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Topic: Episode 3: Asexuals  (Read 122506 times)


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Episode 3: Asexuals #30
Just make her your waifu. I hear it's even better than a real woman.
fruit power, February 15, 2013, 07:58:19 pm
It's true. Real women have hair.



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Episode 3: Asexuals #31
So for the most part I don't follow the asexual "community" (AVEN or any of its offshoots) but there are a couple of blogs I subscribe to and mostly ignore.  One of those just posted an article on how being asexual affects their life in graduate school.


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Episode 3: Asexuals #32
So for the most part I don't follow the asexual "community" (AVEN or any of its offshoots) but there are a couple of blogs I subscribe to and mostly ignore.  One of those just posted an article on how being asexual affects their life in graduate school.

fluffy, April 06, 2013, 10:54:02 pm
...That didn't touch on being asexual in the slightest, though? I mean there was one sentence where she was worried that everybody would really really care that she wasn't interested in sucking face at parties, but goddamn, for someone in grad school you'd think she'd write a better argument.


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Episode 3: Asexuals #33
asexuals crying about being oppressed remind me of the south park episode where cartman tried to win the special olympics


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Episode 3: Asexuals #34
So if it's important to know how asexuality impacts grad school, what other entirely mundane things that have nothing to do with sexuality are apparently important enough to talk about?  The best mundane thing I could come up with was cooking but I'm sure there's other things I never realized I was doing differently than the rest of the world because I'm not engaging in sexual intercourse all the time.

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Episode 3: Asexuals #35
So if it's important to know how asexuality impacts grad school, what other entirely mundane things that have nothing to do with sexuality are apparently important enough to talk about?  The best mundane thing I could come up with was cooking but I'm sure there's other things I never realized I was doing differently than the rest of the world because I'm not engaging in sexual intercourse all the time.
fluffy, April 07, 2013, 08:42:54 pm
Wow - economies of scale exist, this is clearly a sexysexual conspiracy. Also I don't think I've read a more petulant opener to a thread in a fair while, that was nice.


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Episode 3: Asexuals #37
irony is literally destroying humanity


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Episode 3: Asexuals #38


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Episode 3: Asexuals #39
Because we can't just assume that sexual attraction MAY occur in any case, that would be too scary for my brain raised on Starcraft and anime.


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Episode 3: Asexuals #40
If one requires a gigantic footnote at a terminus then it's a shitty flowchart and probably isn't the best format by which to make one's point.

In other words, this person made the flowchart thinking it would be all concise and punchy and then fucking ruins the chances of that by just slapping the normal Tumblr-demisexual boilerplate right at the end.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 03:53:04 pm by Isfahan »


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Episode 3: Asexuals #41
Has anyone else thought about how sex is so important to some people?

Like, don't get me wrong, sex is really neat and a very powerful drive; I'm not taking the pseudo-asexual stance of "sex?" why do people even do that???" 

It just boggles my mind that some people, including MRAs and PUAs or tumblrite xsexuals (wherein x = a or demi or whatever) devote so much time to being with a pretty lady or a handsome guy. It just seems so extreme (or, perhaps, so sextreme?) a desire for achievements that will pass away immediately after your death.

I can understand people's extreme devotion to, say, work or art or writing or helping people, but the fruits of those tasks will survive their bodily death, while the experience of putting your penis into people won't matter five seconds after your death (barring procreation and all that, which MRAs/PUAs in particular view with derision).

Does this astound anyone else, or am I just being naïve?


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Episode 3: Asexuals #42
I'm not going to call you naive, but I am going to explain a thing which seems patently obvious to me.  My goal isn't to be patronizing, but it probably will feel that way.

Sex--for a male--is a standard by which one's machismo can be measured directly.  The man who gets a lot of women is a manly man-man, desired by women, and successful in society.  Whether you're overtly aware of it or subconsciously, fuckin' is the golden standard that makes a "man" a "man", society demands it, and the hotter his target is, the more manly he is.

Hence the appeal of pickup "artistry" and the mythology PUAs build around themselves--bangin' all these hot women (or at least posting that they have) lets them reclaim some machismo amongst others utterly obsessed with that shit (point to schlong), having not left highschool in terms of maturity.


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Episode 3: Asexuals #43
achievements that will pass away immediately after your death
Psammetichus, September 27, 2013, 04:01:23 pm
Damn, man, takin' it nihilistic in here.

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Episode 3: Asexuals #44
a desire for achievements that will pass away immediately after your death
Psammetichus, September 27, 2013, 04:01:23 pm
Speak for yourself, bro. I may be a lone wanderer in the desert, but I have left a legend in my wake.
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