vinny Possum

Salubrious Rex

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #32
Loaf shifted again, we didn't get wooly mammoth burgers back but we do have them in meatballs now.
Dr. Buttplug adrenochrome dome

Great Joe

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #33
Loaf shifted again, we didn't get wooly mammoth burgers back but we do have them in meatballs now.

Salubrious Rex, March 28, 2023, 06:59:52 pm
It looks like poopie.
Salubrious Rex


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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #34
There's an entire breed of dog that does the elegant sit


Dr. Buttplug

Recon Rabbit

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366: Let's Do The Time Loaf Again #35
I'm reading Egg Science and Technology, 4th Edition by William J. Stadelman, PhD and Owen J. Cotterill, PhD... Looks who's foolish now
Eggs are classified as dairy products and are one of the 400-500 items that together are known as the dairy department. Consequendy, supermarket operators do not tend to look at an individual item in terms of total store sales. They are concerned rather with the contribution of the different departments to the total sales and profit picture. Individual products are evaluated in terms of their role in a given departmental grouping.
The point is still correct that eggs aren't dairy in a normal people or nutritional sense. But they are treated as such by supermarket managers, who are unfeeling uncaring machines that only care about numbers.