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Topic: What is the most infuriating episode to you?  (Read 18716 times)

Nikaer Drekin

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There are plenty that made me super mad but one subject that always stands out in my mind is that IDKYBILY person.

Every word of that pitch was more upsetting than the last, it was this perfect storm of arrogance and self-absorption disguised as charity and kindness. The kind of person who tweets endless meaningless affirmations and is part of #teamfollowback. The sort of person who desperately begs for everyone to share their "kind words" because they know someone needs to hear them right now. The kind of person who looks at their own charmed life and decides they're qualified to solve everyone else's problems simply because they're too sheltered or lucky to realize they really don't understand them because they've never had them. The kind of person who helpfully does an art project in a national park to beautify the scenery.

The internet's bred this absolutely terrible sort of kindness that's really similar to slacktivism, where folks will just firehose meaningless positivity and "support" at people and all the while loudly wonder at what great people they are when it's really all about them, and IDKYBILY was peak that.

I don't know why that gets under my skin so much, it just does.
turkey smoothie, July 04, 2016, 07:16:20 pm
what episode is this from?
dractivisionary, July 06, 2016, 09:57:01 am

Indiegogo, maybe? Which is a good source of infuriating in general.


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There are plenty that made me super mad but one subject that always stands out in my mind is that IDKYBILY person.

Every word of that pitch was more upsetting than the last, it was this perfect storm of arrogance and self-absorption disguised as charity and kindness. The kind of person who tweets endless meaningless affirmations and is part of #teamfollowback. The sort of person who desperately begs for everyone to share their "kind words" because they know someone needs to hear them right now. The kind of person who looks at their own charmed life and decides they're qualified to solve everyone else's problems simply because they're too sheltered or lucky to realize they really don't understand them because they've never had them. The kind of person who helpfully does an art project in a national park to beautify the scenery.

The internet's bred this absolutely terrible sort of kindness that's really similar to slacktivism, where folks will just firehose meaningless positivity and "support" at people and all the while loudly wonder at what great people they are when it's really all about them, and IDKYBILY was peak that.

I don't know why that gets under my skin so much, it just does.
turkey smoothie, July 04, 2016, 07:16:20 pm
what episode is this from?
dractivisionary, July 06, 2016, 09:57:01 am

Indiegogo, maybe? Which is a good source of infuriating in general.
Nikaer Drekin, July 06, 2016, 10:37:05 am

Yup. Indiegogo. I remember she got some ridiculous amount of money given the worthlessness of her idea.


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There are plenty that made me super mad but one subject that always stands out in my mind is that IDKYBILY person.

Every word of that pitch was more upsetting than the last, it was this perfect storm of arrogance and self-absorption disguised as charity and kindness. The kind of person who tweets endless meaningless affirmations and is part of #teamfollowback. The sort of person who desperately begs for everyone to share their "kind words" because they know someone needs to hear them right now. The kind of person who looks at their own charmed life and decides they're qualified to solve everyone else's problems simply because they're too sheltered or lucky to realize they really don't understand them because they've never had them. The kind of person who helpfully does an art project in a national park to beautify the scenery.

The internet's bred this absolutely terrible sort of kindness that's really similar to slacktivism, where folks will just firehose meaningless positivity and "support" at people and all the while loudly wonder at what great people they are when it's really all about them, and IDKYBILY was peak that.

I don't know why that gets under my skin so much, it just does.
turkey smoothie, July 04, 2016, 07:16:20 pm
what episode is this from?
dractivisionary, July 06, 2016, 09:57:01 am

Indiegogo, maybe? Which is a good source of infuriating in general.
Nikaer Drekin, July 06, 2016, 10:37:05 am

Yup. Indiegogo. I remember she got some ridiculous amount of money given the worthlessness of her idea.
Nyarai, July 06, 2016, 10:47:37 am
Just listened to that episode and i really want to punch them in the face.


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Ohhhh my fucking god the mothering.com episode is more horrible than I remembered it being.

I really really really really really really really really really hate anti-vaxxers.

"We shouldn't vaccinate against Hep-B since that'd encourage our kids to become SLUTS, just like if there was a vaccine against AIDS (which would be bad)!"

FUCK you.
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