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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 599852 times)


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #975
In SURF, the DOG is replaced with a Hessian matrix-based blob detector.

A Meat

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CTRL+V and post it #976
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #977
SLAM algorithms are tailored to the available resources, hence not aimed at perfection, but at operational compliance.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2020, 12:57:24 pm by Spooks »

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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CTRL+V and post it #978
Plastid terminal oxidase oxidizes reduced PQH2 by reducing O2

Dr. Buttplug

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CTRL+V and post it #979

I wrote the review as a gag, I'm amused that even the hotel didn't object to it being posted in full.


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #980
It is difficult to understand why statisticians commonly limit their inquiries to Averages, and do not revel in more comprehensive views. Their souls seem as dull to the charm of variety as that of the native of one of our flat English counties, whose retrospect of Switzerland was that, if its mountains could be thrown into its lakes, two nuisances would be got rid of at once.
Salubrious Rex chai tea latte

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #981
For Real ✌ It’s The Little Things That Count I Mean Don’t Get Me Wrong I’ve Had My Fair Share Of Mistakes But For Real Its A New Year  And I Am Trying To Be Better I Am Reading More Articles And Getting My Dick Sucked 4 Times A Week Or More I Used To Be In A Bad Way I Thought It Was Halloween But Turns Out It Hasn’t Been Halloween For 2 Years Puts Thing Into Perspective But I Dont Let It Define Me


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CTRL+V and post it #982
 getline(File, line);

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #983
Yo I think the original Kingdom Under Fire got a steam release https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121420/Kingdom_Under_Fire_The_Crusaders/

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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CTRL+V and post it #984
If you can name a better 3 song stretch on a billboard #1 album I'll fight your dad


  • Fave: Heavily Excessive Prekumquatxop
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CTRL+V and post it #985
“We paused it,” the source said. “We went to call our supervisor, and we’re like, ‘There’s a fucking asshole in there! There’s buttholes!’ It wasn’t prominent but you saw it… And you [were] just like, ‘What the hell is that?... There’s a fucking butthole in there.’ It wasn’t in your face—but at the same time, too, if you’re looking, you’ll see it.”
Great Joe Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Salubrious Rex

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #986
Holy Shnikeys! Did I just see a section named “Conscience vs. Commerce”?! If I wasn’t so disgusted by everything cyberthug what Cyberhero Krebs calls “ne’r do wells”, I’d maybe almost could muster anything but contention for any of ’em. Nah, I take that back…

Interested by the sentence, “Responses to the proposal were mixed, with one forum user calling the plan ‘amoral,’ and another pointing out that cybercrime is inherently an immoral affair.”, particularly because I had never heard of the word “amoral” LOL I did a google[dot]com search for “amoral vs. immoral” and the first listing was a grammarly[dot]com entry:

“Amoral means (1) neither moral nor immoral, or (2) lacking moral sensibility. So while immoral and amoral might share a little common ground, there is a clear distinction: immoral things are bad, and amoral things are either neutral from a moral perspective or simply removed from moral considerations.”

So that’s basically having a conscience of convenience or having character that only REALLY shows its true nature when you’re SURE no one else is watching….

These people will be (and probably already are) cyberpimping out their grandmothers and/or grandchildren by virtue of cyberpimping having been “simply removed from moral considerations”; I mean look they even made me say “cyberpimping”, which even just writing feels immoral, twice (oops now thrice) for the first time ever in one sentence that was supposed to be about cyberamorality… LOL

So either way you look at it, Cyberhero Krebs, looks like the answer is still “commerce…” 🙁 Keep fighting the good fight BK, you and Schneier are legends in my book (and by book I don’t mean MS Word or Google Docs or even MS Notepad, I mean one of those spiral notebooks with lines in it that you write on with a pen and isn’t USB, wifi, mobile, etc. – line-height and margins already come preset; you share by ripping out pages; you delete by also ripping out pages but then crumpling them up and throwing them in a trash can – and if you want it shredded you tear up the page into pieces before crumpling; if you want encryption you use pig latin; you alternate color pallets by using different pens and if you want clipboard functionality you use a pencil with an eraser; if you want authentication and timestamping write yer f^cking name and the date in the top right corner of the page; and finally, if obfuscation is your concern, just write like I do and half the time you won’t be able to pretty-print any of it your own damn self)


  • poster formerly known as dragon friend
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CTRL+V and post it #987
We derive upper bounds for the density of angels dancing on the point of a pin. It is dependent on the assumed mass of the angels, with a maximum number of 8.6766*10exp49 angels at the critical angel mass (3.8807*10exp-34 kg).

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #988
yeah isnt the impregnable me daddy guy named gru
the daddy frrm impregndable me

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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CTRL+V and post it #989
Buying BJJ rashguard to stave off feelings of inadequacy