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Topic: Best introductory episode?  (Read 11652 times)


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Best introductory episode? #15
I would say either #106: Asgard Doesn't have Alimony Laws Or #129: You May Fistbump the Spouse. Great introductions to the weirdo awfulness, without getting tooooo awful gross. Also a good way to showcase the format of the episodes.

Then I would give them one that focuses on a particular fetish/awful thing. the smokers or the car fuckers or plushophiles or the dick bug lovers as a second course to demonstrate the depths the episodes can reach.

Then, for dessert, an episode focused on pure idiots. Epinions or binaural beats or spells or the singlular focused crazies (Like the latest one would be amazing for this one.)


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Best introductory episode? #16
Here's a partially related question: how does this even come up in conversation? Maybe I just don't have the sort of friends who might be interested in this, but I absolutely cannot imagine saying "hey, I think you'd like this podcast about dickbugs." I've recommended it once to someone who I was talking about audiophiles to, but if someone doesn't already have an interest in weird internet shit, I can't imagine bringing it up.
moooo566, February 21, 2016, 07:51:30 am
Everyone I've shown this podcast to either is entrenched in weird crap to begin with (making it kinda funny to show them episodes about their interest), or at the very minimum have a guilty pleasure for watching cringe videos.So, I guess I'm saying that I knew them well enough to either bring it up in response in conversation, or just simply spring it on them during a lull. You ease them into it first that way before breaking out dickbugs.

Sherman Tank

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Best introductory episode? #17
Here's a partially related question: how does this even come up in conversation? Maybe I just don't have the sort of friends who might be interested in this, but I absolutely cannot imagine saying "hey, I think you'd like this podcast about dickbugs." I've recommended it once to someone who I was talking about audiophiles to, but if someone doesn't already have an interest in weird internet shit, I can't imagine bringing it up.
moooo566, February 21, 2016, 07:51:30 am

[me laughing at work with headphones on]
Co-Worker: What are you laughing about?
Me: Oh, I'm listening to a podcast that mocks dumb shit on the internet.


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Best introductory episode? #18
I usually go with the Hans von Hozel/ShakespeareHemmingway episode.

Nikaer Drekin

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Best introductory episode? #19
I usually go with the Hans von Hozel/ShakespeareHemmingway episode.
Laocius, February 21, 2016, 11:36:17 am

That's probably a good one, because if STOGfield doesn't convince someone to listen to the podcast I don't know what will!


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Best introductory episode? #20
I usually say food or audiophiles, but I'm thinking Kadir-Buxton might be pretty good. It's not too disgusting, but it's got some weird sex, as well as some wikihow and a lot of good pure crazy.
moooo566, February 21, 2016, 04:17:49 am

Audiophiles or Sins of the Djinn would be my first picks.


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Best introductory episode? #21
Hmm, so Roy Orbison in clingfilm seems to have fallen out of vogue as an ambassador/evangelical episode? I'm surprised nobody's mentioned it yet.

I myself would suggest something with retarded fanfictions or scripts: episodes 9, 46, and 53, for example. But that's my favorite sort of reading, so I'm biased.

Sherman Tank

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Best introductory episode? #22
Hmm, so Roy Orbison in clingfilm seems to have fallen out of vogue as an ambassador/evangelical episode? I'm surprised nobody's mentioned it yet.
Isfahan, February 21, 2016, 07:41:42 pm

I mentioned it in emote form.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Best introductory episode? #23
I always go with the singing episode

I am also very bad at this.
Nifty Nif

Nifty Nif

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Best introductory episode? #24
I think any Wikihow episode makes a good gateway, but I recently recommended r/un_away to a friend who has a particularly high tolerance (enjoyment?) of grossness, so we'll see how that works out.


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Best introductory episode? #25
My introduction to the F Plus was a friend just linking me to the Lyrical Guesstimation of Lady ft. Fella - I Need. Talk shit and he resembles moss.
From there I knew I needed more and just jumped into the newest episode, which was 128: Pioneers of Squat Cracking.
I wasn't an atrocity tourist at all, but the whole format of readings and jokes and that banter that goes on is just hysterical.
I guess the moral is don't underestimate your friends. If they don't like the humor, it won't matter where you throw them in, and if they do enjoy it, then they'll keep listening long enough to find the good stuff.