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Topic: Most and Least Likable Subjects?  (Read 12581 times)


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Most and Least Likable Subjects?
I think I may have made a thread like this before in ages past but that was long ago and we've had hundreds of episodes of new content to discuss!

So, as the title says, who do you think have been the most and least likable subjects featured on the podcast thus far? My own opinions:

Most Likeable

Cockrub Warriors - This is more a case where I feel a fair bit of sympathy for them. On the one hand their views of the rest of the LGBT community aren't really the best but on the other hand I feel like their personal rejection of monster cock sex in favor of frottage and making that into a MANLY lifestyle comes very heavily as a reaction to the inherent institutionalized homophobia of society in general. I find we can't dismiss the cockrub warriors as they are a dark mirror to the flaws of our own society.

Rob the Parrot - Guy's just so fuckin' helpful!

Ulilillia - I don't feel this needs any further explanation.

saganfan1983 - I actually think that, inspite of his quirks, he's one of the subjects featured on this podcast that actually seems to be trying to consciously improve himself. While I don't think we ever got a concrete idea about what was going on with him psychologically it was strongly suggested in his writing that he has clinical OCD and is possibly on the autism spectrum and while it's certainly funny to read through him discuss him admitting, in the most somber and serious tone, he was in error to start a one-man crusade against Timon and Puumba because he misunderstood a tv spot when he was a kid the fact that he's able to look back on that and admit fault is a lot more than we've seen from a lot of other subjects. A lot of the stuff read on the podcast (The story about the FTL zealot or the crab with OCD) seem like him working out negative behaviours or psychological habits he used to have and was dissuaded from. So good on him for that!

And a general shout-out to the subjects who stumble on the podcast and have a good sense of humour about it. I think Half-Dude (That guy from the Car Fucking and Plane Fucking episodes who drew anthropomorphic car porn) showed up in the episode comments a while back and seemed pretty chill.

Least Likeable

So general blanket listing for MRAs, PUAs and other assorted sexists with special mention to Roosh V. who holds the distinction of being the only single-subject of this podcast to have been actively declared a hate group by the SPLC.

One from an early episode that's mostly been forgotten is mexicansgohome.com for, you know, the blatant racism.

christiandomesticdiscipline.net - One of the few groups of people where the question "Have you stopped beating your wife" is a legitimate question.

Unschooling/Anti-vaxx Moms - Whose bad life choices are fucking up an entire generation of children!

And special mention to John K., with the recent sexual abuse allegations leveled at him giving him a hard push out of "obnoxious" territory and into "reprehensible".
Corn Syrup Lemon Captain Nobeard GenesisAlwaysSucked Tenerence

Shell Game

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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #1
Most likable: Sinead O'connor.

Least likable: Monkey moms.

Vinny Possum

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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #2
Most Likable:

Least Likable:
Corn Syrup eldritchhat DetectiveSlowpoke


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #3
Three most: Ulillillia, Bboy360, Ulrich Haarburste (or Hans von Hozel/ShakespeareHemmingway/ComicsNix/etc, take your pick)

Three least: Every Pastafarian, Anne Rice, the 15-year-old ketchup kid who doesn't wear diapers

Not "least likable" but "most repugnant": Anti-vax unschoolers, Roosh, the monkey mom who got Back-Alley Dave to whack her "baby's" teeth out

Edit: Don't want to make this too negative, so I'll balance it out with ThaiGay (from the lift-and-carry episode), Nevsky Pazza, and whoever argued against rape in the Debate.org episode.

Edit, again: Just remebered that the eminently likable François Rabelais is technically a subject.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 12:20:05 am by Sham bam bamina! »


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #4
the financial dominatrixes are the least likeable things I've encountered personally. Some of the stuff that didn't make the episode was messed up and absurdly exploitative. It's still in the doc at the end if anyone's curious.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Corn Syrup

A Meat

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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #5
I'll limit myself to three as well, because why not?

Most Likable (Ulililia doesn't count, he's above these categories): Rob the Parrot, Andy Kadir-Buxton (he just wants to change the world for the better, he's just so incredibly bad at it) and that Slovak dude from one of the drugs forums who bragged about how much tea he drank

Least Likable (all the gross exploitative shit I cut out of the Clips4Sale doc thankfully doesn't count): Unschooling, Christian Domestic Violence, The Dozerfleet Founder

honorable mention goes to Reddit as a whole for least likeable on average


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #6
Most Likable: Jeremy Fernandez, Sagandfan1983, ShakespeareHemingway

Least Likable: Roosh V, Einstein, Imaginesfwoah (or whoever was into a person dying while masturbating about them)

Sometimes its hard to separate out which subjects are actually likable and which ones you cannot help but love because they are read with a Huell Howser voice


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #7
Most likeable: WIKIHOW!!!!!

Least likeable: the people who try and convince themselves and each other that mutilating their genitals will finally make them worthwhile as human beings and deserving of love
Corn Syrup

Ramona Chingona

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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #8
Connie Marshall and the Cockrub Warrior Dude are my most likeable. Without context from outside of their episodes, the more bizarre things they posted were still rooted in a larger reality that they seemed to, understandibly, want to protect themselves from.

Just based on what's in her episode, Connie Marshall is trying to exist within a system that isn't equipped to help her, nor does it seem inclined to. I went to her site today to see what she's been up to since the episode was recorded, and things haven't gotten better for her. The site is as dense as ever, and it's NOT great for mobile, but what I was able to see put me made me root for her even more.

Cockrub Warrior Dude says right out the gate that he lived through the AIDS crisis and is emphatic about the fact that monster cock sex can be deadly (though he does it in a pointedly vague manner). I gave his site about the same amount of time I did Connie's today, and the rabbit hole looks about as deep. Cockrub Warrior Dude goes pretty in depth on the site about his experiences as a gay man who didn't like monster cock to begin with in the time leading up to the AIDS crisis, about falling in love, and eventually losing his love to AIDS.

Even within the context of the episodes, both are reacting to things bigger than they are that have badly hurt them, and they seem to be trying to fight that bigger problem. Neither seems to have an ulterior motive. They just have a reality that they've lived through, and they have grievances. They're also interesting, realized individuals that I want to see succeed.

Least likeable are the impotently fragile idiots in the Mexican episode. Sorry that such a lazy, shifty  ~*~nationality~*~ of people somehow managed to upend your superior life trajectory. Let's reward their desire for a better life by murdering them in the borderlands.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Lemon chai tea latte KingKalamari Sherman Tank Dawnswalker GenesisAlwaysSucked

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #9
Most likeable: the people from episode 200

Least likable: see above


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #10
Let me reiterate: fuck OldGrimey.
Ramona Chingona

Sitting Here

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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #11
Most likable: Balloon dragons

Least likable: People who pop balloon dragons >: (
SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game moooo566 (taylor's version) EYE OF ZA Shigan Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Corn Syrup Ramona Chingona Penultimatum Lemon


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #12
Excuse me, Ceralor is a balloony drake.
Sitting Here Shell Game chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #13
I like the people who are super niche or fixated on their thing, but are still benign and/or harmless. Saganfan and Anglegrinder man are great examples.  I also like those who are mysitified by or struggling with ordinary stuff, like the bidet discussion in the Gamefaqs episode. Or the ever-present controversial last chips in the Pringles can that just don't have a solution for extracting.

I also like those who get into heated online arguments about really dumb shit, like the slapfight on Highdeas or the great Achievement Boosting Controversy debate.

Least favorite are the obvious ones like nazis and bigots, but there's also the subtly creepy ones, like the guy who wrote a (100% real) story of how he fucked a girl who wore a oculus rift headset, or the guy who was "subtly" trying to get the girl he was dating to wear large hoop earrings or that whole insane sequence in the gloves episode where someone's girlfriend's friend was visiting and he tried to get her to wear gloves. For some reason I find those worse than most other sexist stuff.
Sherman Tank KingKalamari GirlKisser420
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 07:54:33 am by dickthedick »


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Most and Least Likable Subjects? #14
Least favorite are the obvious ones like nazis and bigots, but there's also the subtly creepy ones, like the guy who wrote a (100% real) story of how he fucked a girl who wore a oculus rift headset, or the guy who was "subtly" trying to get the girl he was dating to wear large hoop earrings or that whole insane sequence in the gloves episode where someone's girlfriend's friend was visiting and he tried to get her to wear gloves. For some reason I find those worse than most other sexist stuff.
dickthedick, August 14, 2019, 07:52:54 am

Definitely agreed. I think this stuff is so off-putting because it crosses a bunch of boundaries and issues of consent that the perpetrators either don't understand or don't care about. Just because the actions themselves aren't inherently sexual to the other person doesn't mean it's okay to drag them into participating in your sex fantasy without consent. It's the same basic reason why stuff like "creepshots" or flashing are so skeevy.

It's fine to have a weird fetish. It's fine to indulge in a weird fetish. But if you do make sure all participants are aware of and cool with what's going on.