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Topic: So I'm taking a unity game development course  (Read 16016 times)


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I finally finished my text adventure.  I spent hours trying to figure out how to update the image so it changed with each room, but ultimately gave up.  I started by trying to handle it with TextController, but kept on getting errors until I realized I needed a separate script for the image.  I set one up with SpriteRender, but I couldn't get it to work without deleting the original object for the image.  After that it would never display properly, and I decided that was enough time wasted on the first game.

Anyway, I noticed a lot of people were having trouble getting Unity working on their computers, so I made a game about helping people to install it.  If you have Unity installed you should be able to play my game about installing Unity with no problems.

Here is the link!
Healslime, April 17, 2016, 05:25:42 pm

Got to kill a bunch of patients day after day after day. 10/10
(Next time though, make sure to double check the export resolution, I had to fullscreen it because text was getting cut off)


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Ack, it looked like it wasn't handling the resolution properly with the directions they gave me, so I cut it down a bit.  I'll avoid screwing with parameters like that in the future.

Thanks for letting me know.