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Topic: Nonunsafe party games  (Read 4683 times)

Zsa Zsa

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Nonunsafe party games
What are some relatively non-disgusting party games that a group of people could get up to at a wedding party. My friend needs advice on this as she is helping organize it. I suggested orange translation, which is a game where you hold a large orange in the crook of your chin and pass it down a line of friends. It is an opportunity for hilarious intimacy. Probably you all know something of the sort. Please post it here.

I should have posted this earlier, we must know for tomorrow. Thank!


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Nonunsafe party games #1
What are some relatively non-disgusting party games that a group of people could get up to at a wedding party. My friend needs advice on this as she is helping organize it. I suggested orange translation, which is a game where you hold a large orange in the crook of your chin and pass it down a line of friends. It is an opportunity for hilarious intimacy. Probably you all know something of the sort. Please post it here.

I should have posted this earlier, we must know for tomorrow. Thank!
Zseh! Zseh!, October 17, 2014, 11:17:09 am

One I actually had a lot of fun with is having the person getting married describe their spouse and everyone has to draw a picture based solely on that description. As long as they don't go into describing their partner's genitals.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Nonunsafe party games #2
Everyone sits in a circle. Each person has bits of scrap paper.

Everyone writes a sentence on his or her paper. For example, "I love ice cream" or "I wish for world peace". Then everyone passes the paper to his or her right and receives the paper from his or her left.

Now everyone turns over the bit of scrap paper they've just received, and attempts to illustrate (very simply--in 1 minute or less) the sentence they were handed. They then pass this to their right.

WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE REVERSE SIDE, each person then starts a new piece of paper and writes down what they think the drawing they just received depicts. They then pass this and the paper they received along to the right. When everyone has a stack roughly corresponding to how many people are playing, everyone examines how their original statement has been corrupted by interpretation.

It's like Telephone but with an extra step where you make silly drawings!


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Nonunsafe party games #3
Pickle Ball

You have to wait until 3am when everyone is massively drunk. Have people pair off, pretend to write down a round-robin tourney manifest on a piece of paper (you are too drunk to write)

Get one partner of each pair to sit on the floor, legs spread. Hand the other person a pickle. The goal of the game is to push the pickle up one pant leg, through the crotch and out the other pant leg. Blow a whistle or belch or something when it's time to start.