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Topic: Episode 179: Use Only Food Grade Ingredients  (Read 20614 times)


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Mock apple pie is one of those Midwestern recipes from the days before refrigerated shipping, like tuna noodle casserole or Jell-O salad, that you could make from cheap, shelf-stable ingredients but still approximated something that would usually be out-of-season or too expensive to make.  It has a proud heritage, even if it's completely pointless to make nowadays.
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Sherman Tank

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This episode is the second place I've seen a sauce for meat made from a combination of mustard and grape jelly. Apparently it was a thing in the 1950s.

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I had a coworker that swore by it. This was the coworker who saw her dying husband as a mild inconvenience so


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I feel like I really have seen it happen, maybe even tasted it, but every time I reach back in my memory and try to dredge up when it was or what it tasted like if I ate it, it's gone. Come on I have to have run across the jelly/mustard thing in at least one awful Midwestern basement party but when was it : /

Maybe this is one of those situations where your mind is trying to protect you by keeping you from realizing the truth. Like Lovecraft.


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Maybe, but how do you find yourself with spare cucumbers but no apples?
Lift Like There's No Sherman Tank, April 23, 2016, 06:56:01 am

Because it's much easier to grow squashes/gourds in your garden than apples and you can't grow them in quantities in less than "oh god how am I going to get rid of all these".
Which is to say that I grew up eating a lot of zucchini based faux apple pies.


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Most adorable stinger ever!

The "fudge" in the first recipe reminds me of a wider horrible trend in desserts I discovered recently, which I can only describe as "white trash versions of more complicated and sophisticated food". The example that comes to mind is this abominable so-called truffle dessert which is just cream cheese and Oreos crushed and rolled into a ball, completely disregarding the meaning of the word truffle in the confectionery sense.
Neal, June 27, 2015, 02:20:30 pm
That sounds slightly better than the Sandra Lee version which is literally cake frosting and vanilla extract i think.