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Topic: Words That Make Noises You Hate?  (Read 34908 times)


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #45
'lunch' is a singularly unappetizing sound.


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #46
'lunch' is a singularly unappetizing sound.
memorylikeasieve, June 13, 2016, 06:02:16 pm

"Lunch" is like an onomatopoeia for the eating of that Doritos sandwich from that one food episode of the F Plus.
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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #47
I don't like the word 'cumin.'

I don't know why. There is just something about when people say it


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #48
I have a special grudge against the Scottish Gaelic word "fliuch," meaning "wet." As in, "tha i fliuch an-diugh," "it's wet (outside) today."

Seems like a simple enough word, right? How do you reckon it's pronounced? (If you're at all familiar with Gaelic languages, you know this is a trap. :B)

It's not "flee-ooch," since that I is one of those extra silent vowels that makes Gaelic a pain in the butt to read sometimes. It's not "flooch," like "hootch" would sound if it had an "fl" at the beginning. It's also not "fluh(kh)," where (kh) stands for the Gaelic "ch" as in "och" or "ach," which is pronounced in the back of the throat. No, if it was ANY of those, I could pronounce it easily.

It's "floo(kh)."


I feel like I'm listening to someone hock up mucus from their throat every time. And I cannot pronounce it. ^^;

It's not out of sheer "augh, Gaelic" either!  I can rattle off "tha mi ag iarraidh cupa tì gun bainne, mas e ur toil e" and other such phrases with absolutely no problems whatsoever. It's just.... fliuch. Ugh. Fliuch.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Fanzay Eider Duck


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #49
I have a special grudge against the Scottish Gaelic word "fliuch," meaning "wet." As in, "tha i fliuch an-diugh," "it's wet (outside) today."

Seems like a simple enough word, right? How do you reckon it's pronounced? (If you're at all familiar with Gaelic languages, you know this is a trap. :B)

It's not "flee-ooch," since that I is one of those extra silent vowels that makes Gaelic a pain in the butt to read sometimes. It's not "flooch," like "hootch" would sound if it had an "fl" at the beginning. It's also not "fluh(kh)," where (kh) stands for the Gaelic "ch" as in "och" or "ach," which is pronounced in the back of the throat. No, if it was ANY of those, I could pronounce it easily.

It's "floo(kh)."


I feel like I'm listening to someone hock up mucus from their throat every time. And I cannot pronounce it. ^^;

It's not out of sheer "augh, Gaelic" either!  I can rattle off "tha mi ag iarraidh cupa tì gun bainne, mas e ur toil e" and other such phrases with absolutely no problems whatsoever. It's just.... fliuch. Ugh. Fliuch.
Liatai, June 13, 2016, 08:59:41 pm

What the fuck it's just a hard H-sound ya big baby


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #50
What the fuck it's just a hard H-sound ya big baby
Fanzay, June 17, 2016, 11:49:35 am

It's hard to go from front-of-the-mouth "ooo" to the throaty "khh," okay! XP

(I would have so much trouble with German. :B)


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #51
Every single word for male genitalia sounds immensely unsexy.

Especially 'scrotum'.


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #52
Every single word for male genitalia sounds immensely unsexy.

Especially 'scrotum'.
Cleretic, June 18, 2016, 07:30:25 pm

Have to disagree with you there, all those words are scrotally awesome!!
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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #53

It means pretty much exactly the same thing as strategic but it has an annoying extra syllable. Thankfully it isn't in common use outside old books and some bad writers in the UK.
Nifty Nif Corn Syrup


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #54
"Sis," like when a character in a book or a show is talking to their sibling. Not bro though, probably because of all of the other things I associate 'bro' with. Such as forced fake surfer lingo, or brojobs.

A Meat

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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #55
"Sis," like when a character in a book or a show is talking to their sibling. Not bro though, probably because of all of the other things I associate 'bro' with. Such as forced fake surfer lingo, or brojobs.
Sovereign, July 11, 2016, 01:34:55 am
Sis is acceptable if you're being unbearably sarcastic and condescending


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #56
I don't like the word 'cumin.'

I don't know why. There is just something about when people say it
Kaleidoscope, June 13, 2016, 08:23:59 pm

Oh, well you'd probably hate Paula Dean's debut erotic novel Cumin in my Pantries.
Sovereign I Liked That Joke A Whirring Bone-White Gleech


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #57
Banff. Nice place, but I hate the name.


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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #58
When I was a small child I didn't like the color blue, because the word blue sounded like an onomatopoeia for vomiting. (think Blurgh Bleugh Bluhrg etc)

I grew out of that completely but it's still funny to reflect on.

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Words That Make Noises You Hate? #59
"nuke-you-ler" makes me stupidly angry and I can't even pinpoint why
Corn Syrup