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Topic: ballp.it Changelog  (Read 212940 times)


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The Changelog
I'm curious as to what the sheep post icons are about. I just got upgraded from Trek to Sheep a few posts ago, and I dunno if there was an actual post count milestone for that or if something else happened.


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The Changelog
I just got upgraded from Trek to Sheep a few posts ago, and I dunno if there was an actual post count milestone for that or if something else happened.
Chaz, June 05, 2013, 12:43:59 pm

You're Scottish.

gee golly gosh

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The Changelog
I just got upgraded from Trek to Sheep a few posts ago, and I dunno if there was an actual post count milestone for that or if something else happened.
Chaz, June 05, 2013, 12:43:59 pm

You're Scottish.
Isfahan, June 05, 2013, 05:19:30 pm

As a New Zealander I don't know whether to be outraged by the fact that other countries have sheep, or overjoyed at the fact that one day, if I forum very very hard, I too may have sheep in my profile.


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The Changelog
As a New Zealander I don't know whether to be outraged by the fact that other countries have sheep, or overjoyed at the fact that one day, if I forum very very hard, I too may have sheep in my profile.
gee golly gosh, June 14, 2013, 05:49:10 pm

Well, in my experience we get the brunt of the sheep-fucking jokes, so you can take that as a plus.  Unless New Zealanders also get those, but it seems less likely as the division in Britain fosters in-fighting of that level.

("Little boy, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a man making love to the sheep in your field!"
"Oh, no worry, that's just me daa-aaaa-aaaa!")

gee golly gosh

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The Changelog
As a New Zealander I don't know whether to be outraged by the fact that other countries have sheep, or overjoyed at the fact that one day, if I forum very very hard, I too may have sheep in my profile.
gee golly gosh, June 14, 2013, 05:49:10 pm

Well, in my experience we get the brunt of the sheep-fucking jokes, so you can take that as a plus.  Unless New Zealanders also get those, but it seems less likely as the division in Britain fosters in-fighting of that level.

("Little boy, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a man making love to the sheep in your field!"
"Oh, no worry, that's just me daa-aaaa-aaaa!")
Delcat, June 17, 2013, 03:37:36 am

At one point during my youth there was a tourism campaign inciting people to visit NZ with the tagline '65 million sheep can't be wrong.' At the point in time, the human population of NZ was 3.5 million.

We're down to 42 million sheep now, but still far, far outnumbered, and while we don't have the in-fighting of the UK, we do have Australia.

Boots Raingear

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The Changelog
("Little boy, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a man making love to the sheep in your field!"
"Oh, no worry, that's just me daa-aaaa-aaaa!")
Delcat, June 17, 2013, 03:37:36 am
Great, now I want demerit bulbs.


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The Changelog
("Little boy, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a man making love to the sheep in your field!"
"Oh, no worry, that's just me daa-aaaa-aaaa!")
Delcat, June 17, 2013, 03:37:36 am
Great, now I want demerit bulbs.
Boots Raingear, June 17, 2013, 07:50:04 am

Earned.  But hey, at least YOU didn't get the pleasure of your mom telling it.


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The Changelog
CAPTCHA ain't shit.

I added some Q&A to the registration process. Let's see if that makes a difference.


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The Changelog
CAPTCHA ain't shit.

I added some Q&A to the registration process. Let's see if that makes a difference.
Lemon, June 17, 2013, 12:52:06 pm

How would you inflate me? The correct answer is "balloonjuice".

gee golly gosh

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The Changelog
CAPTCHA ain't shit.

I added some Q&A to the registration process. Let's see if that makes a difference.
Lemon, June 17, 2013, 12:52:06 pm

How would you inflate me? The correct answer is "balloonjuice".
montrith, June 17, 2013, 01:07:55 pm

 Do you:

Lower the rope to Roy and pull him out?
Throw him the rubber bathing ring in the shape of a sea-horse?
Look around for a stopcock, or some sort of Janitor who can turn off the water?
Wrap Roy Orbison in Clingfilm?

The correct answer is "Wrap Roy Orbison in Clingfilm!"
Delcat EYE OF ZA jorty


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The Changelog
It took me way too long to think of this, but you see this post? This is not a classy post.

[fedora] Now this post is classy.
montrith Runic chai tea latte Emperor Jack Chick EYE OF ZA


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The Changelog
I added a mobile expanding/collapsing menu on thefpl.us, so now you can access the sidebar on your phone.


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The Changelog
Couple more changes to that header thing. Expanded the smallest form breakpoint to a maximum of 450 pixels, adjusted the header logo (Pricedown was kind of a fucked up font choice there), and... some other stuff.


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The Changelog
Two small but noticeable changes just made.

  • Changed the default font from the Arial stack to Droid Sans. I like it better, but I'm not completely sold. Open to suggestions if you got one. (Currently just wanna run with one global font, so it has to be versatile)
  • Page navigation is been made a lot bigger for mobile devices. That was a problem I had, so I was happy to get it addressed.

While I'm at it, if there's a specific bit of navigation that's bothering you on ballp.it, let me know. I'm just changing stuff as I notice it.

(oh, also locked topics are 40% opacity now.)

chai tea latte

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The Changelog
Droid Sans is good by me. Also thanks for the UI changes, I occasionally had issues on my phone (before the site was responsive I could zoom in, but this is a better solution by far).