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Topic: Welcome to the Echo Chamber!  (Read 16625 times)

Shell Game

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber!
Hey all, Frank West, Mix, and I got it into our heads a couple years ago to watch Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, the show his fans frequently omit from their memories.

We recorded ourselves talking about it. Finally edited it and gonna rolling release season 1.

I put it up on Spotify because it was easy and I don't feel like putting more effort into something remotely related to Joss Whedon.

If you're interested in hearing us rant about a sexual menace try to do sci-fi with the big boys but fail to make a coherent statement in between rampant woman torture, then here's a link to episode one.

Sauce Great Joe Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex Frank West thelizzerd adrenochrome dome


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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #1
I am excited enough to hear y'all's thoughts on this that I was willing to listen to a podcast on Spotify to do so. Greatly enjoyed the whole thing!

It's always interesting to see what stories and plot devices a writer will re-use throughout their career, and how that's someone that equally applies to very good and very bad writers. It reveals so much about how they view the world, and how their perspective as an artist grows alongside their work.

In this case, Whedon's consistent pattern of reducing powerful women to a mind wiped state in which they are a "confused innocent child-woman" or a "bimbo cave-woman" (to greater or lesser extent) is present throughout his career, dating back to what he did with Ellen Ripley in 1997's Alien Resurrection, through Faith on Buffy and River on Firefly, and climaxing with this show where it's a core conceit of the premise definitely says something.

It's definitely a bold feminist statement. Not a fetish thing. Definitely not misogynist.
Shell Game SHAMBA~1.SBB

Shell Game

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #2
I am excited enough to hear y'all's thoughts on this that I was willing to listen to a podcast on Spotify to do so. Greatly enjoyed the whole thing!

It's always interesting to see what stories and plot devices a writer will re-use throughout their career, and how that's someone that equally applies to very good and very bad writers. It reveals so much about how they view the world, and how their perspective as an artist grows alongside their work.

In this case, Whedon's consistent pattern of reducing powerful women to a mind wiped state in which they are a "confused innocent child-woman" or a "bimbo cave-woman" (to greater or lesser extent) is present throughout his career, dating back to what he did with Ellen Ripley in 1997's Alien Resurrection, through Faith on Buffy and River on Firefly, and climaxing with this show where it's a core conceit of the premise definitely says something.

It's definitely a bold feminist statement. Not a fetish thing. Definitely not misogynist.
Sauce, April 03, 2023, 05:06:06 pm
Oh we're only just getting started.

Shell Game

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #4
If you're interested in hearing us rant about a sexual menace try to do sci-fi with the big boys but fail to make a coherent statement
Shell Game, April 02, 2023, 04:08:20 am


in between rampant woman torture
Shell Game, April 02, 2023, 04:08:20 am

Oh god. How bad does it get?

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #5
If you're interested in hearing us rant about a sexual menace try to do sci-fi with the big boys but fail to make a coherent statement
Shell Game, April 02, 2023, 04:08:20 am


in between rampant woman torture
Shell Game, April 02, 2023, 04:08:20 am

Oh god. How bad does it get?
PaulLovesToLaugh, April 09, 2023, 05:04:29 pm
I mean, it was on network television so it's only allowed to get so bad, but it ain't great!

Shell Game

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #6
For those interested, we've released 4 episodes now and the show is abysmal. Here's an rss feed link thing: https://anchor.fm/s/de18bb70/podcast/rss

so you too can keep up on your own personal podcatching device

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #7
Episode 5 is the worst one yet, but don't worry we'll keep saying that for each episode to come probably. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shell-game0/episodes/5---True-Believer-e235ggv

Frank West

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #8
I just want to emphasize that this show is significantly worse than you expect. It was worse than I expected, until I hit episode 5 and realized how bad it was going to get. This show hates women so, so much, even though it's joss's attempt to make the explicit feminist statement he thought he always wanted to.
GirlKisser420 SHAMBA~1.SBB

Shell Game

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #9
Looks like we're still doing this. Season 2 is really bad!!!

Dr. Buttplug

Shell Game

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #10
Fyi were up to S2E4 and it is hands down the absolute worst episode. Catch up if you hate yourself. Or us. Or Joss Whedon. Fuck that guy.

Shell Game

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #11
HEY GANG we actually did it. We finished the entire podcast! It was misery, and then we did one final episode just for you fuckers if you bothered listening. If you didn't, well... It's done now. You can listen to it all at once and never be tempted to watch this terrible, terrible show that is honestly one of the most telling insights into the mad misogyny of Joss Whedon.

Sauce corporate daiquiri adrenochrome dome

Dr. Buttplug

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #12
Its late for memorial day, but thank you for your service.

corporate daiquiri

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #13
Thank you all for doing this. I started watching this show at work years ago, and I'm so glad I barely made it through the first episode. I really hatefully enjoyed myself! Fuck Joss Whedon.
Frank West Shell Game

adrenochrome dome

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Welcome to the Echo Chamber! #14
Burned through this in a few weeks. This was a bizarre blast from my past. Dollhouse aired when I was rooming with maybe the worst person I've ever met. He was obsessed with show. I remember thinking that the dead-lady-in-Echo concept could be done well by someone else.

Even without the catharsis, I really enjoyed the way you guys managed to interrogate something so stupid.
corporate daiquiri Dr. Buttplug Shell Game Frank West