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February 09, 2025, 07:34:10 am

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Topic: 368: Not Even Once-ler  (Read 27463 times)


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368: Not Even Once-ler #30
Because people on Tumblr
Post a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better.
It's not.
chai tea latte Shell Game Doctor Interrogative Achilles' Heelies Dr. Buttplug adrenochrome dome thelizzerd Sauce

Great Joe

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368: Not Even Once-ler #31
I hear about all these -lers and remember that one photo from 2004 of the guy with a really bad, toothy grin.


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368: Not Even Once-ler #32
Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, I remembered that goddamn song out of nowhere. I hope you guys are happy.
thelizzerd Immoral Filth Doctor Interrogative Antivehicular

Doctor Interrogative

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368: Not Even Once-ler #33
Thank you Wayback Machine. Shell Game was 100% right, Ask Scalene-ler is "a crossover with geometry".

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, the sides will be equal, and right that is not."

chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Shell Game Wolley74 xX_sp00ks_Xx JILLVALENTINE Antivehicular One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes


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368: Not Even Once-ler #34
I'm catching up with a huge F Plus backlog, and this episode is really special. I definitely have to echo that the song from the movie fucking sucks, though, jesus christ who wrote that and why

I honestly assumed the bit about "everyone who was once in this fandom is completely ashamed of it now" was going to be about the people who made the 2012 film, and I suspect that's also true!
thelizzerd Shell Game


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368: Not Even Once-ler #35
I've been trying to summon the courage to listen to this episode because I was very much on tumblr during the Once-ler era and it was an actual goddamn nightmare. Dunno if I'm strong enough to relive it all!!!
Achilles' Heelies RoeCocoa xdaringdamselx


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368: Not Even Once-ler #36
Thank you Wayback Machine. Shell Game was 100% right, Ask Scalene-ler is "a crossover with geometry".

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, the sides will be equal, and right that is not."

Doctor Interrogative, May 09, 2022, 07:40:49 pm

This is giving me painful flashbacks to being a dumb teen in IRC roleplaying channels and making "parody" characters to make fun of other people's dreadful OCs, smugly unaware that this was absolutely as stupid as the OCs we were making fun of.

Doctor Interrogative

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368: Not Even Once-ler #37
Listening to this episode again, and I can't get over hearing Isfahan die inside as he says the words "classic oncest".


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368: Not Even Once-ler #38
How did I miss thia crazy bit from the introduction?! Lady Oncler became a crab who chopped down chocolate trees with her claws!? How does that even fit into the Lorax?

Dr. Buttplug

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368: Not Even Once-ler #39
How did I miss thia crazy bit from the introduction?! Lady Oncler became a crab who chopped down chocolate trees with her claws!? How does that even fit into the Lorax?
PaulLovesToLaugh, November 26, 2024, 05:01:06 am
They don't give enough context, but thats just deep Shell Game lore.
Salubrious Rex A Meat

Shell Game

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368: Not Even Once-ler #40
How did I miss thia crazy bit from the introduction?! Lady Oncler became a crab who chopped down chocolate trees with her claws!? How does that even fit into the Lorax?
PaulLovesToLaugh, November 26, 2024, 05:01:06 am
They don't give enough context, but thats just deep Shell Game lore.
Dr. Buttplug, December 01, 2024, 08:02:29 pm
snip snip
Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex