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Topic: 223: Penis Problems & Water  (Read 40842 times)


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223: Penis Problems & Water #45
It actually makes me really sad that these people, who obviously have real problems (sex-related leg numbness? I don't think that's sex-related, honey, you need to see a motherfucking real doctor), are just going straight to bullshit without even considering actual medical care.

Do Indians have a cultural bias against masturbation or something? It seems all of the guys thought that jerking off caused their problems...
Lux, August 14, 2016, 12:41:01 pm

There's a widespread belief that masturbating saps away your male life energy or something like that.
Sherman Tank is a Tool to Release The Nuts, August 14, 2016, 08:43:42 pm

...which is making in-roads in the West thanks to NoFap!
Quark-Antiquark Sherman Tank Dawnswalker Yavuz

Sherman Tank

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223: Penis Problems & Water #46
Apparently "sexologist" is a real term. I didn't believe it either before I did a search, but there it is.


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223: Penis Problems & Water #47
OH man, I have been neglecting F+ lately and didn't catch this (I'd forgotten all about the doc, too!)

Just wanted to reveal the secret of the "theme" in my threads, which is laziness.

If you just do domain limited searches for "farts" and "boners"  you can usually get a solid doc together in about an hour.
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223: Penis Problems & Water #48
I'm pretty sure that site is Indian, which explains so much about the weird language issues. Saying you're "non-vegetarian" is a common thing in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh.
How to Colon Cleanse With Sherman Tank, August 11, 2016, 02:09:26 pm

I don't know if the site is, but the membership definitely is.  I remember being a little conflicted about that, because ESL humor is pretty low hanging fruit, but sticking to farts and boners mostly compensates for that.

Quora was actually a similar situation, it has a big Indian user base and there was definitely plenty of stuff where it didn't make the doc because it felt like maybe the humor was more just laughing at cultural differences.

At any rate, I'm really enjoying listening to this, I don't remember any of the stuff I put in the doc. Have to get back on that "humantaurs and extra limbs fetish" doc soon.
Corn Syrup


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223: Penis Problems & Water #49
Apparently "sexologist" is a real term. I didn't believe it either before I did a search, but there it is.
How to Colon Cleanse With Sherman Tank, August 26, 2016, 06:28:05 pm

I used to know a professional sexologist with a PhD and everything, she was pretty cool.  Good sense of humor, kind of like what I've heard about morticians' sense of humor from people who know them (apparently there's a major subculture of gay morticians, and as a result one of my best friends has had gay morgue sex more than once and has a lot of friends in the industry) except for fuckin' rather than dyin'.
Nifty Nif Liatai


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223: Penis Problems & Water #50
I'm pretty sure that site is Indian, which explains so much about the weird language issues. Saying you're "non-vegetarian" is a common thing in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh.
How to Colon Cleanse With Sherman Tank, August 11, 2016, 02:09:26 pm

I don't know if the site is, but the membership definitely is.  I remember being a little conflicted about that, because ESL humor is pretty low hanging fruit, but sticking to farts and boners mostly compensates for that.

Quora was actually a similar situation, it has a big Indian user base and there was definitely plenty of stuff where it didn't make the doc because it felt like maybe the humor was more just laughing at cultural differences.

At any rate, I'm really enjoying listening to this, I don't remember any of the stuff I put in the doc. Have to get back on that "humantaurs and extra limbs fetish" doc soon.
Old_Zircon, August 30, 2016, 07:41:40 pm

Whois says that it's registered to a company based near Aberdeen. "Influenca Ltd."

Digital Walnut

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223: Penis Problems & Water #51
ESL humor is pretty low hanging fruit
Old_Zircon, August 30, 2016, 07:41:40 pm
I don't care because nothing makes me laugh more than people talking about penis problems in broken English.
Gyro Yavuz Sherman Tank Old_Zircon


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223: Penis Problems & Water #52
ESL humor is pretty low hanging fruit
Old_Zircon, August 30, 2016, 07:41:40 pm
I don't care because nothing makes me laugh more than people talking about penis problems in broken English.
Digital Walnut, September 02, 2016, 02:17:46 am

giv help, pannis is shoot slow
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Digital Walnut


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223: Penis Problems & Water #53
ESL humor is pretty low hanging fruit
Old_Zircon, August 30, 2016, 07:41:40 pm
I don't care because nothing makes me laugh more than people talking about penis problems in broken English.
Digital Walnut, September 02, 2016, 02:17:46 am

Same here.

EDIT: so does the phrase "low hanging fruit" in this context because I am 12.


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223: Penis Problems & Water #54
I just can't get the image out of my head of a guy taking his daughter to a real doctor and saying:

September Liatai Sherman Tank


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223: Penis Problems & Water #55
TAKE 15 DROPS OF 100C HOMEOPATHY UPDATE: The FTC is banning sellers of homeopathic drugs from marketing them as having a basis in science (as long as they can't present evidence that it's scientifically based, which, let's face it, they can't). Of course, they can continue to sell it without claiming that, but it's progress.
Corn Syrup Liatai chai tea latte A Meat Bodark Ragnarok Boobies Sherman Tank


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223: Penis Problems & Water #56
So for my office's secret santa I was given a book of interesting and unusual wordswhich is great for making mefeel like an upper-class and dignified British person. But I come here with INFORMATION!

Allopathy actually has a definition!
The treatment of disease with remedies that have an opposite effect to the symptoms (the opposite of homeopathy)

So it's not just their buzzword for real medicine, it's actually a completely opposed yet largely just as bullshit medical practice!
Bodark Liatai Moose Old_Zircon

Frank West

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223: Penis Problems & Water #57
So for my office's secret santa I was given a book of interesting and unusual wordswhich is great for making mefeel like an upper-class and dignified British person. But I come here with INFORMATION!

Allopathy actually has a definition!
The treatment of disease with remedies that have an opposite effect to the symptoms (the opposite of homeopathy)

So it's not just their buzzword for real medicine, it's actually a completely opposed yet largely just as bullshit medical practice!
Cleretic, December 23, 2016, 07:13:50 pm

That is not correct. The definition is correct, but the term was created by the founder of homeopathy specifically to refer to normal western medicine, so he could differentiate it from his homeopathy, which he viewed as a new and different approach to legitimate medicine, rather than something non-medical.
And I guess the definition is kind of correct, in that medicine does try to treat, say, sickness by using treatments that make you less sick, rather than than through the use of things that make you more sick.
Liatai RoeCocoa Nifty Nif

Sherman Tank

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223: Penis Problems & Water #58


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223: Penis Problems & Water #59
I guess we don't have a general homeopathy thread? I'll post this here.


A tonic for newborns is said to relieve “restlessness,” and the company’s infant teething product claims to treat a baby’s “desire to be held constantly.” The company’s “Children’s Fever Reliever” also somehow reduces “fears” and “oversensitivity.”

Sounds fun. Hi, Victor!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 11:34:50 am by Spooks »