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Topic: 314: Too Many Pumps  (Read 14078 times)


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314: Too Many Pumps
Dr. Buttplug Shell Game adrenochrome dome


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314: Too Many Pumps #1
I’m not going to go look at the images. Instead, I’ll just work from the assumption that when these guys unzip, their dicks ooze out like syrup from the bottle.
Dr. Buttplug Pavlova


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314: Too Many Pumps #2
havent even gotten to the content, already want to apologize
chai tea latte GirlKisser420 Boots Raingear Lemon


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314: Too Many Pumps #3
cat_examiner Dr. Buttplug Wrought Shell Game


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314: Too Many Pumps #4
cat_examiner Monkey’s Paw Wish Seth "Slimy" Rollins


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314: Too Many Pumps #5
"Siliconed" refers to subcutaneous silicone injections. It's illegal in the US, so people either have to find a shady plastic surgeon, go to another country, or do it themselves.

Monkey’s Paw Wish

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314: Too Many Pumps #6
Alternate Title Suggestion:

"Dick Desacraters and Muff Manglers"
Dr. Buttplug Lemon


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314: Too Many Pumps #7
How will Dick Desecrator get out of this one?
Monkey’s Paw Wish


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314: Too Many Pumps #8
Why would you call the forum New Art?

Dr. Buttplug

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314: Too Many Pumps #9
I'm pumped for this one! But seriously, this type of awful shit fills my heart with girth, I mean mirth.

A Meat

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314: Too Many Pumps #10
This was a fun episode, I wonder what happens on a physiological level when you pump your genitals to that extent. Like, is it an actual edema that happens? I don't and do want to find out about this, but I kinda doubt there are sources

Achilles' Heelies

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314: Too Many Pumps #11
Vinny Possum chai tea latte Mix Ugly In The Morning Wrought Oats A Meat Mr. Hunky Academia Shigan Fatty Bo Batty Wyst MasterOfHope

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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314: Too Many Pumps #12
all the other kids with their pumped up dicks
chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Salubrious Rex Monkey’s Paw Wish Wrought Pavlova Frank West Ugly In The Morning moooo566 (taylor's version) Dr. Buttplug KingKalamari Sauce Dawnswalker


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314: Too Many Pumps #13
all the other kids with their pumped up dicks
Seth "Slimy" Rollins, December 02, 2019, 07:41:41 pm

Did Bozarth give you permission to use his joke?

Shell Game

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314: Too Many Pumps #14
And to think I thought I'd heard the last of The Night Before Christmas parodies.

And.... IT ABSOLUTELY WAS JOHN COUGAR MELLENCAMP. they're no way it wasn't intended to be. I won't be convinced otherwise by anyone.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2019, 12:50:01 pm by Shell Game »