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Topic: Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors  (Read 70883 times)


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors
In the first Irregular episode, we have a lively discussion with three very different Kindleporn authors. There's Jessi Bond, Francis Ashe and a secret guest who wishes to remain nameless for reasons that will become obvious fairly quickly into the episode.

We spend about an hour and a half talking about the business of erotica publishing, the inspiration necessary for writing stories about vampires having sex with their stepfathers, and the sideways efforts of censorship.


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #1
Hey, folks, if anyone has questions about this subject I can answer them. I feel like the episode covers it all pretty well, but you never know.

And yes, getting paid to write short stories about hardcore Swamp Thing-on-werewolf smut is great. I still can't believe it works and I've been doing it for a year now.

Boots Raingear

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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #2
Do you think there's a sexy dude supernatural genre that will take off once the ladies are sick of Werewolves? Superhunk Sorcerors? Hot Swamp Creatures? Buff Ghosts? Mummies that turn out to be studs when you take the wraps off?


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #3
Looking to change professions, Boots? I don't think free market monster cockysis is something they just give away.

Oh, and if you do get into this line of work, don't take the pen name "Lance Manthrob." It's already spoken for.

...uh, by someone else.

Boots Raingear

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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #4
Don't worry, my pen name is Margaret Gotwood.


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #5
Werewolves have already waned a bit, but I've heard about people having success with more generic "beastmen". I honestly don't know what that means, but it makes me picture 80s Beast. Everything else tends to flop, which makes me sad - goofy fantasy stuff is my favorite to write.

If you want a good way to check whether kindleporn is successful or not, check out the Amazon sales rank. There's a bit of variation but ~300k is a few sales a month, ~800k is a sale every other month or so, ~150k and up is where it starts to be successful... anything under 100k is selling well. It seems to depend on how many total sales the ebook's had, how old it is, and how recently it's had sales. New releases tend to have lower ranks, the lower the better. For reference I had a story that hovered between 150k and 90k rank when it was bringing in about $100-$150 a month.

What I'm saying here is don't look up Peter de Sade from the F+ kindleporn episode, you'll get depressed at how well his horse-dick stories are doing.


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #6
What I'm saying here is don't look up Peter de Sade from the F+ kindleporn episode, you'll get depressed at how well his horse-dick stories are doing.Luna, February 07, 2013, 09:09:26 pm

I'm going to steal a quote from my friend and former roommate Forensic:

"Cocks populi, vox Dei."


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #7
I worked in a library for two years. Once upon a time the manager and I spotted this gem in the catalog of books we could order.



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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #8
I worked in a library for two years. Once upon a time the manager and I spotted this gem in the catalog of books we could order.

Yossarian, February 08, 2013, 01:25:21 pm
Click To Look Inside!Quote from
No thank you, Amazon.


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #9
So, you can actually, really make money with this? Cause I could use that extra hundred bux. I'm pretty sure I could write a really bad porn, even though I'm more trained in classical literature.

EDIT: Does going for the niche market help? I know a LOT of weird fetishes.


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #10
Could I write a story about gangbang with nothing but flamingly super gay Nazis and call it "Mein Camp," or would that be in poor taste even for this crowd?

Lady Naga

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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #11
Could I write a story about gangbang with nothing but flamingly super gay Nazis and call it "Mein Camp," or would that be in poor taste even for this crowd?
Isfahan, February 08, 2013, 03:21:33 pm
Call it "Shindler's Lisp".


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #12
So, you can actually, really make money with this? Cause I could use that extra hundred bux. I'm pretty sure I could write a really bad porn, even though I'm more trained in classical literature.

EDIT: Does going for the niche market help? I know a LOT of weird fetishes.
montrith, February 08, 2013, 02:31:38 pm
Depends on how niche your niche is. If you want to get into this let me direct you to people who are much better at explaining, and have already compiled a bunch of info.

e: For reference, your income's mainly going to depend on how frequently you release stuff, and on what you're writing. I release a single semi-niche story every month(ish) and I've been making about $300 for a few months now. It was better when I could get more releases written, but eh, life gets in the way.
Could I write a story about gangbang with nothing but flamingly super gay Nazis and call it "Mein Camp," or would that be in poor taste even for this crowd?
Isfahan, February 08, 2013, 03:21:33 pm

Somewhere I have a file with nothing but future titles that I intend to write someday. Most of them are about on par with this.

What I'm saying is go for it, man! There's no such thing as good taste here!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 07:49:45 pm by Luna »


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #13
I can't remember if this was asked but:

Do you guys read other Kindleporn stuff by other Authors for inspiration for a story, or would you read their stuff to see the competition?


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #14
Don't worry, my pen name is Margaret Gotwood.
Boots Raingear, February 07, 2013, 08:41:37 pm

What you need is a random pen name generator.