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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 238198 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #75
These were all excellent (coming soon to a streaming service near you!):

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Movies We've Seen Recently #76
I'm currently in the middle of watching American Mary. Either the makeup in this movie is exceptional or they delved deep into the body mod community for their casting. The writers/directors are, I think, sisters, and it's a mostly-female cast, and I feel like there is kind of a refreshing honesty about what it's like to feel powerless in the face of male entitlement and privilege.

Also Katharine Isabelle is a beautiful, beautiful woman.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #77
I watched The Bay today.  Hilaribad with no idea of how parasites work (Do you know what you call a parasite that actively kills its host?  Extinct.) and the line "It may be a fungal bacteria" uttered in dead seriousness.  Totally worth the Netflix stream to watch people get eaten from the inside out by these innocuous chubsters:

So darling!  You can even keep a giant species of them as a pet in Animal Crossing.  You'd think they would have gone with guinea worms or somethin'.

Also they gave bogleech.com's curator $200 because they used real Google results and his design was among them and his tongue-biter shirt sales spiked for a while afterward, so it is a Good Movie.

On a less dumb-as-all-hell note, my sister and I watched Antiviral.  It held its own as a medical espionage movie, but they pushed the BABY CRONENBERG'S FIRST FILM LOOK AT ALL THIS BODY HORROR angle so hard in the trailers that it probably disappointed a lot of people.  It does have some good fuckin' body horror, mind, Matt is very much his father's son, but if you're looking for Videodrome, you're not going to find it.  A good start to a career, though.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #78
Just saw Jobs.

Jesus Christ, that guy was an asshole. Even in this totally biased, 100% pro-Jobs film where he's always right, I still left the theatre with the impression that Steve Jobs is a massive, massive, massive asshole. And throughout the whole movie I kept in mind the fact that Steve Jobs died of an easily survivable cancer just because he was stupid and resorted to alternative medicine shit.

edit: Honestly would have rather watched a movie about parasites. They are no doubt more personable and likable than Steve Jobs.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #79
edit: Honestly would have rather watched a movie about parasites. They are no doubt more personable and likable than Steve Jobs.
Psammetichus, August 16, 2013, 11:20:37 pm

Omigosh, aren't they just?

"Hi I'm a fully functional tongue I'm hiding shhhhh
also I don't make schools of underage minnows mass-produce fishie products"


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Movies We've Seen Recently #80
"Hi I'm a fully functional tongue I'm hiding shhhhh
also I don't make schools of underage minnows mass-produce fishie products"
Delcat, August 16, 2013, 11:45:10 pm

I'm not sure what I'm more disturbed by: that creature or how adorable it looks in there. That should not be cute, god damn it. (Awwww, look at its little eyes! I want to snuggle it but I wouldn't be sure how to...)

Anyway, last night I watched The Devil's Carnival, the next offering from the twisted minds behind Repo! The Genetic Opera. As a huge Repo! fan I went in with high hopes. Once I got used to the all-over-the-place narrative structure I'd say it generally lived up to those hopes, though the really abrupt ending and telegraphing of a sequel was kind of jarring. I'd be really interested to see the live show it was based off at this point to see the differences and similarities but I have no idea if that's still going.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #81
Waltz With Bashir is a Israeli animated war documentary about the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. Its the story of the director's journey to recover his memories of the war. Its really powerful, and the animation is so stunning I mistook it for rotoscoping in a few scenes. For some reason the official website is down, and its only available in Hebrew as far as I know because the audio is taken from the real interviews, but find some subtitles and be prepared to cry and you'll be set.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #82
John Carpenter's In The Mouth of Madness



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Movies We've Seen Recently #83
All my roommates and I watched sharknado. It was as bad/good as expected.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #84
Recently saw Saved!, and I have to say as far as teen dramedies go, it's pretty fantastic. It also take gnashing jagged bites out of Charismatics which is always nice.

Also got around to watching Contagion. Which I adored. You almost never see science and western medicine as the good guys and alt-med woo peddlers as the bad guys, so it was intensely gratifying to have seen the poles shifts. The cold, clinical, and detached atmosphere it had was almost perfect, it got a bit too caught up in its own tension though. The backlash that the alt-med woo peddlers and conspiratorial types had to the film was absolutely fucking brilliant though.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #85
So, there was a reference made to Justin Bieber within the first five minutes of Machete Kills.

The joke was already rotten in the microsecond it took for the sound to travel from the speaker to my ears, from my ears to my temporal lobe, and to finally be processed and understood by my temporal lobe.

Oy vey.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Movies We've Seen Recently #86
I saw American Mary the other night. I thought it very, VERY good.

Then we watched C.H.U.D. and I carved SATAN into the side of a pumpkin.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #87
I've largely been rewatching classics, The Running Man still holds up excellently(amusingly, someone pointed out that an 80's fascist dystopia had less oppressive security measures than modern-day airports in supposedly-liberal democracies) and the Danish movies "The Green Butchers" and "Adam's Apples," which are both pretty excellent dark comedies. One features a pair of pseudo-serial killers and their largely sympathetic attempts at finding happiness and success, the second is about the attempts of an avowed neo-Nazi to destroy a priest's faith simply out of pure spite.

Anyone looking for those two movies in English should probably be prepared for some slightly sub-par, but serviceable, subtitles that miss a few subtleties.

Cuddlegoose: That had best be a NOPE of terror rather than a NOPE of disapproval, because In the Mouth of Madness is one of the few movies I'll throw punches over someone calling bad.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #88
Cuddlegoose: That had best be a NOPE of terror
PurpleXVI, October 12, 2013, 09:42:29 am
It was, and is, and ever shall be. Brrrr.

Watched 1931's Frankenstein the other night. Boris Karloff's performance was, I think, ahead of its time--everyone else seems very mannered for most of the movie, and then you have this creature who's slowly figuring out how to react to stuff.

Having a little horrorfest today in preparation for tomorrow's trip to the Spooky Movie Festival (where I'll be seeing Mortal Remains, which looks like a fun mockumentary). Will report back on the results.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #89
So it turns out this is technically the world premiere of Mortal Remains! The directors took a picture of my ticket; they were very excited to see someone they didn't know personally.

Post-movie verdict: Really good! Didn't fall into a lot of the usual docu-horror traps; not a lot of found footage bullshit; unsettling without being like HERE'S A JUMPSCARE or HERE'S SOME VAGUE AND BLURRY BLOODY OBJECT. Plus the dudes who made it went to high school with the director of the original Blair Witch and were open about his influence on them, which was refreshing.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 09:05:17 pm by CuddleGHOUL »