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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017589 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

  • Beep Beep Imma Dwarf Jeep
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  • 🍕 Pizza Philosopher 🍕
  • 3,984
  • 423
Those gripper/hand strengtheners with the bits for individual fingers make kick ass as fidgets during overlong video meetings. Not only are you making your fingers buff, you can channel your rage at people making dumb AF requests into your hand instead of your face!
Great Joe Emperor Jack Chick

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132
an intrusive thought I've had for weeks now: what if you deepthroated a turkey baster and used it to extract phlegm from your throat

Salubrious Rex

  • Paid
  • 1,248
  • 42
If a porn actor has a brand logo tattooed on them does it have to be censored in the video?
chai tea latte Penultimatum


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141
Porn site Notflex, where weak men suffer at the hands and feet of bodybuilding women, declares bankruptcy, stop.
First season of flagship series "Stronger playThings" does not jibe with target audience, stocks in freefall, stop.

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,839
  • -420
Many people come up to me, they're saying, Mr. Trump, they say, I saw a mudcrab the other day. Oooh! Very nasty creatures. Nasty, aren't they nasty, folks? How dumb are we, that these are still around? And they're so much smaller than they used to be, we're looking into that.
GirlKisser420 Salubrious Rex Great Joe Frank West


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
  • Paid
  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
  • 3,804
  • 180
Around the start of quarantine the hot meme was ‘broken man gets dick crushed in a rolling press’ so it’s impossible to say how fucking deranged online is gonna be in a week
GirlKisser420, March 22, 2020, 04:27:19 am

this prediction bore out pretty well
jim and the mammograms chai tea latte

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
  • Ridiculist
    • 1,670
    • 360
If I had the money I would absolutely commission an F Plus otoMAD featuring artwork from various cool people in the visuals


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
  • Paid
  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
  • 3,804
  • 180
why bother getting nfts when you can just buy a web address off a domain registry. That's unique, actually has some value as shitty fake real estate and doesnt explode a forest to get. The only downside is it doesnt come with a fursona but you can get a better one for 20 dollars from some twitter


  • she/her
  • Paid
  • ridin' high in my supervan
    • 626
    • 24
why bother getting nfts when you can just buy a web address off a domain registry. That's unique, actually has some value as shitty fake real estate and doesnt explode a forest to get. The only downside is it doesnt come with a fursona but you can get a better one for 20 dollars from some twitter
GirlKisser420, October 14, 2021, 04:48:57 pm

Time for Lemon and Portaxx to team up on a "buy this domain name I just thought up + its customized fursona mascot" bundle deal
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Seth "Slimy" Rollins Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa jim and the mammograms chai tea latte A Meat Great Joe Shell Game moooo566 (taylor's version) Lemon Frank West


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141
Will the real Slim Pussy please yank up?
chai tea latte Lemon

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132
forcing myself to masturbate to worse and worse drawn art, incrementally drifting away from an accurate representation of the human form, until I completely lose the concept of what people look like and reach enlightenment
Lemon jim and the mammograms


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
  • Paid
  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
  • 3,804
  • 180
forcing myself to masturbate to worse and worse drawn art, incrementally drifting away from an accurate representation of the human form, until I completely lose the concept of what people look like and reach enlightenment
A Meat, October 15, 2021, 03:22:07 am

thats just being a furry
Lemon A Meat Great Joe chai tea latte jim and the mammograms

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132
People should go back to calling dinghies cockboats


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141
A pomegranate may have little grapes inside it, but it's not a grapefruit. That's just a tangier orange. But not a tangerine, that's something else.
chai tea latte

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,954
  • 667
A pomegranate may have little grapes inside it, but it's not a grapefruit. That's just a tangier orange. But not a tangerine, that's something else.
Spooks, October 17, 2021, 10:52:57 am
Helping They Might Be Giants with some lyrics I see...
xX_sp00ks_Xx A Meat Salubrious Rex Emperor Jack Chick Victor Laszlo Great Joe Dr. Buttplug GirlKisser420 Frank West Lemon