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Topic: Background Jokes  (Read 36482 times)


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Background Jokes #15
Also, your avatar is insisting I should ask you about AK's
BlueDiablo, May 02, 2013, 11:44:27 pm

Have I got a thread for you!

I just noticed that the thread number is, serendipitously, 357.

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Background Jokes #16
One that I recall because I am a huge fucking dork was when Kumquat started singing "Nor-mal mode, NOR-MAL MODE!"

(Not that most of us don't already get it.)


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Background Jokes #17
Um excuse me good sir upon reviewing the episode I believe you will find that it was "normal words" that Kumquat did, in fact, speak. Heh.

(I am now smiling smugly at my computer as I preen my ponytail)

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Background Jokes #18
Um excuse me good sir upon reviewing the episode I believe you will find that it was "normal words" that Kumquat did, in fact, speak. Heh.

(I am now smiling smugly at my computer as I preen my ponytail)
Isfahan, May 03, 2013, 06:46:42 pm

God dammit, you're right!  I remember now, it was in the creepypasta episode, when someone said something couldn't be described with "normal words"!

I'm assuming the etiquette here is that I have to commit ritual suicide to remove this dishonour, but I'm a little worried the appropriate form of ritual suicide is going to involve a dragon dildo.

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Background Jokes #19
I personally love callbacks to earlier episodes, though I'm not particularly good at catching them most of the time. "Fried chicken" has got to be one of my favorites though, since it always makes me smile when it comes up.
montrith, April 03, 2013, 03:59:57 am

Same here. I just start grinning anytime Joan Ocean or Velvet Justice or other favorite 'characters' of mine are mentioned in later episodes.


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Background Jokes #20
Caught  a great new one from one of my favorite episodes today:

"I didn't know Eddie Pepitone was  Juggalo". I think this was John, in response to Lemon's erudite crook voice.


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Background Jokes #21
I think there have been multiple references to Francis E. Dec or the WORLDWIDE GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD, especially on earlier episodes.

For those who don't know, Francis E. Dec was a former lawyer who suffered from schizophrenia and mailed thousands of rants from the mid-1960s until the late-1980s describing the WORLDWIDE MAD DEADLY COMMUNIST GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD who controlled the world, or something.

In the late 1980s, a radio DJ named Doc Britton in Milwaukee happened to receive one of Dec's letters and read it on the air and boosted Dec to underground cult stardom. So in a way, Doc Britton is a predecessor of the F-Plus.

Here are a bunch of his rants.


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Background Jokes #22
Francis Dec's rants were often read aloud over allspeak during TF2 play back in the days when people from PoE (PoEple) actually played TF2. This accounts for some of our background familiarity with them.


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Background Jokes #23
I had to look Dec up to get the reference.  I ve looked up any reference I didn't get from the F-plus so far.  The only one I've utterly failed at is finding what Lemon and Squiddee are talking about when they do that "There goes the fuckin' fandom, watch as it fly by BAD LYANDING oh my gawabout" thing at the end of the Transformers episode.  I still have no idea what that's about.


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Background Jokes #24
That was just us reading some commentary from others reacting to the second screenplay.


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Background Jokes #25
That was just us reading some commentary from others reacting to the second screenplay.
Acierocolotl, June 12, 2013, 05:14:16 pm

I know the initial "there goes the fandom" was, but I thought the rest of that was riffing.  Were those all comments?


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Background Jokes #26
In the background of the Sissykiss episode, Isfahan going "Brett Favre-kun" made me crack up, mostly because it's so quiet and so far from the topic of the episode. So, you know. Not horrifying.


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Background Jokes #27
That was just us reading some commentary from others reacting to the second screenplay.
Acierocolotl, June 12, 2013, 05:14:16 pm

I know the initial "there goes the fandom" was, but I thought the rest of that was riffing.  Were those all comments?
agentmonster cockogue, June 12, 2013, 05:20:06 pm

It's been awhile, so I don't rightfully recall.  Probably?  I certainly didn't riff anything, I can barely muster the imagination required to respond to comments in a remotely timely manner.


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Background Jokes #28
I only just now caught the (I think Isfahan?) joke about Corona virus being the one you get by sharing beer.  it's in an episode I've heard over 20 times, too..."Ignorance of the Law is my Excuse"


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Background Jokes #29
I dunno if it counts as a background joke or not, but in the Men's Rights episode, after the line "Let every man go his on way", Boots' response of "That's not how you spell 'ennui'." got a chuckle out of me, even if it didn't get much of a response from the other readers.