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June 02, 2024, 08:28:31 am

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Topic: Episode 139: In A Past Life, I Was Also Insufferable  (Read 7724 times)


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with Boots Raingear, Bunnybread, STOG, John Toast, and Lemon.
Content for this episode was compiled by Cheapskate.
Edited by Boots Raingear.
Death is a really, really terrifying prospect, and people go through all sorts of convoluted processes to avoid thinking of their own death as an impending end. Some people make up entire past life stories for themselves that they can imagine their lives as part of a greater continuum. Other people go to the forums and read those past life stories in a silly voice, just to pass the time. This week, STOG's daughter is his mother.


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This episode doesn't seem to have a date on Itunes, sending it to the bottom of the episode list.


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I get the feeling that when that one person said their soul is 5016 years old the 16 part is "in this life". They also got Sailor Moons origin story completely wrong.

junior associate faguar

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I've made it through every other episode on the first try so far, except this one. Dickbugs or adult babies? No problem. I just can't make it through this much fucking hippy bullshit.


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Haha, I love the first reading. A young, destitute artist in a major European city, who supported himself by drawing pictures for tourists, where he specialized in landscapes? He frequented pubs where he instigated violence? Interesting. How long was his mustache, and what was his opinions re: goose-stepping, nifty uniforms, and purifying the greater German Volksgemeinschaft of undesirable Üntermenschen?

I would love to tell people of their past lives and give them an vague description of twentieth century dictators: "Yes, you were a Georgian seminarian who spent most of his life as a secretary. You might've worked in a steel factory or something too, because I keep getting notions of a man of steel, and you must've had a sister who had children, because the name "Uncle Joe" keeps coming up too... hmm..."


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This episode doesn't seem to have a date on Itunes, sending it to the bottom of the episode list.
Runic, June 15, 2014, 04:01:15 pm
Isn't that that joke?
chai tea latte


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For the "My Daughter is My Mother" post, this song instantly came to mind:

Fatty Bo Batty

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I must have rewound parts of this episode 15 times, just to figure out how the hell some of these people's statements worked even within the realm of hippie New-Age crap. Genuinely one of the most confusing F Plus episodes to date.


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I must have rewound parts of this episode 15 times, just to figure out how the hell some of these people's statements worked even within the realm of hippie New-Age crap. Genuinely one of the most confusing F Plus episodes to date.
FattyBoBatty, June 19, 2014, 03:20:05 pm
Yeah, 90% of the posts were words that were arranged into recognizable readable sentences but still conveyed absolutely no meaning. Like "colorless green ideas sleep furiously" or the lyrics to Kiss From A Rose.

Tiny Prancer

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I just listened to about half of this episode and had a memory resurface of a past life haha no fuck that, of when I was into new age shit when I was in my early-to-mid teens, and read a lot of books about new age shit in general. I don't remember what book this story was from specifically, but the author recounted an experience of attending/running a "past life regression" workshop of some sort that was at a location that had a cat, and one attendee started freaking out about the cat, and by TOTAL COINCIDENCE it turned out that in a past life the cat was a prince and the lady was a servant woman and they were in luvsies and died together or whatever, and supposedly using telepathy or cat whispering or something (?) the cat told her that they would meet again in a later life where they could be together. As fucking bullshit at all of it sounds, I will say as someone who has been into new age stuff in the past and with my mom and many of her friend still being into it, that a large majority of the time when people talk about this kind of stuff, they absolutely believe it, and it would not sound that far off that everyone at that workshop genuinely believed that shit was real.

Another "I used to be into new age shit and read a lot of books on the subject" story: There was another book that I remember more specifically, one that was like a new age version of the chicken soup books (I actually managed to refind the title googling around, it's "Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul"), that included a story from someone who talked about them being horrible to their spouse and not knowing why they were doing it, so they and the spouse did a past-life regression thing and apparently uncovered that in a past life they were both warriors from some unspecificed indian tribes and past life spouse had killed past life writer in a battle between their tribes, so the explanation for the writer being a dick to their spouse was that they were still suffering from that death. Apparently the writer and their spouse came to terms with this because they agreed that past life spouse was doing them a blessing by giving them a quick death rather than a slow painful death as a captive. In retrospect I wonder how fucking many unaddressed problems this couple had, because if the writer was being a dick and then blamed it on their spouse killing them in a past life, there was probably a lot more going on than they wanted to admit to.


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As dumb as it is, I can't be angry at the people here.  I have a soft spot for hippie bullshit because it's mostly harmless and fun to think about.