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Topic: Episode 198 - The Essential Christofascist Filmgoer's Guide to Hollywood  (Read 6589 times)

Shell Game

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vaMpiresoftWare Lumbermouth Salubrious Rex Sherlockian adrenochrome dome Secret Gaygent 69


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Mary Poppins is objectively using divine power to make her umbrella talk.


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I am very glad that the well has yet to run dry on this specific vintage of Internet Crazy Guy.
Dr. Buttplug


  • Supreme Trash Panda Overlord
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So, pardon me getting serious for a bit, but I basically grew up with the kind of people that this episode was about. I went to a private Christian school from a young age. Seriously, I would hear shit like what's said in this episode every day while in a class that was apparently supposed to be about history lessons or math or whatever. Everything was a righteous culture war against legions of the unwashed demons, and I even had the misfortune of having to stay for hours after classes at their daycare due to long working hours on my parents' part. We watched movies, mostly, while waiting to be picked up, but there's sooooo many films they straight up would not let us watch out of fear of us being corrupted or something. One notable example is Disney's version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, which they absolutely despised because it depicted a religious authority in a negative light (lol, lmao). I could go on and on about other random shit they did over the years (such as having "christian science fairs" that they made every kid go to annually, which were a big week-long disinformation assembly featuring delightful personalities such as Ken Ham) but suffice to say this episode infuriated and entertained me greatly.

I once wrote a poem in an English class there about how I sincerely believed gay people were destroying America and the concept of democracy. Ironic, considering I would rapidly learn I'm a transfemme lesbian in highschool a couple years later, lmao. Also the holiest and most righteous bible verse is Ezekiel 23:20
Salubrious Rex vaMpiresoftWare Lumbermouth corporate daiquiri Dr. Buttplug Sherlockian 1234GO! adrenochrome dome Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Shell Game
« Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 08:11:47 pm by CozyJosie »


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I was a Jewish kid in a Liberal Area when I found this site  in the mid-00s, and it fascinated me for years. It fucked me up that some dude was giving this weird advice and there were people who believed it, but his obsessive moralistic tallying was kinda funny. Also, although it didn't make it into the doc, a lot of his adult reviews had a real way with words-- the Austin Powers review with "this act, when done by homosexuals, is called "fisting"" has a wonderful dramatic flair.

There was a schadenfreude from lurking on his email list when he eventually started begging for funds to go to the movies for his reviews
vaMpiresoftWare CozyJosie 1234GO! chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: August 12, 2024, 01:27:46 am by Sherlockian »


  • Supreme Trash Panda Overlord
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"this act, when done by homosexuals, is called "fisting"" has a wonderful dramatic flair.
Sherlockian, August 12, 2024, 01:16:25 am

we need a David Attenborough reading of queer sexual activities so bad now

adrenochrome dome

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This really highlighted how much of this type of cultural... interpretation? is based on personal whims that you enforce on others. In a sitcom, I'd find it almost charming. Reality is another thing.

Shell Game

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So, pardon me getting serious for a bit, but I basically grew up with the kind of people that this episode was about. I went to a private Christian school from a young age. Seriously, I would hear shit like what's said in this episode every day while in a class that was apparently supposed to be about history lessons or math or whatever. Everything was a righteous culture war against legions of the unwashed demons, and I even had the misfortune of having to stay for hours after classes at their daycare due to long working hours on my parents' part. We watched movies, mostly, while waiting to be picked up, but there's sooooo many films they straight up would not let us watch out of fear of us being corrupted or something. One notable example is Disney's version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, which they absolutely despised because it depicted a religious authority in a negative light (lol, lmao). I could go on and on about other random shit they did over the years (such as having "christian science fairs" that they made every kid go to annually, which were a big week-long disinformation assembly featuring delightful personalities such as Ken Ham) but suffice to say this episode infuriated and entertained me greatly.

I once wrote a poem in an English class there about how I sincerely believed gay people were destroying America and the concept of democracy. Ironic, considering I would rapidly learn I'm a transfemme lesbian in highschool a couple years later, lmao. Also the holiest and most righteous bible verse is Ezekiel 23:20
CozyJosie, August 10, 2024, 07:26:14 pm
I talked more after the recording about how I frequently forget that this kind of content isn't like. Second nature to everyone? I'm not sure if it came across, but there's always a certain glibness in my tone when I'm harkening back to the days where I babysat children in a church nursery setting and eventually we were told we couldn't let the kids watch disney movies (that were in the ding dang childcare supply office anyway) because one of them got nightmares. Like. Sorry that you leave your kids with us for 3+ hours so you can talk about some weird prosperity gospel book and we sometimes ran out of things to keep them occupied? I think I meant to have Mix on that night too but it didn't happen. Mix also has lots of fun stories of insane right-wing religious upbringing.

Examples of things my mom wouldn't let me watch again:
Disney's Hercules (because the fates sang 'that's the gospel truth' in the lyrics); The Emperor's New Groove ('the alpha and omega'); A kids cartoon where the lesson was all the kids' friends celebrated different holidays; An easter cartoon that called it "easter egg morning";

This isn't related but I think it's a funny juxtaposition: I wasn't allowed to watch the Simpsons because in a very early episode Marge gets super drunk at a barbecue and I teased my mom about the similarities between the two of them. Like. That was the last episode we watched. I would get a talking to if she even saw a commercial on the screen.

This really highlighted how much of this type of cultural... interpretation? is based on personal whims that you enforce on others. In a sitcom, I'd find it almost charming. Reality is another thing.
adrenochrome dome, August 21, 2024, 06:51:53 pm
My understanding of the world at 17 was entirely based on the personal whims my mother enforced upon me. Deprogramming was a fucking trip, let me tell you!
Salubrious Rex CozyJosie adrenochrome dome Sherlockian
« Last Edit: August 22, 2024, 07:51:09 pm by Shell Game »