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February 06, 2025, 07:05:20 pm

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Topic: Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors  (Read 70881 times)

Boots Raingear

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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #15

What you need is a random pen name generator.
squiddy, February 10, 2013, 12:28:25 pm

I'm too busy writing Python scripts to do my job for me.

Alpha Starsquatch

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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #16
This episode was published ages before I actually got into the F+ or Irregular and I never really got a chance to properly comment on it until now. I think out of all the Irregular episodes this has been my favorite one. Insight into the world of kindle porn authors was actually really fascinating, and I now feel less alone as a guy who occasionally writes gay porn for fun.


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #17
I'm too busy writing Python scripts to do my job for me.
Boots Raingear, February 11, 2013, 07:43:15 am
How long is it going to take for someone to strike up a fucking conversation about your avatar!? I'm trying to be patient, but god damn!


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #18
I talked with him about it in Steam chat last week. Sorry, Lemon!


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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #19
I move that this episode be revisited with Chuck Tingle.

Lawnchair M.D.

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Episode 1: Kindleporn Authors #20
Just found this episode and it was really interesting. I work kind of on the Amazon side of things. While not on the books team I develop on site advertising for Amazon merchants. I have spent a lot of time working specifically on the books/ebooks part of the project. This has led me right into a lot of the kindle smut out there. When ever I find a really weird one I always end up asking myself who reads this, and where does it come from? Thanks for answering at least one of those questions.