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Topic: Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content  (Read 22604 times)

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #15

as hiphop as it gets

Mister Smalls

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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #16
Anyway, my favorite troper is the one who was explicitly incapable of having creative thoughts.
EYE OF ZA, August 24, 2014, 07:43:16 pm

This is probably the single most broken human being I've ever seen, and I'm not saying that in a mean or mocking way, because I legitimately can't bring myself to laugh at this.  This is a person who needs serious help.


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #17
Yep, that sure is a profligate Wikipedia contributor. Yes it is.


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #18
"Bottomless clip" for a "six-chambered revolver?"

Revolvers don't use clips, asshole. But I guess he had to use that term because it's the name of a trope and God help you if you don't fucking invoke trope names all throughout your posts on TVTropes.

And yes, Acierocolotl, I'm reading this.
Isfahan, August 24, 2014, 06:16:18 pm

Yeah, my joke didn't quite come out the way I wanted it to.  You kinda stood in for "generic gun nut".


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #19
Jacques Derrida's ghost is angry somewhere and doesn't know why.
KingKalamari, August 24, 2014, 05:06:49 pm

You should really refer to it as a specter, not a ghost.

(Damn it, I paid enough for this Ph.D. that I'm going to wring as much use out of it as possible.)

Fatty Bo Batty

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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #20

Nickel_Nips SHAMBA~1.SBB

chai tea latte

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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #21
I actually had to restrain myself at this part:
No one wants to hear about the things I do know, like which hymnals have "Amazing Grace" in F major and which have it in G major, or the previous occupants of my town's Goodwill.
People totally might be interested in these things! If you literally can't describe yourself but you can fucking expound on The Life Of A Church Organist (oh man, half our congregation was singing in a different key!) then, jesus, do that, aaaagggghhh what an unfortunate dude


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #22
One of the things aside from an overly methodical approach to writing, though related to it in a way, is the same problem the subjects have in pretty much any F+ episode about creative outlets: a total lack of vulnerability. So many of them want to get patted on the back for writing, but none of them understand that writing or painting or cooking or making decorative cell phone holders out of wool means that you're going to have to expose yourself, but they're so totally insecure and terrified of criticism. For them, writing is just a way to fit into a role. They (attempt to) start writing because, hey! I like TV and stuff! I like the people who write this TV show! I should write TV and stuff so I can be like people who write TV! instead of starting because they actually have anything they want to express. They may certainly have a fantastic story hiding inside themselves, but they never even consider writing about it because they want to write about people in trench coats to look cool.
Lemon count_actuala chai tea latte Sherlockian slandersonn Really_Quite_Nice


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #23
Honestly, tropers are so afraid of criticism that criticism is barely even allowed. If a troper posts their work and you dare say anything "negative" you'll get ganged up on for being mean. And yes, constructive criticism counts as negative for a lot of them. The hugbox mentality is a complete detriment and their motto is pretty much There Is No Such Thing As Notability. Every work is notable, every word posted is awesome, every writer is special (and yes we are all writers because we think about writing a lot and that's totally the same as actually writing a lot).

Annoying as it is, it is pretty entertaining. They have a thread where they post their favorite lines from their work and it's the funniest goddamn thing.


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #24
"Crowdsourcing Dozerfleet" is an interesting way to put it, because I don't know if you knew this, but Dozerfleet is a troper.

Of course he's a troper.

Unfortunately not quite a DeadHorseTrope yet, the basic idea of this one is that all homosexuals (especially gay men) have a sexual interest in children and will molest them if they get a chance. The occasional news story of a gay male adopting a child, and then turning right around and involving the child in pedophilia-related activities (think Frank Lombard, formerly of Duke University) will only rekindle and reinforce these fears.  Questionable bills sometimes enter the US Congress that want to legalize sodomy instruction for kindergarten classrooms, an unfortunate reality which only reinforces the primary fear that ''all'' gays are trying to "recruit" children as part of the ''"Gay agenda"'' (related to RapeAndSwitch). Somebody ThinkOfTheChildren!

From the 70s onward, Hollywood has grown less sympathetic towards portrayals of the DepravedHomosexual (although examples do occasionally pop up.)  Most examples below of "AllGaysArePedophiles" which are from the 70's to today are subversions, playing on people's fears only to reveal that the gays (in the given examples at least) aren't pedophiles after all.  Often, the person making the claim is portrayed as a bigot whom the audience is supposed to side against from the start.  Pedophiles exist of either orientation in RealLife, and a great many of them are heterosexual or even [[DepravedBisexual bisexual]].Quote from

Someone reverted that, so then he rewrote it.

The basic idea of this one is that ''all'' homosexuals (especially gay men) have a sexual interest in children; and will molest them if they get a chance.  The primary fear being propagated here is that ''all'' gays are trying to "recruit" children as part of the ''"Gay agenda"'', the way that the DC Lesbian Avengers proudly claim to on their T-shirts. (Related to RapeAndSwitch).  Somebody ThinkOfTheChildren! While disturbing links between a small handful of gay activist organizations and pedophile activist organizations do exist (think GLASS in California actively encouraging child sex, OUT in Maine having key member Adam Landers convicted for child molestation, and 33% surveyed in one study admitted to sex with minors, etc.,) many gays will readily pounce on anyone who dares suggest that this is a ''majority'' characteristic.

It's been reverted again, but it's still got the "many gays will readily pounce on anyone" line.  He also made some edits to the 'heteronormative crusader' trope saying that heteronormative crusaders are just trying to help their friends stay safe and not be gay, and he changed a link that said "studies have shown that homophobes are more likely to be gay" to "one study suggested that it's possible for homophobes to have same-sex attractions."

The author of ''StationeryVoyagers'', all the way back in 2004, described one of the many enemies the Voyagers would face in their third season being a [[{{Gayngster}} gay terrorism]] group called the Crooked Rainbow, which would target with violence literally anyone that they could not successfully recruit to gay political causes.  This included molotoving buses and individuals, kidnappings, and blackmailing politicians and church leaders, even 14-year-old girls, with death threats left on answering machines.  Most who sided with more politically correct views readily dismissed the author's "[[StrawCharacter strawman]]."  Until similar things started happening in real life.  When the Voyagers ''tried'' to remain neutral, they were soon met with JoinOrDie.  And faced constant attempts on their lives when they finally did choose the opposing side.  The author began to worry that his publicized production notes might be giving some troublemakers ideas.

On another page, he claims that Don't Ask Don't Tell being repealed has caused a rise in zoophilia.


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #25
Morwen Eledhwen has been working on that same shitty book for at least 10 years; when I encountered it, she was posting about it on a writers' board for pro, semi-pro, and aspiring writers. At that time, it was set in Honduras rather than Cuba, it was dieselpunk rather than steampunk, and Che was a black sugarcane cutter rather than a robot. I had even less patience for it than Lemon did.

And, shit, Haggis McCrablice is Iconoclast? Holy crap. The CWCki delved into his craziness a while back.


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #26
Honestly, tropers are so afraid of criticism that criticism is barely even allowed. If a troper posts their work and you dare say anything "negative" you'll get ganged up on for being mean. And yes, constructive criticism counts as negative for a lot of them. The hugbox mentality is a complete detriment and their motto is pretty much There Is No Such Thing As Notability. Every work is notable, every word posted is awesome, every writer is special (and yes we are all writers because we think about writing a lot and that's totally the same as actually writing a lot).

Annoying as it is, it is pretty entertaining. They have a thread where they post their favorite lines from their work and it's the funniest goddamn thing.
Digamma, August 26, 2014, 01:00:17 pm

This is also how you get an entire section of the site dedicated to applying tropes to Online roleplaying games

...Wait, scratch that. While trying to find that link I discovered it's even stupider than I thought because they have separate categories for Online Roleplays that are specific to Livejournal and another specifically for Play by Post games

Also also I stumbled on this while looking through the web originals section for the above links. I've seen it referenced on pretty much every goddamned page of the wiki and had no idea what the fuck it was supposed to be until recently. Let's see what the page has to say...

The Whateley Universe is a Web Original prose Shared Universe in a Superhero School scenario with elements of the Cthulhu Mythos added into it. It was inspired by an X-Men fanfic written by one of Whateley's many authors.

...Okay? I don't know why this is added to every trope page ever but...

In one of many twists, between a sixth to a third of the students have a subconscious image of the form that their body ought to take, known as their Body Image Template (BIT). Mutants with a BIT generally gain either a physical or mental package of powers, frequently both. The physical package includes both beauty and brawn, the mental package includes major intelligence boosts as well as memory, etc. A BIT may change any aspect of a person's body, including their sex. In some cases the transformation may turn them into inhuman whatevers right out of a horror movie.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #27
Whateley universe could easily be its own ep


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #28
I was going to include Whateley Universe in the 'superhero roleplaying' episode, when I thought 'well, maybe Cryptic's MMOs aren't goig to provide quite enough, maybe I should get something more substantial'. I couldn't find where to start with Whateley, though, and City of Heroes overprovided.


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Episode 148: Exclusive Unoriginal Content #29
Whateley universe could easily be its own ep
AgentCoop, August 26, 2014, 07:05:05 pm

Encountering the Whateley universe in every single trope page was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for me, back when I would still browse TV tropes for amusement.