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February 09, 2025, 08:14:06 am

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Topic: Playing with neocities - sauce.works  (Read 1579 times)


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Playing with neocities - sauce.works
I've had sauce.works for a while. Up until recently it was a cookie-cutter squarespace site, but the internet doesn't need any more of those.

I read this excellent article today and it lit a fire under me. Then Great Joe reminded me that neocities exists. So I did a thing.

I used to know a tiny bit of HTML, and a bit of CSS, but I've not touched either in probably 15 years, and even then I never did anything beyond the basics. Maybe this will change that.

Maybe it won't.

The new sauce.works is superior to the old one in every way that matters. It may get even better, if I can figure out how to make that happen, and if I have the motivation to do so.

Any pointers or suggestions are very welcome! Also, anyone want to start a webring?

Frank West