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Topic: Brag about your pets  (Read 209378 times)

Geremy Tibbles

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Brag about your pets #15
My condolences on the loss.

Here's Sheba. She's a bitch sometimes but most of the time she's super cool.

Also, she's tiny as fuck.

She sucks at hunting, but only because she brings things back alive and then lets them loose in the house. After getting a bird and a mouse and having to deal with them at 6 in the morning, we make sure she isn't carrying anything.


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Brag about your pets #16
Losing a pet is terrible. I am so sorry, montrith :(

This is Tifa. She's also small and greenish-eyed, like Sheba above!

She loves computers faaaaar too much.

And this one is Tycho. He's a huge ginger beastie. He seriously sleeps like this all the time.


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Brag about your pets #17

This is Esteban my sisters cat. Hes a huge whiner but he likes to cuddle most of the time unless hes stressed out.

Hes a huge cutie.

Apparently I only have one picture of my dog Tri anywhere on this pc. He's a huge baby but he's getting up in years yet still manages to be insanely energetic and defiant.


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Brag about your pets #18


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Brag about your pets #19
My dad has been having a grand old time learning how to use his new smart phone, so he sent me a couple of photos of Zoe being a giant dweeb.


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Brag about your pets #20
For the last few days, Werner's been sullen, lethargic, withdrawn, and incredibly short-tempered with Fiona, screaming at her whenever she was licking him as if she was attacking him or something. I thought maybe he was getting frustrated with boredom but he didn't want to play and didn't even care for catnip or go apeshit for wet food like he normally does. Wednesday night was also rough because he kept on screaming throughout the night, and I got really worried. (Of course my anxiety disorder is made way worse by being woken up at 5 AM by having Werner scream across the bed at Fiona who wasn't even touching him.)

So first thing yesterday I took him to the vet.

Turns out cats can get slipped discs too.

Anyway, now he's all strung out on morphine (both a delay-release injection and a twice-daily opiate in pill form) and taking prednisone for the inflammation, and hopefully in a few days he'll be back to his affectionate, cuddly self.

Being on painkillers means he's actually not hiding in closets or under couches all the time, too, so I can see that when he walks he has a very waddly limp going on in his hind legs, consistent with severe back pain.

It's a little alarming that Werner treats Fiona like a scapegoat for everything, but Fiona's taking it in stride and still being ultra-nice to him. Hopefully he'll let her clean him because he's been unable to and his fur's getting kind of matted.  Maybe I'll give him a bath (after a pain pill has kicked in, of course).
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 01:38:37 pm by fluffy »


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Brag about your pets #21
Poor Werner, I know how painful a slipped disc can feel. I hope he feels better soon.

Cat Planet

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Brag about your pets #22
This is Alice, she is a very distinguished catte. 12 and a half years old, and still has a terrible personality.



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Brag about your pets #23
In the spirit of mourning lost pets, here's my old cat, Angelo. He's the most loyal cat I've ever owned.

This is Willy. He doesn't really give a shit about anything and is very passive-aggressive when it comes to getting attention. I currently have 134 pictures of him.

Tao (left) and Olivia (right). Tao's really protective of her kitten (the rest of the litter didn't make it ;_;), by which I mean she hates humans. Tao also taught Olivia how to hiss at us.

And here's Olivia with her kittens. They all made it and we gave them, including Olivia, away.

Interesting note: I've never named any of the cats I've owned. I've always used the names they got as kittens.


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Brag about your pets #24
My husky/shepherd mutt is not amused with this thread.

Okay, maybe he's just tired


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Brag about your pets #25

This is Hero, my babycat. She was thrown out of a moving vehicle at the age of 4 weeks. Luckily, it was on a street with lots of pedestrian traffic, and she ended up at the shoe store where a friend works. My friend brought her home in a shoebox and I took her home that night. The next day we went to her first vet appointment where she fell asleep on my shoulder while waiting for the vet.

That was four years ago. She's a bit bigger now and clearly carrying the scars of her rough start in life.



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Brag about your pets #26
Cats got locked into cat-jail while escaping the vacuum.


Fatty Bo Batty

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Brag about your pets #27
Roy Orbison is fucked.

chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Yossarian

Boots Raingear

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Brag about your pets #28
Mina was the best fucking cat.


  • Willy Dang Doodle
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Brag about your pets #29
Mina was the best fucking cat.
Boots Raingear, September 03, 2014, 03:38:16 pm
Cute! Is she the one that shrooms compelled "someone" to hug